Sequence Rules and Laws – 5ème

School Rules


·  You can do sport at midday time.
·  You can go to clubs.
·  You can ask questions to your teachers.
·  You can ask for an appointment with your teachers.
·  You can learn new things from your teachers.
·  You can borrow books at the library.
·  You can read.
·  You can ask for advice from the «COP».
·  You can help others.
·  You can ______/ Obligations
·  You must arrive on time.
·  You have to work.
·  You must do your homework.
·  You have to learn your lesson.
·  You must respect the others, teachers or pupils.
·  You have to respect the rules of the school.
·  You must have your books.
·  You have to be polite at all times.
·  You must respect the others’ belongings.
·  You must ______
·  You mustn’t arrive late.
·  You mustn’t fight or insult the others.
·  You mustn’t use your mobile in class.
·  You mustn’t lie about the others.
·  You mustn’t forget your books.
·  You mustn’t forget your homework or copybook.
·  You mustn’t be impolite.
·  You mustn’t ______/ Unnecessary
·  You don’t have to wear a uniform.
·  You don’t have to take all your books every day.
·  You don’t have to know everything.
·  You don’t have to be silent all the time.
·  You don’t have to ______
