Outcome 3: A student uses and describes language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts (EN4-3B).


  • Engage personally with text ideas and information in a range of styles

Day 1:Resources: PP dolch flashcards, ‘Dad and Dan Go Fishing’ texts, vocab flashcards, spelling worksheet, comprehension worksheet, small whiteboard, markers, eraser, pens
Lesson focus:Introduction to set PP Dolch words and Introduction to ‘Dad and Dan Go Fishing’.
PP Dolch Words
  • Use the PP set of Dolch flashcards and get student to say the words as they are flipped over – (complete individually) record results on sheet.
Setting the Scene& Visual Literacy
  • Look at front and back covers – discuss title and illustrations
  • Student/s predicts story
  • Look at the pictures in the story – get student/s to describe the characters + which part of the illustration look the most realistic?
  • Provide an overview – this text is an information report, it provides us with information about caves and describes what cavers do and why cavers like to go into caves and the dangers involved.
  • Check background knowledge- “Where do you find caves, what might you find in a cave, have you ever been in a cave?
Modelled Reading
  • Read the story
  • Go through flashcards/vocabulary words: acid, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, cave, caver, gas, hard hat, needs, rain, slipping, torch
  • Student/s completes pre spelling test of vocab words.
  • Together look at the Comprehension sheet and answer the questions by rereading the text.

  • Develop and apply contextual knowledge – purpose, audience and context of texts: recognise and use appropriate metalanguage, spell accurately, language choices, punctuation and spelling rules

Dad and Dan Go Fishing – Level 6

Day 2:Resources: PPdolch flashcards, texts, vocab flashcards, phonics and vocabulary worksheets, small whiteboard, markers, eraser, pens
Lesson focus: student/s continues to develop automaticity of PP dolch words contextual understanding of the text and phonological awareness of words through worksheet exercises.
PP Dolch Words
  • Go through PPDolch Flashcards – record results on sheet (individually).
Shared Reading
  • Revisit last lesson – discuss the story: who, what, where, when and why.
  • Student/s (or teacher/student) take it in turns to read a paragraph.
  • Flashcards/vocab words.
  • Student/s complete the vocabulary worksheet – discuss technical terminology of text.
  • Student/s complete phonics worksheets – pay attention to phonological patterns: -ave (p4), -ow (p5), -ain (10).

Day 3:Resources: PP dolch flashcards, texts, vocab flashcards, spelling worksheet, writing worksheet, small whiteboard, whiteboard markers, whiteboard eraser, pens
Lesson focus: student/s continues to develop automaticity of PP dolch words and grammatical understanding through writing worksheet.
PP Dolch Words
  • Go through PP Dolch Flashcards – record results on sheet (individually).
Shared Reading
  • Student/s (or teacher/student) take it in turns to read a paragraph
  • Flashcards/vocab words
  • Vocab spelling test
  • Student/s complete the writing worksheet OR write as a group using small whiteboard and markers (students then transcribe onto worksheet) – make sure student/s understand the following components of a narrative: Orientation – introduces the main characters and tells where and when the story takes place; Complication – the sequence of events develops a problem for the characters; Resolution: the problem is solved and things return to normal – ALSO – use of nouns, adjectives, time connectives, adverbs of time and place, past tense action verbs and saying verbs.
  • Final discussion of the text –
What is this text about?
Why has it been written?
Who is telling the story?
Describe the relationship between Dad and Dan? Do you think they get on well together? How do you know?
What was the best part of the book & Why?
What was the best part of the book & Why?
Which character did you like the best & Why?