TEL 01580 291322


THIS AGREEMENTis made on the day of 20




(2) [ ] of

[ ] (“owner”)

Mrs A P Offen agrees to accept for Retirement Livery at Worsenden Farm the

horse [ ] belonging to the owner on the following terms.

(a) The agreed livery fees of £200 per month are to be paid one month in advance by direct debit/standing order on the first day of each month. Fees will be reviewed annually. Worsenden Farm reserve the right to vary fees at any time subject to one months notice.

(b)The horse may be loose housed, although individual stables will normally be available.

( c)A suitable supply of water.

( d)Electric light supply.

( e)Grazing on the designated horse fields:

(Note: this will be dependant on weather conditions, the Farm Manager may dictate that the field is of condition that turnout will damage the field. If this is the case the field will not be used.

( f)All horses, tack and equipment belonging to the owner must be fully insured by the Owner and Worsenden Farm reserves the right to call for evidence of the validity of such insurance at any time.

( g)Worsenden Farm or representative reserves the right to allocate loose housing or stable accommodation as he thinks fit.

( h)No responsibility is accepted for any personal injury, loss or damage to property (including horses, equipment or vehicles) except where caused by the negligence of Worsenden Farm or its staff in the course of their employment.

( I)Any professional attendances upon the horse (for example, by a veterinary surgeon or farrier) which Worsenden Farm deems to be necessary will be paid for by the Owner. The Owner is to agree to use the establishments own veterinary surgeon/farrier. The Owner may request their preferred veterinary surgeon for certain circumstances but only by prior arrangement. In the event of his or her unavailability Worsenden Farm will call the nominated establishments veterinary and provided Worsenden Farm makes all reasonable attempts to contact the Owner before such treatment is carried out, the Owner

agrees to pay the costs incurred directly with the nominated vet and to be bound by any professional advice given at the time.

( j) Worsenden Farm reserve the right to have the horse destroyed on behalf of the Owner if it is deemed necessary by the nominated vet.

( k)Horses should be free from vices and any known long term illness eg: Laminitis, Sweetitch.

( l)Horses must not be aggressive to people or other horses.

( m)Notice of removal must be given at least one (1) month in writing.

( n)The Owner must remove the horse immediately for non payment of bills or Worsenden Farm reserve the right to have the animal destroyed or sold. In the event that the fee or an additional sum remains unpaid for more than (2) months after the first became due, the Owner agrees that Worsenden Farm may sell the horse, provided that written notice has been given to the Owner (at the address set out at the beginning of this agreement) of the intention to sell, at least (7) days before the sale. From the monies received from the sale of the horse, Worsenden Farm may retain such sums as cover of any unpaid sums due under this agreement.

( o)The Owner is to arrange with a local supplier for any special horse feed or bedding to be delivered. An extra charge may be made for any specialist diet to be agreed at the start of the contract.

( p)A complete passport must accompany any animal accepted at Worsenden Farm

( q)Any special instructions for euthanasia is to be listed ie: lethal injection as a preference to captive bolt.

( r)The Owner must list any special momentoes eg: lock of main/tail.

( s)Any visits are by prior appointment only. The Owner shall wear appropriate dress at all times when in the vicinity of the stable area and farmyard, ie: suitable footwear with a flat sole and a small heel.

( t)The Owner shall ensure that no children under the age of 16 are brought onto

the premises of the stable unless under supervision of the Owner at all times.

( u)The Owner is to supply two rugs (if required) for winter/summer and one


( v)This Agreement shall last for the term, subject to earlier termination in

accordance with this Agreement. Worsenden Farm or the Owner may at any

time terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other of not less

than the Notice Period (one month).



TEL 01580 291322

VAT NO 203 3773 90


We agree to stable your horse/s at a cost of £200 per horse, per month retirement livery, to include the provision of hay and straw, basic hard feed and turn into field, weather permitting, also foot trim and worming quarterly.

All owners of horses must have public liability insurance. Evidence of this will be required at any time.

Worsenden Farm does not accept any liability in cases of accident, fatal or otherwise, or damage to any person, livestock or property.

Access to stables is by prior arrangement only with the Farm Manager, Mrs Heather Passmore or in her absence her nominated deputy.

This contract may be terminated by either party – giving one months notice in writing.

Worsenden Farm reserve the right to call either the clients own vet or the farms vet at the Farm Managers discretion, if and when any problem occurs – (where possible all reasonable efforts will be made to contact the Owner before calling out the vet). The Owner will be liable for any costs incurred and deal direct with the vet.

Vehicles will be parked at Owners own risk.


Owners Signature Date


Name in Block Capitals


Farm Managers Signature Date

Retirement Livery

Fees £200 per calendar month paid a month in advance.

The service offered.

All animals will be wormed and have their feet trimmed quarterly included in the fee.

Summer time.

Horses will have access to good grazing in secure and sheltered fields with a plentiful supply of water.

All horses are checked at least twice daily and at night.

Horses are groomed as deemed necessary and have a suitable fly control system in place to prevent discomfort.

Winter time.

Horses will be loose housed in small groups on deep straw unless by prior arrangement they are to be individually stabled.

Horses will have access to sufficient hay and hard feed as required.

Special diets can be catered for by arrangement but the owner is to provide the specialist feed. The extra charge to be agreed if necessary.

Horses will be turned out during the day depending on weather and ground conditions as we think fit.

No stallions or rigs will be accepted.

Horses will not be shod unless for medical reasons or if agreed beforehand.

Collection can be arranged and the cost is dependant on distance travelled.

Our own vets are Milbourne Equine info on them can be found on their website

We will email or send via mobile phone, fortnightly pictures and updates if owners unable to visit regularly.

Owners are always welcome to visit by prior appointment and we will always keep them informed of any eventualities. Tel: 07977063270

Individual Horse Record


Age...... Breed …...... Colour......

Owners name …......

Contact Phone Numbers …......

Special instructions …......



Feeding instructions …......



List of property left …......



Owners instructions on euthanasia …......