Parents and students have the following rights under the Family
Educational Rights and PrivacyActs and the Ringwood FERPApolicy.
1. Parentsandeligiblestudentshavearighttoinspectandreviewthe student’s education records.
2. The Ringwood School District intends to limit the disclosure of information contained in a student’s educational record except:
A. Bythepriorwrittenconsentofthestudent’sparentortheeligible student.
B. As directory information.
C. Under certain limited circumstances as permitted by the FERPA.
3. Astudent’sparentoraneligiblestudenthastherighttoseektocorrect partsofthestudent’seducationrecordwhichheorshebelievestobe inaccurate,misleading,orinviolationofstudent’srights.Thisincludes therighttoahearingtopresentevidencethattherecordshouldbe changedifthedistrictdecidesnottoalteritaccordingtotheparentor eligible student’s request.
4. AnypersonhastherighttofileacomplaintwiththeDepartmentof
Education if the Ringwood School District violates the FERPA.
5. Copies of the Ringwood FERPApolicy are available through the Superintendent’s office, High School Principal’s office, or the Elementary Principal’s office.
AllrightsandprotectionsgiventoparentsunderFERPAandthispolicy transferstothestudentwhenheorshereachesage18orenrollsinapost secondary school.The student then becomes an “eligible student.”The districtwillarrangetoprovidetranslationsofthenoticetonon-English speaking parents.
Theforwardinganddisclosureofdisciplinaryrecordsorothereducation recordstoaschooldistrictinwhichastudentseeksorintentstoenrollshall
of FERPA. 10 O.S. § 7005-1.2; S.O.O. § 822.1.
Thebuildingopensat8a.m.eachmorning.Studentsshouldgo directlytothegymbeforethefirstbellringsat8:20a.m.Theclassbell ringsat8:25a.m.andclassesbeginimmediately.Studentsneeding
a.m. and 8:20 a.m.
Students have the opportunity for conference with individual teachers from 8:00 to 8:25 a.m.To have a conference, make the arrangements with the individual teacher.
During lunch breaks students are expected to be outside the building or in the gym. Students are permitted in the building duringinclementweather,tousetherestroomsortousethewater fountains.Withpermissionfromindividualteachers,studentsmay use a classroom to study.
Article X, Section 196 (70-10-105) - School attendance is mandatoryforchildrenbetweentheagesofsevenandeighteen. A finemaybeassessedaparentwhodoesnotcomplywiththelaw.A copy of the law will be furnished upon request.
Excused absences are granted for the following reasons:
1. Personal or family illnesses.
2. Medical appointments
3. Legal matters
4. Funerals for family members
5. Extenuating circumstances deemed necessary by the principal.
6. Observance of holidays required by student’s religious
If a note or phone call is not completed within 5 school days, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Itistheresponsibilityoftheparenttonotifytheschoolby10 a.m.ifachildistobeabsent.Ifnocontactismadetheparentmust sendanoteorcallthedaythechildreturnsbeforethestudentcanbe excused.Thestudenthasthesamenumberofdaysmissedtomakeup allworkmissedwithoutpenalty.Itistheresponsibilityofthestudent onthedayofreturntomakearrangementstoseethattheworkis made up.
toallinter-schoolcontestsfortheparticipants.Ifridingabus,orother schoolprovidedtransportation,studentsmustreturnthesameway,or parentsmustpersonallyexcusethestudent.Studentsrepresentingthe RingwoodSchooloraccompanyingschoolgroupstoothertownsare subjecttotheauthorityoftheactivitysponsor.Nosoftdrinksorfood willbeallowedontheactivitybus.Schoolruleswillbefollowedon all trips.
Teacher assigned detention can be any day during the week from 3:15-3:45. Principal assigned detention will be on Wednesday from 3:20-4:20 or Thursday 7:20-8:20am.
1. Thestudentwillstaywithateacherandstudyordohomework from 3:15-3:45.
2. Thestudentwillhaveonedaytomakearrangementsforaride home and any appointments they may need to change.
3. The student must have school work or a library book during detention time.
4. The student MUSTbe in the detention room by the 3:20 bell.
5. There will be NO breaks during detention time.
6. There will be NO food or drink during detention.
7. NO sleeping.
8. NO computer work will be allowed.
Failuretofollowtheaboverulesorskippingdetentionwillresultin doubletheoriginalpunishmentorpossiblesuspensionfromschool.
AllAPcourses will be weighted when figuring grade point averages. Theweightedpointswillbe: 5-4-3-2-0(A-F). Students arenotrequiredtotaketheAPexamforcollegecreditinorderto receive the weighted scale.
of the OSSAAand any other requirements as prescribed by the
RingwoodSchoolBoard.Anyathletemustabidebythesamerules as is followed at school.
Incaseswherethebusdriverhasdifficultyincontrollingchildren onbuses,thedriverwillbringthestudentorstudentstotheprincipal’s office for a conference regarding the difficulty. If this procedure failstobringaboutcooperationthechildwillbedisciplinedbythe principal.
Itiswithintheschool’sjurisdictiontopreventthechildfrom ridingthebus.Thispolicyisnotintendedtorelievethedriveroftheir responsibilityformaintainingcontrolofthechildren.Iftheprincipal thinksthedriverisnotdoingalltheycanorshould,aconference withthedriverwillbesetupinordertodevelopbettercontrolofthe pupils.
Failure to secure acceptable bus behavior through the above procedurejustifiesaskingthesuperintendenttoarrangeaconference with the bus driver, and/or the parents of the offending student.
Previous to Loading (on the road and at school)
1. Beontimeatthedesignatedschoolbusstop-keepthebuson schedule.
2. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.
3. Waituntilthebuscomestoacompletestopbeforeattemptingto enter.
4. Be careful in approaching bus stops.
5. Busridersarenotpermittedtomovetowardthebusattheschool loading zone until the bus has been brought to a complete stop.
While on the Bus
1. Keephandsandheadinsidethebusatalltimesafterenteringand until leaving the bus.
2. Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times.
3. Loudtalkingandlaughingorunnecessaryconfusiondivertsthe driver’s attention and may result in a serious accident.
4. Treat bus equipment as one would valuable furniture at home.
5. Bus riders should never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment.
6. Do not leave books, lunches, or other articles on the bus.
7. Keep books, packages, coats and all other objects out of the aisles.
8. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.
9. Do not throw anything out of the bus window.
10. Busridersarenotpermittedtoleavetheirseatswhilethebusis
in motion.
11.Horseplay is not permitted around or on the school bus.
12. Busridersareexpectedtobecourteoustofellowpupils,the bus-
driver, and patrol officers or driver’s assistants.
13. Keep absolute quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
14. In case of a road emergency, children are to remain in the bus.
AfterLeaving the Bus
1. Whencrossingtheroad,goatleasttenfeetinfrontofthebus; stop;checktraffic;watchforthebusdriver’ssignal;thencross the road.
2. Students leaving on the right side of the road should immediately
leave the bus and stay clear of traffic.
3. Thedriverwillnotdischargeridersatplacesotherthantheregular busstop,exceptbyproperauthorizationfromtheparentorschool official.
Threateningbehaviororbullyingisdefinedasa repetitiveactivity,which portraysthatanotherperson,persons,orpropertymayorwillbe harmedorkilled. AsusedintheSchoolBullyingPreventionAct, “harassment,intimidation,andbullying”meansanyrepeatedgesture,writtenorverbalexpression,useoftheinternet,cellularphone,anyother electroniccommunication,orphysicalactthatareasonableperson shouldknowwillharmanotherstudent,damageanotherstudent’s property, place another student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or damage to the student’s property, or insult or demeananystudentorgroupofstudentsinsuchawayastodisrupt
ofanystudent. Harassment,intimidation,andbullyinginclude,but arenotlimitedto,agestureorwritten,verbal,useoftheinternet, cellularphone,anyotherelectroniccommunication,orphysicalact. Such behavior is specifically prohibited by board policy.
Recommended Disciplinary Progression:
First Offense:Conference with student and 3 days of
In-School Suspension
Second Offense:3 days of Out-of-School Suspension
Third Offense:5 to 10 days of Out-of-School Suspension
Ringwood Schoolswill not tolerate retaliation for reporting bullying. Theschooladministrationwilldisciplineanystudentwho retaliatesagainst anyone who reports an incident, or against any person who testifies, or assists in an investigation.
achangeintelephonenumber,orthenewinstallationofatelephone should be reported.
Ifyouhavebeenremovedfromthecheerleadingsquadforany reason,suchasgradesormisconduct,thenyoucannottryoutfor thecheerleadingsquadthefollowingyear.(Thiswasadoptedduring
a regular school board meeting.)
Each class willhave a class sponsor. Both the senior and junior class will have two teacher sponsors assigned by the principal.
It is the policy of the Ringwood Board of Education that the RingwoodSchoolcampusbeclosedduringnormalschoolhours. Studentsarerequiredtostayoncampusduringthelunchbreakand allotherbreaksduringtheday.Duringthelunchbreak,studentsare notallowedsouthofthenorthedgeoftheVocationalAgricultural building or north of the high school building.
Studentsarenotallowedtogototheircarswhileparkedoff- campus for any reason and those parked on-campus only with a teacher or administrator’s permission.
to state their business on campus.
Students may leave campus with special permission to attend emergenciesorformedicalappointments.Parentsmaychecktheir children out of school at any time during the day.
An administrator will decide whether a child may leave in unforeseen instances.
in the various organizations and classes:
FFA------$15.00 per year FCCLA------$13.00 per year Pep Club------$2.00 per year Letterman Club------$5.00 per year
Class dues are determined by the individual classes
Senate Bill 290 allows for students to take college classes for dual credit purposes or just college credit. Seniors in high school are tuition free for up to 6 credit hours each semester. Juniors who have met requirements may participate in the concurrent enrollment classes but must pay both books and tuition.
OSDE approved for academic credit:
College Algebra1 unit High School Algebra II
General Biology1 unit High School Biology II
General Botany1 unit High School Botany
English Comp I½ unit of English IV
English Comp II½ unit of English IV
Intro. To Chemistry1 unit of High School Chem.
Chemistry I1 unit of High School Chem.
American History to 1877½ unit of High School Am. Hist.
American History from 1877½ unit of High School Am. Hist.
Intro. to Geography½ unit High School Wld. Geog.
American Fed. Government½ unit High School Am. Gov.
Intro. to Speech½ unit High School Speech
Note: American History can only be used as a duel credit if the student has already passed the required number of EOI exams.
Ringwood Schools participates in two credit recovery programs. Hosted at Ringwood Schools and utilized by our Alternative Education Program is the A+ Recovery Program. It is available for students that are behind in credits. All credits provided through the regular education program is available through the A+ Recovery
Program. All courses are approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
Students participating in the Northwest Tech program in Fairview will be able to recover credits through the NovaNETCourses or E2020 also approved by the OSDE. Classes available are: English 1,2,3,4, Algebra 1,2,Geometry, US History, World History, Geography, US Government and Economics
“Theteacherofanychildattendingapublicschoolshallhavethe samerightasaparentorguardiantocontrolanddisciplinesuchchild duringthetimethechildisinattendanceorintransittoorfromthe school,oranyotherschoolfunctionauthorizedbytheschooldistrict
Art.VI, Sec. 124).”
“Provided, however, that nothing contained in this act shall prohibitanyparent,teacher,orotherpersonsusingordinaryforceasa meansofdiscipline,includingbutnotlimitedtospanking,switching,
or paddling (School Laws of OklahomaArt. XII, Sec. 652).”
Corporal punishment is accepted by the Ringwood Board of
in the presence of an adult and must not be administered in the presenceofapupil.Aparent/guardianwillbenotifiedbeforecorporal punishment is administered
oftheindividualandtopromoteadherencebystudentstothepolicies and regulations of the district.
ToprovidequalityeducationforallstudentstheRingwoodPublic Schoolswillnottoleratedisruptiveactsinterferingwiththetranquility andsafetyofitsschoolandstudents.Studentsshallbeunderthe supervisionofandaccountabletoschoolpersonnel.Thisincludes goingtoandfromschool,schoolsponsoredactivitiesandgoingto and from such activity.
Adisruptiveorinterferingactisdefinedas,butnotlimitedto, enticing,encouraging,promotingorparticipatinginactivitieswhich interfere with the due process of the educational program of the school.The following activities, if accomplished for the purpose ofdisruptingorinterferingwiththedueprocessoftheeducational program, are examples of behavior constituting disruptive acts:
1. Demonstrations
2. Sit-ins
3. Walkouts
4. Blockages
5. Group violence
6. Disrespect or disobedience to school personnel
7. Harassmentand/orintimidation,verbalorphysical,ofstudents or school personnel
8. Theuseofobscene,lewdorprofanelanguage(visualand/or auditory)
9. Fighting
10. Disruptive publications
11.Theft or inappropriate use of personal or school property.
12. Laser lights are prohibited at school or school activities.
13.Noelectronicdevicessuchascellphones,I-Pods,orwalkmans, blackberries,orotherpalmhelddeviceswillbeallowedtobeused
atschooloronschoolpropertyduringnormalschoolhours.Ifyou arecaughtusingsuchanitemthentheitem(s)willbeconfiscated. Thefirst(1st)offensethestudent’sParentswillbecontactedto cometoschooltoretrievethemfromtheofficeaftertheregular schooldayends(3:15pm).Thesecond(2nd)offensethestudent will receive 3 days of ISS or 2 swats.Thethird(3rd)offensethe studentwillbesuspendedfromschoolforone(1)dayforwhich heorshewillreceivezerosinallclasses. The fourth (4th) offense the student will be suspended for three (3) days with zeros.Thiscouldresultinthe studentfailingallclassesduetothenumberofdaysmissedina gradingperiodiflasttwo(2)offensesshouldoccurwithinthe same grading period. Due to the nature of the offense, the administration has the right to make the discipline correspond with the offense.
14.Sincetattoosandbodypiercingmaybedisruptiveandadistraction, visibletattooswillnotbepermitted.Visiblebodypiercingwill be limited to the ears.
15.Norecordingdevices,audio,visual,orotherelectronicdevices suchascellphones,I-pods,walkmans,blackberry,orpalmheld devices will be allowed during detention.
Administrative response to student misconduct is a matter
directlyinfluencingthemoraleoftheentirestudentbody.Assuch, each student’s discipline is based on a careful assessment of the circumstances surrounding each infraction (i.e.., the student’s attitude,theseriousnessoftheoffenseanditspotentialeffectonother students).
will be notified if punishment calls forsuch action.
Theftand/orDestructionofProperty(eachitemisviewedasa separateoffenseandwillreceiveseparatepunishment)(i.e.Theft3 days - Destruction 3 days)
1st time-Three day suspension, notify parents
2nd time-Five day suspension, notify parents and law enforcement
3rd time-Ten day suspension, notify parents and law enforcement
Possessionand/orUseofAlcohol,Tobacco and/or E-Cigarette product (eachitemis viewed as a separate offense and will receive separate punishment) (i.e. Possession 3 days -Alcohol use 3 days -Tobacco 3 days)
1st time-Three day suspension, notify parents
2nd time-Five day suspension, notify parents and law enforcement
3rd time-Ten day suspension, notify parents and law enforcement
Fighting andAssault-Physical orVerbal
1stTime- Three days suspension or 2 swats and 2 days of ISS.
2ndTime-Five to ten day suspension
3rd Time- Suspension for the remainder of the semester and one more semester.
Possession ofWeapons
Suspension from school of up to two semesters
Possession orUse of Illicit Drugs
1stTime-Ten day suspension
2ndTime-Suspend for remainder of current semester
3rdTime-Suspend for up to two semesters
Morality: i.e.. Pornographic Material, Sexual Harassment, Profanity,LewdActs,Gambling(cards,dice,oranyotherform
in which betting orwagering could occur.
1st Offense: 2 day suspension from school
2nd Offense: 3 day suspension from school
3rd Offense: 5 or more days suspension from school
Oneormoreofthefollowing:Onetothreedaysin-schoolsuspension, after-school-detention, parent conference, corporal punishment, suspension.
Disrespectful to School Employees
after-school-detention, parent conference, corporal punishment, suspension.
Bus Misconduct
riding privileges, suspension.
UnexcusedTardiness, Disruptions
after-school-detention, lunchroom duty, parent conference, corporal punishment, suspension.
Overriding Internet Filter
No student willbe allowed to override the school internet filter unless permission has been given by the school administration. Any student caught overriding the filter will be suspended out of school for one day first offense, three days second offense and long term third offense. All internet privileges will be closed for the remainder of the school year upon first offense and thereafter.
All clothing, must be appropriate for school setting, free of vulgarity, and cannot promote anything illegal or age-inappropriate. Clothing must be free of holes which exposed undergarments or skin above the kneecap. Clothing must fit appropriately. General dress or appearance must not disrupt the educational process.(For example: Mohawks and unnatural hair color or highlights will not be allowed.) Shorts may be worn until Fall Break and may be worn again after Spring Break. Exceptions may be made for Spirit Week or other special occasions on a school-wide basis.
Allowable Dress
- Jeans, slacks, sweats, warm-ups, capris, and overalls which rest at the waist and cover all undergarments above the kneecap.No flannel PJ pants.
- Dresses, shorts, and skirts which extend to the kneecap when standing
- T-shirts, shirts, blouses, sweaters, and pullovers which cover cleavage, shoulders, underarms, and midriff when sitting or standing
- Shoes designed to be worn outdoors and which do not pose possible damage to flooring.
- Body piercings (only earrings)
Student owned electronic devices may only be used in a classroom setting or on classroom assignments ONLY when a teacher gives permission. At no other time shall it be permitted. Punishments are covered under the discipline policy.
1. Eachstudentisexpectedtoshowcourtesyandrespect,andto follow the directions of those in charge.
2. AllteachersaretobeaddressedMiss,Mrs.,orMr.,neverbyfirst
or last name only.
3. Students are expected to be careful of all school property and in nowaymarordisfigureit.Anystudentdefacingschoolproperty will be held liable for its repair or replacement.
4. Nooneistoleavetheschoolgroundsbetweenclassesorduring
school hours without permission from the office.
5. Studentsareexpectedtokeeptheschoolgrounds,roomsandhalls freefrompaperandotherrefuse.Wastebasketsandtrashcans are to be used for this purpose.
6. No eating candy during school.
7. Donotdemandtoomuchoftheteacher’stime.Otherstudents may also have questions.
8. Accept criticism courteously, and do not talk back when reproved.
9. Bepreparedtobeginthelessonwithoutborrowingpencils,paper, books or other equipment.
10. Be orderly in the classroom even when the teacher is out of the room or absent.
11.Waitfortheteachertodismisstheclass.Thebellisaguidefor the teacher and does not dismiss the class.
12. No pop, juice, water, or other drinks in hall, classrooms, or lockers.
A 90 and aboveB 80-89C 70-79
D60-69F below 60
Nostudentwillbeallowedtoparticipateingraduationexercises who has not completed at least 24 units of academic work and satisfactorilycompletedallrequiredcoursesbythedateofgraduation exercises and passed 4 of 7 End Of Instruction exams as required by the State Department of Education. Algebra I and English II must be passed and then two of five other test which include Biology I, Geometry, Algebra II, English III and American History. Allstudentsthatmeetthisrequirementwillwalkwiththat class.
anhonorsbasis.ThetopsixJuniorsbasedonfivesemestergrades, willserveasescortsandushersatgraduationexercises.Thetoptwo academically will be the escorts for each exercise.
Intheeventofatiefortheusherpositions,allstudentsinvolvedin thetiewillserveasanusher.Ifatieoccursinvolvingthreestudents, allthreewillserveasescorts.Iffourormoretie,lotswillbedrawn
toestablishonesetofescortsforBaccalaureatewhiletheotherset servesasushers.TheywillthenswitchforCommencement.Inthe eventofatieintheseventhgrade,thesameprocedureforthehigh school will be used.
Guidanceservicesareplannedtohelpallstudentsgetthemost outofschoolofferings.Someofthishelpisgivenbyteachersin classroom groups and in home rooms.
Breakfast and Lunches
- A hot lunch and breakfast program is provided in the cafeteria for the benefit and convenience of both student and parent.
- Students may bring their lunch, but they wil be required to eat in the cafeteria.
- We encourage all our students to eat at school. Any exceptions must be cleared through the office.
- Lunch accounts must be prepaid.
- No pop or soft drinks are allowed in the cafeteria
- High School students (grades 9-12) will be allowed to purchase items from the vending machines.
todohomeworkwhenitisassignedbytheteacherasaregularpart of the school program.
ofasemesterofwork,honorrolllistswillbecompiledandposted containingthenamesofstudentswhohavemaintainedgradesof“B”
or above.
Thosestudentsmaintaininggradesnolessthan“B”willbelisted onthePrincipal’sHonorRoll.Thosestudentsmaintainingstraight “A’s” will be listed on the Superintendent’s Honor Roll.
Exceptions:SinceAPclassesareweighted,studentswitha“B”in APclassesmaystillmaketheSuperintendent’sHonorRoll.Students with a “C” inAPclasses may still make the Principal’s Honor Roll.
It is the duty of the school authorities to enforce this law by admitting only those students who have completed all required immunizations.Exemptionstotheimmunizationlawareavailable upon request.
1.The student is isolated from student body during school day.
2. Students receive regular assignments from teachers.
3.The principal administers tests needing to be taken.
4.Ifschoolworkisnotcompleted,orthereareanyproblemswith the student, extra days will be added or swats may be given.
5. Students must stay properly seated with their feet on the floor.
6. No sleeping.
7. Restrooms breaks-approximately 10:30 a.m.. and 2 p.m.
8. Anymarkingonwalls,desks,etc.indetentionareawillbereason for added punishment.
9. No participation in school activities during the school day during in-school-suspension. (Not including after school activities.)
Nothinginthedisciplinescheduleshallbeconstruedtodenythe student’srighttoafairandorderlyhearing,appeal,counselanddue process in cases ending in suspension or expulsion.
inamannerwhichtheydeemjust,giventhecircumstancesofthe individualcase.Additionally,administratorsshallhavetheauthority