E l e c t r o n i c C o m p e t i t i o n S y s t e m


System Description:

eCompetition is a mobile competition system that allows any company to earn money buy making SMS competitions.

The system allows the owner to start over a number of concurrent competitions with different types and different questions; the system is flexible enough to specify the allowed mobiles that can access or making the competition open.

eCompetition features:

1.  Multi Competitions: the ability to make a number of concurrent competitions and specify their strategy, for example there could be three strategies (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly) competitions.

2.  Freezing Competition: the ability to freeze a competition anytime.

3.  Competition Autostart and Autoend: Competition times can be set and specified to Autostart at a given time, or periodically.

4.  Competitions rules: rules can be set to competitions, for example a competition can be open or close and for a given competition the player must send at least n answers to enter or to be able to win.

5.  Flexible picking system: winners can be picked randomly OR manually.

6.  Live Monitor: the ability to watch competitions activity anytime.

7.  Feedback Subscription: making participants able to subscribe for receiving new questions on their mobile every new competition.

8.  Various Competition types: like multiple choices, or Vote more to WIN competitions.

9.  Winning: specifying a winning method for players, (A Winner everyday, or multiple).

10. Easy to make a competition: a wizard guiding the owner to create a component easily from A-Z.

11. Analytical Module: the ability to get information about the flow of the competitions.

12. Winner Callback: the system sends a congratulation message to the winner telling him/her about the prize he/she won and the place he/she can get the prize from.

Technical Overview:

1.  The System will be a Server that listens for HADARA SMS API and due to information received to this API the system will behave.

2.  A Competition is created by a wizard this wizard will have the following steps:

3.  The Server Must Offer Monitoring features a sample sketch for the Server window is as follows:

Price Offer:

Two Price offers are needed; the 1st one is for previous features, and the other one is only for Point No. 1, 4, 8.