2018 Sixth National Malleefowl Forum. Mildura 17-19 August


The Victorian Malleefowl Recovery Group and the National Malleefowl Recovery Team invite you toattend the Sixth National Malleefowl Forum at the Grand Hotel Mildura 17-19th August 2018.

In recognition of the 1000’s of volunteer hours devoted to Malleefowl each year, a major focus for this Forum is the importance of Citizen Science to Malleefowl

The National Malleefowl Forum will:

Bring together community groups, individuals, agencies and corporations working with Malleefowl in Australia to share information and experiences.

The National Malleefowl Forum will review progress in improving the conservation status of the MalleefowlLeipoaocellata and exchange new information about its biology and management and the application of most recent research findings to management.

Sally Box,the recently appointed Threatened Species Commissioner will be attending

Topics of the Forum include:

Involvement of community groups in Malleefowl conservation;

Land management to aid Malleefowl Recovery;

Adaptive Management to benefit Malleefowl

Program Outline

Friday 17th August (5pm - 7pm)

Registration opens 5pm

Pre-forum canapésfrom 5.30 to6.30pm

Saturday 18th August (9am - 5pm,

Registrations available between 8 and 9am

Official Conference Opening and welcome

Regional and group reports

Invited speakers and oral presentations

Poster presentations

Conference Dinner 7pmon the Mundoo Paddle steamer.

Sunday 19th August (9am – 5pm)

Invited speakers and oral presentations

Poster presentations

Official close of conference

Monday 20th August

Tours!!! A private travel consultant is currently compiling a selection of options especially for us. We will be in contact soon to inform what options are available.

A full program will be available in due course, and will be posted at

Registrations should be received by 30th June 2018


We have been able to attract several sponsors allowing us to offer very low fees, especially for community members. Your registration fees include: Saturday night Forum Dinner, Canapés Friday night, Participation in all Sat / Sun sessions, Morning and afternoon teas (Saturday & Sunday), Lunch (Saturday & Sunday), Forum Proceedings (USB).

$150 per person standard registration (all agency staff)

$75 per person community members

Additional tickets are available for social functions;

Pre-Forum canapésFriday night $25

Conference Dinner on the Mundoo Paddle steamer.Saturday night $65


Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS and email to:

Name (this will be used for your name tag) / Telephone
Email or address / Organisation
Forum Registration Fee
Includes canapés (Fri), lunches,morning & afternoon teas (Sat/Sun) and Forum Dinner (Sat)
Standard Registration: $150 (all agency staff)
Community member: $75 / Please indicate how many tickets and total cost.
Additional Tickets for people not registering for the Forum:
pre-Forum canapés Fri night $25
Conference Dinner on the Mundoo Paddle steamer.
Sat night $65 / Please indicate how many tickets and total cost.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) banking details:
Account Name: National Malleefowl Recovery Group Inc.
Financial Institution: NAB
BSB 083 565
Account Number: 70 933 9060 / Your total payment
Date Payment made
____/____/ 2018
When paying by EFT please ensure you include your name in the ‘Remitter Name Box’

If you are unable to do an Electronic Funds Transfer please contact Tim Burnard (03) 5581 2205.

Confirmation Details:After receiving payment a receipt will be issued. If you donot receive a receipt two weeks prior to the event, pleasecontact Tim Burnard (03) 5581 2205.

Registrations should be received by Friday30th June 2018


Conference Venue;

Grand Hotel Mildura

Seventh St, Mildura VIC 3500

(03) 5023 0511

Getting to Mildura;

By Plane
QantasLink, Virgin Australia, and Regional Express operate daily return flights between Melbourne and Mildura. There are also daily direct flights to Mildura from Sydney, Broken Hill and Adelaide.
QantasLink 13 13 13

Regional Express 13 17 13

Virgin Australia 13 67 89

By Train
Public Transport Victoria operates a train service between Melbourne and Swan Hilland Melbourne and Bendigo with connecting V/Line coaches to Mildura.
Public Transport Victoria 1800 800 007
By Coach
Public Transport Victoria operates between Mildura and Albury. Henty Highway Coaches operate services between Mildura and Horsham. Tambray Coaches operate between Mildura and Adelaide. Buses R Us operate between Mildura and Broken Hill. NSW Train Link operates from Sydney to Mildura via Cootamundra.

Public Transport Victoria1800 800 007
Henty Highway Coaches0427 865 379
Tambray Coaches1800 039 043
Buses R Us1800 039 043
NSW Train Link13 22 32

Car Rental
Avis Mildura03 5022 1818
Hertz Mildura03 5022 1411
Thrifty Care Hire03 5023 2989
Mildura Taxi Service 03 5023 0033
City Taxis 03 5022 2000
Merbein Taxi Service 03 5025 3333
Murray Darling Taxis 03 5023 2239

Registrations should be received by Friday30th June 2018