SimpleK12 Webinar: Save Time Grading with Engaging, Online Assessments
Presented by: José Popoff
Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012
Time: 3:00- 3:30 PM Eastern Time, USA
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NOTES FROM WEBINAR------For chat please use box to the right------>
Before the webinar begins, please check out our Sponsor for this session:
Brain Genie - need to sign up
Create class and add students with passwords or have them sign up with code provided
Can be used in a flipped classroom because it has videos
Mostly math and science courses
Left hand side is where you will navigate through material avaliable for that course/subject
Set new goal - what youneed to do to assign work
Learning Zone!! Must go and explore!
Green finished - white not complete - gives information on students preformance
Detailed reports for each student
Socrative - teacher site - student site
join room 7649
Multiple choice
Short Answer
Quizzes - student or teacher pace
Students need a time limit
Email, download (Google Docs), view - report options
Quiz based games
Exit Tickets - Great for LFS schools
Some features will be $, but so far it is free
Grade Cam
Create Test - bubble test that can be printed out
Advance options *
Create Key
Gradebook - not free
Scan answers with webcam on computer
codes for each student need to be on scan-tron
item analysis by student or question