Syllabus Guidelines

  1. .HONORS WORLD HISTORY Course Information
  2. World History
  3. Room 102
  4. Class Meets: Monday-Friday
  5. Available times to meet with me: Monday-Friday (7:00-7:25, 2:30-3:15)
  1. Instructor Information
  2. Sabrina Mortonson
  3. Work Telephone: 229-333-8540 ext. 4094
  4. Email Address:
  1. Texts, Books, Readings, Materials
  2. World History (Prentice Hall, 2011)—If a student needs to take a book home, they must ask permission and sign out due to lack a lack of books.
  3. Replacement for book if lost: $90.00
  4. Any supplementary readings will be provided by teacher
  5. Notebook; paper; pen/pencil
  1. Course Description and Objectives

This course provides students with a comprehensive, intensive study of major events and themes in world history. Students begin with a study of the earliest civilizations worldwide and continue to examine major developments and themes in all regions of the world. The course culminates in a study of change continuity and globalization at the beginning of the 21st century.

  1. Calendar of Assignments and Due Dates
  2. Major topics of class:
  3. Unit 1: Early Civilizations
  4. Unit 2: Greece & Rome
  5. Unit 3: Islam; New Empires
  6. Unit 4: Middle Ages, Reformation, & Exploration
  7. Unit 5: Revolutions
  8. Unit 6: Industrial Revolution/Imperialism
  9. Unit 7: World War I/World War II
  10. Unit 8: Cold War/Today’s World

**Students will have vocabulary/content quizzes throughout each unit. They will be informed about the quiz several days in advance. There is also a possibility of pop-quizzes.**

  • Projects may be assigned to students throughout the semester. Students will be given ample class time to complete projects. On occasion, students will be required to complete some work associated with project outside of the classroom.
  1. Grading / Evaluation
  2. Grading:

-Homework: 10%

-Formative Assessments: 30%

-Summative Assessments: 60%

Final/Exam/EOCT: 20%

  • Make-Up Work Policy:

-Students will have 3 days to make up missed work. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for any work that they missed. If the student asks after 3 days, they will not be allowed to make up any missed work and will receive a grade reflecting the lack of amount of work completed.

  1. Class Rules and Consequences
  • Class Rules:
  • Be on time to class.
  • Be prepared for class everyday.
  • Be respectful to yourself, your peers, and your teacher.
  • No sleeping or head on desk.
  • No eating or drinking.
  • Class routines:

-Students will be expected to complete a “DO NOW” activity within the first 15 minutes of class.

-Students will turn in all work before leaving class.

  • Expectations:
  • Always keep a positive attitude!
  • Never be afraid to ask for help!
  • Always do your best at everything you do!

Students are not allowed to have cell phones out in class, unless given permission by the teacher for projects, NO EXCEPTIONS!! If a student is caught with their cell phone out, texting in any way, taking pictures, etc. they will receive a warning; if a student is caught again, the teacher has the right to confiscate phone until the end of period. If student continuously gets caught, they will be written up, a parent/guardian will be contacted, and further action by an administrator will be conducted. THIS WARNING NEEDS TO BE TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY!

Parent - Student Agreement
Students and parent(s)/guardian(s): please sign and date in the space provided below. By signing this agreement you are verifying that you have read the content of this syllabus and understand the requirements for successful performance in this class. Please return, with a parent/guardian signature, to the teacher.

Student’s Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian’s Name (Printed)


Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature


Date Date


Parent/Guardian contact Information (Please Print)

Primary Contact Name: ______

Home Number: ______Work/Cell Number ______

Can you be contacted at work? ______

E-mail Address: ______

Secondary Contact Name: ______

Home Number: ______Work/Cell Number ______

Can you be contacted at work? ______

E-mail Address ______

*I send out periodic emails to give parents updates on upcoming tests and class events. If you have an email address, please be sure to list it above. THANK YOU!


In order to keep my students and parents updated throughout the semester about upcoming tests, quizzes, projects, etc. I use an app called Remind 101 that allows me to text students/parents with any reminders for my World History class (Please note: THIS IS NOT MY CELL PHONE NUMBER, IT IS A NUMBER GIVEN TO ME BY REMIND 101). Your student will have the option to sign up for this in class, but if you would also like to receive updates via texts, please text the following number below with the message and follow the steps to complete the process. Thanks so much for being an active parent, you make my job easy!

Number: 81010

Message: 3rd Period-@3ushi; 4th Period-@4thblockus

The message will then ask for your name to be submitted. Once you have text back your name, it will tell you to send the word “Help” in order to receive all updates from this class. Once you have text “Help,” the process is complete.