Wedding Vows
Double Ring – Traditional
Marriage is an institution of divine appointment and is commended as honorable among God and man. It was the scene of Our Lord’s first recorded miracle. It is the most important step in life and should not be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but discreetly and soberly.
In this estate these two persons come now to be joined. If any person present can show cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Post the Bans Ceremony
Will the families of Zach and Rebecca please come forward for the final reading of the bans.
Do you the family of Rebecca solemnly swear that you accept Zach as a full member of your family and will love and guide him as one of your own blood?
Do you the family of Zach solemnly swear that you accept Rebecca as a full member of your family and willlove and guide her as one of your own blood?
Has the dowry been agreed upon and the transfer been acceptable to both families?
With the bans being duly posted, signed, and accepted by both families and by those assembled I hereby decree that this ceremony of marriage may proceed.TheFrasers of Lovatt call forth their own with the words “Je suis prest” – I am ready - I too declare that we are ready.
I solemnly require and charge you both, as you hope for joy and peace in the marriage state, if either of you know any just cause why you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, you do now confess it before God and man.
I ask this one last time -is it then your will to proceed?
(The fathers lay two swords crossed - behind the couple. Separating them from the assembled witnesses. The families take their respective seats)
(Zach & Rebecca face each other and join hands – The Clan Fraser of Lovatt Plaid is woven around their hands.)
To Zach: Do you take this woman to be your lawful wife and do you promise before God and these witnesses, to love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?
Zach will answer: I do.
To Rebecca: Do you take this man to be your lawful husband; and do you solemnly promise before God , and these witnesses that you will love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live?
Rebecca will answer: I do.
The Fraser Plaid is taken off their hands and laid on the table.
Zach take Rebecca’s left hand and repeat after me. “With this ring I thee wed and with all my worldly goods I thee endow, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Place the ring on her left hand.
Rebecca take Zach’s left hand and repeat after me. “With this ring I thee wed and with all my worldly goods I thee endow, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Place the ring on his left hand.
Gaelic Blessing:
Mi\le fa\ilte,
Fad do re/ gun robh thu sla\n,
Mo/ran la\ithean dhuit is si\th,
Le d’mhaitheas is le d’ni\ bhi fa\s.
“A thousand welcomes to you,
May you be healthy all your days.
May you be blessed with long life and peace,
May you grow old with goodness, and with riches.”
The Quaich Ceremony.
The bride will now take the Quiach and the Groom will fill it from a new bottle of Single Malt – made from the very dew and riches of the Highlands. The Bride will hold the Quaich and bring it to the lips of the Groom. After he drinks the Bride will hand the Quaich to the Groom and he will likewise hold the Quaich to the lips of the Bride and give her to drink, After they drink their fill the Groom will turn it over and they both will kiss the bottom of the Qauich. Therefore forever sealing this sharing ceremony.
The minister will say:
Inasmuch as this man and this woman have in the presence of God and these assembled witnesses consented together to be joined in the lawful bonds of matrimony and have given and pledged their very lives each to the other and have declared the same by the giving and receiving of rings, I now, according to the ordinances of God and in the name of the State of Virginia, pronounce them husband and wife. “What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder.”
Let us pray:
“Faither o us aa, bidin abune,
Thy name be halie,
Let thy reign begin,
Thy Will be dune,
On the erthe, as it is in Hevin.”
“Gie us ilka day oor needfu fendin,
An forgie us aa oor ill-deeds,
E’en as we forgie thae wah dae us ill.
An lat us no be testit,
But sauf us frae the Ill-Ane:
“For the croon is thine ain,
An the micht,
An the glorie,
For iver and iver,
You may kiss the bride!
I present to you family of Zach and Rebecca Gibson.
They step over the crossed swords and proceed down the aisle.