Michael Apted 42 Up Assignment Dr. Driscoll.

Task: A Five page thesis-driven, researched essay.

Question: According to Confino “35 Up is one of the most engaging pieces to have appeared in recent years about the relationships between individual will power and the social, economic and cultural conditions we inherit at birth” (1241). Discuss (in relation to 42 Up).


1.  Look for patterns in the film.

2.  Ask Questions about those patterns.

3.  Try to sketch a tentative workable thesis.

4.  Work on the architecture of the paper. Have a thesis that clearly shows HOW you will be arguing e.g. what are the parts of the argument going to be.

5.  Be clear on what the mini-argument of each paragraph is.

6.  Keep away from plot, so it would be very unwise to arrange your paragraphs by person.

7.  Try to write the essay, including quotations from the film.

8.  Go get a cup of tea.

9.  Write a conclusion that does not repeat the thesis or any part of the essay.

10.  Read the criticism. Choose 3 reviews/ articles. YOU MUST USE #17 on the Class Library by Alon Confino

11.  Go back and look at where the best logical place would be in order to support your own thesis or criticize the review/ article.

12.  Write a correct MLA Works Cited page (sample on the Notice Board)

13.  Make sure you have page numbers for each quote used e.g. Colfino says that “fhksdjfksjdfkjds” (86) and I feel that his observation….

14.  Please write a correctly formatted academic title.

15.  Pat yourself on the back for doing a great job. J

Due Date: Finished printed out and on disk in class, a week from Mon. i.e. let us spend all of next week working on it in class and then it will be due after next weekend: On the Monday. No late Papers.