Syllabus for Social Studies at VPAC

Teacher: Mr. Williams

School Phone 704-978-0034


The Visual and Performing Arts Center

Course description: Welcome to Social Studies at VPAC. All courses offer a colorful and exciting section of social studies subjects.

Course Objectives: The primary objective is to prepare you to have skills for success for American History I and II, Civics, World History. We focus on academic skills, writing, time management and inter-personal communication skills. Small and large group discussions are a part of classroom learning. All students are expected to participate in them. This course is writing intensive. You will regularly practice your writing skills. In-class research essays, participation, tests and projects make up a majority of your quarter grade. Design principles and the Common Instructional Framework From North Carolina New Schools will be a MAJOR focus in American History I and II, Civics and World History. Here is a link to both documents, please review them as we prepare for the semester.





Classwork 75%

Homework 5%

These courses move very quickly and covers a lot of material. Therefore, it is important that students keep pace with the course, ask questions and seek additional help when needed. Mr. Williams is willing to meet with students after/ before school with requested appointments. ------Please send an email to to set up a conference appointment. Tutoring will be available only on Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:00— Or when MW has learning lab

**VPAC will have a learning lab after school for help with a variety of subjects. (More to come during first week of school.

By the end of this year, you will:

Demonstrate and strengthen your ability to write formal essays/research papers.

Strengthen your note-taking skills.

Compare/contrast/synthesize and analyze information.

Exercise critical thinking and communication skills in formal and informal discussions.

You need the following to have in class each day:

Blue or Black ink pens and pencils

Ear buds for viewing videos in class(only used when directed)

Notebook Paper


External Flash Drive

What you should have for regular use in class:

COURSE POLICIES: Course policies are the rules and guidelines our class follows, in addition to those established by Iredell Statesville Schools/ Visual and Performing Arts Center.These policies are consistently enforced throughout the school year and are reviewed at the beginning of each quarter. Each student is expected to know, understand and follow these policies. If you feel class or school policies need clarification speak with Mr. Williams directly.

ATTENDANCE: Prompt daily attendance is expected. All students must be seated in the classroom and prepared to learn when the bell rings. Approved school activities do not count against attendance, provided the student attends the activities and is doing satisfactory work in class. Additionally, if a student is aware of up-coming absences, it is her/his responsibility to inform Mr. Williams before the absences and arrange make-up or alternative work. A friend in class is helpful to collect materials and information if you are absent.3 Tardies = 1 absence. Any missed time more than 3 missed per 9 weeks will be made up for credit in class. Time is made up minute by minute. (Please see me for any additional clarification)

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: You are a member of a community of learners. For any community to thrive, certain concepts must be embraced. In our community, I expect the following general behavior of all students.

RESPECT:All students will respect themselves, their community members and their learning environment.

READINESS:All students must attend class everyday and ready to actively participate in daily activities.

RESPONSIBILITY: All students must accept responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Active participation and preparedness is expected at all times

No distracting items are allowed in the classroom (i.e. headwear, coats, backpacks, food, beverages, chains, purses, cell phones/ iPods/, pictures, notes, yearbooks, magazines and catalogs).

Appropriate language will be used in the classroom—no profanity or other offensive remarks will be allowed.

You are responsible for your academic progress and communication with Mr. Williams about problems or struggles is expected from you.


--Cheating, copying and plagiarism are serious acts of academic dishonesty that are not tolerated.

--Students who cheat receive a zero for the assignment or exam. Students involved in copying of work receive a zero for the assignment or exam, including any student allowing the copying to take place.

--Plagiarism is the use of another’s ideas or expression without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. Examples of plagiarism include failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when repeating another’s phrase,sentence or paragraph; failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when paraphrasing another’s thesis or argument; failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when presenting another’s line of thinking; or, turning in a paper for a current course that was written for another course.

--Opportunities for extra credit related to course content may arise throughout the year--


All homework assignments must be completed on the scheduled due date.Unless otherwise noted, assignments are collected at the beginning of the class period.ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE ACCEPTED WITH 20POINTS DEDUCTED ON THE NEXT DAY AND NO LATER.THIS WILL NOT CHANGE…

Daily Procedures (To be followed on daily basis)

  1. Students are expected to bring all materials to class. Please do not ask to leave class regularly to use the bathroom, go to locker, see Ms. Joyner, see Ms. Whitener, or get something from another student or teacher.
  2. You will be given bathroom passes during the semester. If you do not use them you can turn them in for extra credit at the end of the term.
  3. If you don’t have any remaining bathroom passes, please plan accordingly and use the bathroom during class change. Unless it is an EMERGENCY you will NOT be allowed to leave the class during instruction.
  4. Misdirected student behavior during class will result in lower classwork grades. If students are off task, this will affect classwork grades. Parents will be contacted- if student behavior cannot be corrected by student.
  5. Phones and electronic devices are NOT allowed to be used during instructional time. IF STUDENTS ARE ON WEBSITES DURING CLASS NOT RELATED TO ASSINGNMENT POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED.

The following consequences will occur if an electronic device is used (phone or unsanctioned computer website use).

a. 1st Offense: Teacher takes device and student will not receive it back until 3:15. Parent phone call home.

b. 2nd Offense: Teacher takes device and parent will have to claim device. Student will not be given device back. Parent phone call home

c. 3rd offense: Student will be written up and report will be given to Ms. Eller

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year

Mr. Williams American History