KVCC Advisory Board Meeting

November 6, 2013

Started at 6:30 pm

Present: Micki, Sam, Dr. C, Melissa, Sandy, Wanda, Kim,

Rebecca (via phone)

Wanda passed out Course Curriculum Changes

Sam passed out the syllabi

I shared with the group how I had looked at the curriculum of 2year Dental Hygiene programs in MI and OH including one school in NH and one school in OR last year. I made a spread sheet that had each program and what courses where required for each program. This helped us to compare our curriculum with the other schools.

Sandy questioned the length of time it takes to get into our dhy courses. She raised the concern, that it appears to take a student 2 years to enter the DHY program; 1 year for the prerequisites and then we accept applications for the program only in the first in September so then it is another year prior to attending the program.

We began by looked at the prerequisites and identified that we are removing the cell biology prerequisite and adding physiology as a prerequisite; citing the lower board scores in this area on the National exam. This is a wash for credit hours. ENG 110 is being changed with ENG 160 which will increase our credit hours by 1; this is an important change since ENG 110 does not require a research paper. Wanda shared with us the State requirements for courses concerning an AAS degree; Social Sciences and physical education are not required by the state to be included in an AAS degree program since this is a degree to “go to work, degree”. We are making the recommendation to remove Social Science and WPE from our program. We have various courses within our curriculum that cover PSY and SOC, therefore we will identify these areas within our courses for CODA. NUT has been part of our program and we are now going to add nutrition into DHY XXXXX(oral health) and the clinic courses. The nursing program has been including nutrition within their courses and not requiring a special transferable credit of NUT.

Then we looked at the core DHY courses, what we found in many schools is that Oral Morphology (dental anatomy) and histology are combined; this is evident in textbooks as well. Combining these two fundamental courses will save the student 2 credits. There is content in Oral Morph that is duplicated in preclinic, head and neck anatomy and MFT. The dental materials course was original set up for our students to take the RDA state exam; this exam has been changed and our students can no longer sit for it so there are procedures that we are teaching that are nice to know…beyond the need to know of topics. Dental Materials will be cut in half saving the student 2 credits. Radiography has been a 3 credit course and we are removing 1 credit making it a 2 credits; 1 credit lab in the 1st fall and a 1 credit didactic course for interpretation in the winter semester. For the student beginning in the dhy clinic course there is so much info the student needs to be functioning on the clinic floor so we are combining DHY 110 & 112 so the students will have increased amount of time in the clinic learning dhy procedures; this is no change in credit hours. With moving DHY 112 to the fall the 1st clinic will be able to expand from a nine week to a 15 week clinic; giving the student more time to experience a variety of clients. The perio course is going to increase 1 credit hour (going from 2 to 3 credits); this is an important aspect of dental hygiene. Dr. Coverly whole heartily agreed that this is a good move for our program including more detail with microbiology and treatment modalities. And the spreading out of Community Dental Hygiene over 2 semesters so the students will be able to work longer on their projects.

There was great discussion on the increase of credit for Perio, the combination of Oral Morph & Histology, the reduction of Dental Materials, and spreading out of Radiography.

The advisory board was very happy with the work that we have put into reducing our program down to 63 credits without diluting the dhy program for an AAS degree.

Sandy motioned the approval of our proposed curriculum and Dr. Coverly 2nd it, all was in favor of the changes.

Wanda asked for volunteers to work a couple of Fridays either in November and/or December to do a review of courses. Cindy had already accepted and Micki did too.

Adjourned at 7:50

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Grubka