Syllabus for: PSY 12000 -- Elementary Psychology
Spring 2015
Teacher: Mrs. BathurstPrep: open
Phone: 219-374-3802E-mail:
Schecter, D. L, Gilbert, D. T. & Wegner, D. M. (2012). Psychology. (2nd ed.). New York: Worth. The book has an outline for each chapter that you may print and use in class with notes.
Course Description:
This course provides a broad overview of historical and contemporary psychology. Through lectures, assignments,discussions, quizzes, and exams you will explorescientific method; biological processes; sensation and perception; learningmemory; human development; intelligence & language; social psychology;abnormal behavior therapy; and health psychology.
Class attendance will follow the HCSC policy as found in the student handbook.
Class participation is strongly encouraged. Asking questions, contributing to discussion, and sharing thoughts and ideas will help you and your classmates more thoroughly understand the subject matter.
Quizzes (100 points possible):
10 quizzes will be given throughout the semester. Each quiz is worth 10 points. To prepare for these quizzes it is your responsibility to complete reading assignments by the due date. No make-up quizzes will be given if prior notice for an absence is not approved.
Journal Review (50 points possible):
You will be required to find and review an article from a professional psychology journal. Instructions for this assignment will be given at a later date.
Exams and the Final (550 points possible):
Five exams will be given throughout the course of the semester. Thefirst four exams will be non-cumulative and worth 100 points each. The final exam will be worth 150 points, focusing on the most recent learning material, but also covering material from the rest of the semester.All exams will cover material from required readings, class lectures, and class discussions.
Make-up exams and Quizzes:
All missed exams must be made up during the next success period.
No Extra Credit:
There will be no extra credit “bail-out” assignments given to students who are not making the grade at the end of the semester. So, start concentrating on earning “regular credit” early in the semester.
Civility in the Classroom:
While in class it is very important to respect other students and the instructor at all times. Please do not talk during lecture or while others are participating in class discussion. Please do no pass notes or messages during class. Cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices are to be turned off prior to the beginning of class.
/ Reading, Assignments & Exams1/27-2/3 / Psychology: The Evolution of a Science / Ch. 1
2/11-2/25 / Methods in Psychology
Neuroscience and Behavior / Ch. 2
Ch. 3
2/26 / Exam 1 / Ch. 1, 2, 3
3/9-3/16 / Sensation & Perception
Consciousness / Ch.4
Ch. 5
3/18-3/24 / Exam 2
Memory / Ch.4, 5
Ch. 6
3/24 / Submit Choice of Journal Article
3/25-4/8 / Learning / Ch. 7
4/9 / Exam 3 / Ch 6,7
4/20 / Developmental
Journal Article Review Paper Due / Ch. 11
4/30-5/7 / Personality
Social Psychology / Ch. 12
Ch. 13
5/11-5/20 / Exam 4
Psychological Disorders / Ch. 11, 12, 13
Ch. 14
5/29-6/8 / Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Disorder / Treatment Paper / Ch.15
Week of 6/8 / Comprehensive Final Exam
*This schedule is subject to change if the situation warrants.