Journalism IHix 2016-17
Syllabus for JournalismI
Ms. Melanie Hix
E 104
Objectives: The main objectives of Journalism I are to help students learn to appreciate various styles and elements of journalism as a study of life, to broaden student’s oral skills through class discussions and special reports, and to develop the basic skills necessary for effective written communication.
The scope of this course is broad, covering the various elements of media. Topics of focus will include:
Journalism IHix 2016-17
- Ethics
- Journalism History
- Mass Media
- Law and Libel
- Intelligent Interviewing
- News Writing
- Feature Writing
- Sports Writing
- Effective Headlines
- Editing
- Cutlines
- Typography
Journalism IHix 2016-17
Journalism IHix 2016-17
Classroom Management:Students are expected to show respect for themselves, their instructor and classmates. Students are also expected to follow the school and classroom rules at all times. Classroom management is aligned with the Mustang High School disciplinary policy.
Five Student Commandments
- Keep it clean- Your language, your work area, and the classroom
- Respect yourself and others- If I am talking, I expect you to be listening. If others are talking, I expect you to listen. You are the very best YOU that you can be. Respect that about yourself and others. Derogatory language will not be tolerated in this class. If you hear it, please report it. Stop the Hate.
- Right place, right time- For this class, “on-time” means that you are in your assigned seat, logging in or beginning your daily warm-up. Tardies will be given for those students who are not in the classroom or who are not seated fulfilling expectations. Additionally, because this classroom is a computer lab, it is expected that you will work on the classwork when it is assigned. Failure to work on assignments, inappropriate web usage, game playing, etc. will result in computer privilege.
- School appropriate (in appearance and behavior) - Follow the dress code. This classroom typically remains on the chilly side. Dress accordingly. Use respect in this classroom. If you are not sure what respect looks like, I can help you.
- Be prepared- Complete your assignments in the appropriate time frame.
Grading Guidelines:As a student, you are responsible for DAILY work, quizzes, tests and papers/projects. In accordance with the Mustang High School English Department grading guidelines, your work will be weighted in the following manner:
Daily Grammar Practice, Homework/class work, Quizzes, Daily Tests40%
Unit Tests, and Papers/Projects60%
Homework: Periodically, you will be assigned homework. It is expected that you will complete these outside of class and in a timely manner. No class time will be allotted for the completion of homework.
Late Work: If you are absent, you have equal time to make up any missed work. If you choose not to turn in an assignment/homework on the appropriate day, you have one opportunity each quarter to turn in one daily assignment late for a maximum of 70%. Absolutely NO late papers or projects will be accepted. If you miss a unit test, you have a maximum of one week to schedule a makeup time before/after school or during lunch.
Cell Phones:
One vital key to achieving academic success in the classroom is the ability to focus on the task at hand. Cell phones will be put on silent (without vibration) and placed in each computer station’s cell phone envelope for the duration of class. Periodically, cell phones may be used in a class activity but this will be clearly announced for that class period. Failure to adhere to this will result in a referral to the appropriate grade level principal for “defiance”.
IDs and Bathroom Passes: Students are expected to have their IDs visible at all times. Students are strongly encouraged to visit the restroom between classes. When students need to be excused during class, they must have their ID and a hall pass. Students who do not have their ID will still be given the opportunity to use the restroom; however, they will receive detention.
Papers and Projects:Throughout the year, papers and projects will be assigned with ample notice. Because of the weight given to these assignments, in accordance with the English department grading guidelines, failure to successfully complete and turn in papers and projects will result in an “F” for the semester. Every effort should be made to complete all papers and projects. Papers will be formatted in correct MLA format. Each student will receive a guide to this format and is expected to follow this format for the remainder of the year.
Bonus Opportunities/Replace a Grade:
In this class, you will receive many grades on a weekly basis and, therefore, bonus is rarely assigned. When bonus is offered, it is up to each student to take advantage of the opportunity. No bonus will be accepted outside of the assigned due date.
Cheating and Plagiarism:Cheating and plagiarism are grave transgressions and shall result in a “0” for any student found cheating or plagiarizing.
Syllabus Additions: As it may become necessary, I reserve the right to add to or amend this syllabus. In this circumstance, I will give you an additional copy to keep and take home.
PowerSchool:The best way for students and parents to keep track of their attendance and grades for all classes is through PowerSchool. There is a link to PowerSchool on the district and MHS websites. On the district website ( the link can be found through the Parent Portal button. It can also be found the same way using the MHS website (
Additional Expectations:Journalism is the first step in becoming a savvy media consumer. Discussion in class will vary based on the current news. It is vital that each student be respectful of fellow classmates’ opinions. Differing opinions and fact-based discussion is a keystone to this class. Students are to conduct themselves accordingly, at all times. Any student who fails to maintain these expectations will receive three (3) hours of detention for failure to follow instructions.