For an electronic copy of these announcements, and the logos, contact Christine Ibanez at

There are two vigil sites in the San Jose Diocese, San Jose West (Alameda & Taylor) and San Jose East (Alum Rock & White). Both are listed below. You may opt to print only the one closest to your parish, or publish them both if there’s room.

Sunday Date to Run in Bulletin / Bulletin and Church Announcement
02/11/18 / 40 Days for Life Lenten Campaign runs from Ash Wednesday, February 14th, through Palm Sunday, March 25th, 2018. 40 Days for Life is a peaceful pro-life effort of volunteer Prayer Warriors and Sidewalk Counselors, committed to protecting women and their unborn children. The campaign consists of Prayer and Fasting, Community Outreach and Peaceful Vigils outside of the abortion mills at local Planned Parenthood clinics. Please come pray with us, even one hour of your prayers and presence outside these abortion mills makes a difference, and every innocent life saved is another blessing from God!
Upcoming events:
  • 24 Hour Adorationfrom 9:00 am on Tuesday, February 13th(after the 8:30 am Mass concludes) through 8:30 am on Wednesday, February 14th. Our Adoration will be at St. Frances Cabrini Church located at 15333 Woodard Road, San Jose, CA 95124. We will be adoring in the “Side Chapel” directly to the right of the main church. Please sign up for an hour with our Lord, and to prepare ourselves spiritually for the next 40 days. PhoneMary Ann Smutnak at 408-984-4721, or email Peggy Montoya o schedule your time, or more information.
  • Opening Prayers #1 : “San Jose West” 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday, February 14th. Join us in prayer on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 1691 The Alameda, San Jose 95126. Schedule yourself and a friend here online. 40 Days - San Jose Link We pray every day from 8 am to 6 pm, daily for the 40 days.
  • Opening Prayers #2 : “San Jose East” 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Thursday, February 15th. Join us in prayer on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 3131 Alum Rock Ave, San Jose 95127 . Schedule yourself and a friend here online. 40 Days - San Jose Link We pray every day from 8 am to 6 pm, daily for the 40 days.

Sunday Date to Run in Bulletin / Bulletin and Church Announcement
02/18/18 / 40 Days for Life Lenten Campaign is now underway! We are praying every day until Palm Sunday, March 25th, 2018. 40 Days for Life is a peaceful pro-life effort of volunteer Prayer Warriors and Sidewalk Counselors, committed to protecting women and their unborn children. The campaign consists of Prayer and Fasting, Community Outreach and Peaceful Vigils outside of the abortion mills at local Planned Parenthood clinics. Please come pray with us, even one hour of your prayers and presence outside these abortion mills makes a difference, and every innocent life saved is another blessing from God!
Upcoming events:
  • Pro-Life Mass for the Sanctity of Life & Potluck Reception7:00 pm on Thursday, February 22nd, at Saint Mary’s Church, 219 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030. Join us as we celebrate Mass , honor those young women who bravely chose Life, and pray for the intercession and saving of more lives during this Campaign. Potluck reception to follow, please bring food to share.
  • Continuing Prayers : “San Jose West” 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Join us in prayer on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 1691 The Alameda (corner of Taylor) San Jose 95126 . Schedule yourself and a friend here online. 40 Days - San Jose Link This clinic is open 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Mon- Fri (Thursdays until 7:00 pm), and performs “medicated abortions” every day they are open. We need you to join us and show these young women the LOVE of Christ and prayerfully speak with them about life-affirming alternatives to abortion.
  • Continuing Prayers : “San Jose East” 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Join us in prayer on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 3131 Alum Rock Ave (corner of White Road), San Jose 95127 . Schedule yourself and a friend here online. 40 Days - San Jose Link This clinic is open 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Mon- Fri, and performs “medicated abortions” every day they are open. We need you to join us and show these young women the LOVE of Christ and prayerfully speak with them about life-affirming alternatives to abortion.
If you have any other questions or would like to speak to a member of the 40 Days for Life local coordinators, please phone Christine Ibanez at (408) 248-2008 or Rilene Simpson at (408) 800-5498.
Sunday Date to Run in Bulletin / Bulletin and Church Announcement
3/18/18 / 40 Days for Life Lenten Campaign is now underway! We are praying every day until Palm Sunday, March 25th, 2018. 40 Days for Life is a peaceful pro-life effort of volunteer Prayer Warriors and Sidewalk Counselors, committed to protecting women and their unborn children. The campaign consists of Prayer and Fasting, Community Outreach and Peaceful Vigils outside of the abortion mills at local Planned Parenthood clinics. Please come pray with us, even one hour of your prayers and presence outside these abortion mills makes a difference, and every innocent life saved is another blessing from God!
Upcoming events:
  • Mid-Campaign Pro-Life Procession Saturday, March 10th, 10:00 am . We will gather outside on the steps of St Leo’s Church, 88 Race Street, San Jose, 95126, and peacefully process with song and prayer along the Alameda, finishing in front of the Planned Parenthood, 1691 The Alameda (corner of Taylor), San Jose 95126.
  • Continuing Prayers : “San Jose West” 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Join us in prayer on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 1691 The Alameda (corner of Taylor) San Jose 95126 . Schedule yourself and a friend here online. 40 Days - San Jose Link This clinic is open 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Mon- Fri (Thursdays until 7:00 pm), and performs “medicated abortions” every day they are open. We need you to join us and show these young women the LOVE of Christ and prayerfully speak with them about life-affirming alternatives to abortion.
  • Continuing Prayers : “San Jose East” 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Join us in prayer on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 3131 Alum Rock Ave (corner of White Road), San Jose 95127 . Schedule yourself and a friend here online. 40 Days - San Jose Link This clinic is open 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Mon- Fri, and performs “medicated abortions” every day they are open. We need you to join us and show these young women the LOVE of Christ and prayerfully speak with them about life-affirming alternatives to abortion.
  • Final Prayers- Candlelight Vigil and Rosary : “San Jose West” On the final evening of the 40 Days for Life Campaign, we will pray a rosary by candlelight. Saturday, March 24th, 7:30 pm, on the Eve of Palm Sunday. Please join us on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 1691 The Alameda (corner of Taylor) San Jose 95126 . This is our final gathering of the 40 Days Campaign, and we would love to have all our volunteers, prayer warriors and sidewalk counselors come together for this hour of reverence, prayer, and thanks to God for all the lives that have been touched in some way by our physical presence.
If you have any other questions or would like to speak to a member of the 40 Days for Life local coordinators, please phone Christine Ibanez at (408) 248-2008 or Rilene Simpson at (408) 800-5498.

Spring Lenten 2018 Campaign, Diocese of San JosePage 1