St Michael’s Academy Bulletin

Week Commencing: 1st May 2017

The Week Ahead
Lower School / Upper School
Tuesday 2nd Table Tennis
Wednesday 3rd Homework Club
Thursday 4th DT Club
Friday 5th Fruity Friday / Tuesday 2nd Table Tennis
Wednesday 3rd Homework Club
Thursday 4th DT Club
Friday 5th Fruity Friday
Dear All,
It's hard to believe we have been back at school a full week already. The time has flown. The children have been working particularly hard towards their SATs and I am sure they will enjoy the chance to have a little time off whilst still revising for their tests. May I remind you that breakfast will start at 8.15am for all Year 6 pupils during SATs week.
In the interests of safeguarding and ensuring that our pupils are protected only the main school entrance will be open from Tuesday onwards. All other entrances will be closed. We apologise for any inconvenience but know that you will support us in ensuring that St. Michael's is as safe as it can be for the children.
Additionally, we ask that Year 3 and 4 children are not allowed to walk to/from school by themselves. We have a duty to ensure that the children are safe and this does carry risks at such a young age. Please speak to the School Office if this causes a problem for you and we will do our best to assist.
I hope that you all enjoy a wonderful bank holiday week and that perhaps the sun will shine so that we can all get outdoors for some fresh air.
Mr Vella
Acting Head Teacher
Please can we politely remind parents that any outstanding balances are now due, please contact the school if you have any queries.
Please can you also return the code of conduct and medical forms if you have not already done so, if you need another copy please contact the office.
Message from Harris and Lacey from Wilson Class.
Thursday 27th of April, Wilson class celebrated the Dutch national day of Kingsday. This is the birthday of the King of The Netherlands and during this day the Dutch people like to dress up in orange, eat typical Dutch food and familiesare having boot sales.
We all dressed up in the Dutch colours,played some typical Dutch games like Spijkerpoepen, Sjoelen & Ezeltje prik and enjoyed the taste of Stroopwafels and orange squash. We really enjoyed it and we had lots of fun!
ATTENDANCE / Congratulations to Walliams class who achieved attendance of 95.4%
The winning class will receive 5 house points. All children with 100% attendance at the end of the year will receive an award.
We have had an amazing response to this opportunity, if your child is interested please complete the slip and return to school as this will have limited places.
I would like my son/daughter to be considered for the Woman’s World Cup Cricket trip.
I understand more information will be given in due course.
Name: / Class:
Signed: ______Date: ______
Y6 Swimming/Bowling
There will be no swimming for Year 6 on Tuesday 9th May due to the KS2 SATs tests.
On Friday 12th May, to celebrate all of the children's hard work, we will be going bowling at MFA Bowling in Yeovil. We have arranged a discount price of just £2 per child. Afterwards we will be having a picnic so children will need to bring in a packed lunch. Free School Meals children will be provided with a packed lunch.
Please return the slip below together with the £2 in a named envelope and deposit in the money deposit box located around the school.
Year 6 Bowling
I would like my son/daughter to go to MFA Bowling on 12th May 2017.
Name: / Class:
o I enclose £2
o We receive free school meals
Signed: ______Date: ______

Dear Parents,

As the summer term progresses, we here at St Michael’s continue our progress towards the future and the next year for the school.

The Governors are binging in several changes at the school and I wanted to share one change which we are introducing over the next few weeks, and that’s the Schoolcomms ‘ Schoolgateway’.

This is an App for your phone or a Web browser, (

This allows a communication link with the school, and most importantly allows you to pay for school dinners or trips via the app, which you can download from the Apple store or Android store.

You then simply register the app and as long as St Michael’s has your mobile number and email address you will get a PIN and then you are ready to go.

The school office will message you with, for example, a dinner money request and then you can pay by debit or instant bank transfer for your children’s lunches.

We at the school understand going cashless is a big change and we will gradually introduce over the rest of the term, so as to give both you the parents and us the school time to adjust. You will be able to pay or consent for school trips via the app and most importantly if your child doesn’t arrive at school we can contact you.

We all hope you enjoy the process of going cashless and improving communication with the school. Any help or feedback please just ask at the office and we will be happy to help you.

Kind regards,

William Capon

Chair of Governors.