Syllabus for Career Search
40 Careers in 40 Days
1/2 Credit
Mr. Wakefield - Room 297
(216) 438-6400 Extension 1297
This career/college search class is designed to help students look ahead and get an idea of what it takes to get into college and one day have a career. Students will be exposed to many topics that they will have to face after graduation from high school. Students will leave this class with comprehensive plans of how to achieve their college and professional goals.
Careers We Will Explore
There are so many, and this list is only the beginning. I, and you, reserve the right to make changes to this list. But for now, just think. In just a few years you could become a(n):
Social Worker
Skilled Laborer
IT Specialist
Retail Manager
Marketing Representative
Advertising Representative
Air Traffic Controller
Physical Therapist
Laboratory Technician
Police Officer
Fire Fighter
Park Ranger
Insurance Agent
Physical Trainer
Construction Worker
Sales Representative
Software Developer
Real Estate Agent
Auto Worker
Fashion Merchandiser
Financial Planner
Topics We Will Cover
While we discuss these careers, there are many things we need to explore that are related to careers and how you can get there. Some of these topics are:
Career Interests
The Career Planning Process
Hot Jobs of the Future
Researching Careers
Military Careers
Different Types of Colleges
The College Application Process
ACT/SAT Testing
The College Search
Government/Private Financial Aid
Tech Programs
The Armed Forces
Job Searching
Cover Letters
Preparing for Job Interview
Interview Questions
Dressing for Interviews
Phone Interviews
Skills Wanted by Employees
Work Habits
Workplace Etiquette
Telephone Skills
Communication in the Workplace
Business Email
Workplace Attitude
Job Safety
Teamwork on the Job
Getting Along with Your Boss
Workplace Gossip
Labor Unions
Diversity in the Workplace
Women/Men in Non-Traditional Careers
Understanding Pay
Employee Benefits
Employee Rules & Regulations
International Career
The format of this class may be different than any other class you have taken in that it is designed to allow you to explore. This exploration will largely be done together. I will not sit in front of you and lecture. Rather, I will look to you for input and try to lead you to some real answers about careers and you can get there. The kinds of topics we will cover in this class are topics you will need to be able to address on your own throughout the rest of your lives, and with any luck, I will be able to teach you to do so.
The Big College Project (Prezi)
This project is a huge part of your grade. It is a tremendously involved project that will ask you to research everything that should factor into your eventual college decision. You will present your findings to the class during the last week of class. Upon this project’s completion, you will be more than qualified to make an informed decision when you actually choose a college to attend.
Career Job Shadowing Project
You will have the opportunity to job shadow someone in a field in which you are interested. You will make contact with someone in your chosen career field and then spend the day with them. The information for the project will be provided.
We will be using an online classroom called Edmodo. This sort of resource will help prepare you for college. This is a very cool program where I can post agendas, assignments, quizzes, polls, blogs, and links. You can complete assignments, turn them in, take quizzes, etc. This way you are always linked to the class. You can also get reminders that something is due. The website is . The password to get into the Career Search page and sign up is xwgdjv. There is a free app for your phone for Edmodo, and I highly recommend you get it. It will send you reminders, tell you when something has been graded, and notify you when someone has replied to your blog. There will be times when you are required to complete your homework and turn it in on Edmodo. You will also be asked to blog in response to prompts provided by yours truly.
You and your parents/guardians must also sign up for Remind. This is an easy way for me to get updates to you all, and I use this service quite frequently. Download the app and follow the instructions I give you to sign up.
This is a class that can benefit you tremendously as you begin to think about how you would like to spend the rest of your lives. I sincerely hope that this fact alone will motivate you to participate to the best of your abilities. If you do this, your grades will take care of themselves.
You will be graded on:
Responses to approximately 40 career related videos (30 Points Each)
Approximately 40 Career/College Related Modules (30 Points Each)
The Big College Project (200 Points)
Job Shadow Project (100 Points)
Cover Letter (30 Points)
Resume (60 Points)
Reference Sheet (30 Points)
Interview Follow-Up Letter (30 Points)
I like to stick with a very basic grading policy that is based on the mastery of the topic at hand. Each assignment you hand in will marked in one of two ways(✔+ or INCOMPLETE). If you get an INCOMPLETE it means that you have not completed the assignment or that you have not proven you have gained the intended knowledge. If you get a (✔+) it means that you have completed the entire assignment and gained the intended knowledge. Please note that if you choose to ignore ANY parts of an assignment (even if it’s only one question), you will get an INCOMPLETE and be asked to complete the assignment.
There is no such thing as partial credit in this class. For example, on the modules you will either get 30 points or a zero. It’s that simple.
You will need the following for the class:
Writing Utensils
Three Ring Binder
College Ruled Notebook Paper
Flash Drive (Do not count on the computers here to save your work.)
If you know ahead of time that you will be out, please let me know so I can tell you what you are missing and give you make up work.
For as many days you are absent, you have that many days to make up your work.
Please check the assignment folder for missing work. It is your responsibility to get your work.
If you are tardy, I will be following the school tardy procedure. I am required to send an email that your were tardy to class and you will be assigned a hall-sweep. As you know, hall-sweeps lead to placement on the Return with Parent list.
If you come in late, place your pass with your name on it on my desk.
Please do not interrupt the class or me. Please be respectful of others that are teaching and/or learning.
Don’t even ask. Handle your business in the time you are given.
A Final Note
This is only a 40-day class. Therefore, please try not to miss too many days. Also, keep up with your work. You can’t make a “come back” the next quarter or semester. I hope that you will have fun in this class and learn some things that will help you later on in life.
Career Search Contract:
I ______have read and understand the syllabus for the Career Search course that I will be taking this year. I may not agree with everything that is in it, however, I will abide by the guidelines to the best of my ability.
Name: ______
School Gmail Address: ______
Signature: ______
Parent Information:
Parent/Guardians Name/s ______
Phone Numbers: ______
Emails: ______
What is the best way and time to contact you?
What do I need to know about your child that will help me educate them?
Signature: ______