Titles for thelisting of the 135paperson the mangroverestoration.com web site. January 14, 2018.

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Five Sections: I. General Papers 1-199. II. Oil and Mangroves Papers 200-299. III. Mangrove Monitoring Papers 300-399. IV. Mangroves and Dredged Material Islands Papers 400-499. V. Mangroves and Sea Level Rise Papers 500-599.

I. General Papers 1-199.

1. Lewis, RR and FM Dunstan. 1975. Possible role of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. in

establishment of mangroves in Florida. Pp. 82-100 in RR Lewis (ed.) Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Restoration of Coastal Vegetation in Florida. Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida. 203 pp.

2. Pool, DJ, SC Snedaker and AE Lugo. 1977. Structure of mangrove forests in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico and Costa Rica. Biotropica 9(3): 195-212.

3. Lewis, RR. 1982. Low marshes, peninsular Florida. Ch. 7, pp. 147-152 in RR Lewis (ed.), Creation and Restoration of Coastal Plant Communities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 219pp.

4. Lewis, RR. 1982. Mangrove forests. Ch. 8, pp. 153-172 in RR Lewis (ed.), Creation and Restoration of Coastal Plant Communities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 219pp.

5. Odum, WE, McIvor, CC, and Smith, III, TJ. 1982.The ecology of the mangroves of South Florida: a community profile: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-81/24. 154 p.

6. Jimenez, JA, AE Lugo and G Cintron. 1985. Tree mortality in mangrove forests. Biotropica 17(3):177-185.

7. Lewis, RR, RG Gilmore, Jr., DW Crewz and WE Odum. 1985. Mangrove habitat and fishery

resources of Florida. Pp. 281-336 in W. Seaman, Jr. (ed.), Florida Aquatic Habitat and Fishery

Resources. Florida Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Kissimmee, FL. 543 pp.

8. Patterson, SG. 1986. Mangrove community boundary interpretation and detection of aerial changes on Marco Island, Florida: application of digital image processing and remove sensing techniques. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report 86(10). 87 p.

9. Snedaker, J. 1987. Mangrove mythology. Florida Naturalist. Fall 1987: 7-8.

10. Sargent, WB, and PR Carlson. 1987. The utility of Breder traps for sampling mangrove and high marsh fish assemblages. Pages 194-205 in FJ Webb (Ed.) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Wetlands Restoration and Creation, Hillsborough Community College, Plant City, Florida. 218 p.

11. Lewis, RR. 1988. Management and restoration of mangrove forests in Puerto Rico, The US Virgin Islands, and Florida, USA. Pages 319-342 in Memorias Ecologia y Conservacion del Delta Usumacinta y Grijalva. INIREB-Division Regional Tabasco and the World Wildlife Fund.

12. Lewis, RR. 1990. Wetlands restoration/creation/enhancement terminology: suggestions for standardization Pp.417-422 in JA Kusler and ME Kentula (eds.), Wetland Creation and Restoration: The Status of the Science. Island Press, Washington, D.C. xxv + 595 p.

13. Lewis, RR. 1990. Creation and restoration of coastal plain wetlands in Florida. Pp. 73-101 in JA. Kusler and ME. Kentula (eds.),Wetland Creation and Restoration: The Status of the Science. Island Press, Washington, D.C. xxv + 595 p.

14. Lewis, RR. 1990. Creation and restoration of coastal wetlands in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Pp.103-123 in JA Kusler and ME Kentula (eds.), Wetland Creation and Restoration: The Status of the Science. Island Press, Washington, D.C. xxv + 595 pp.

15. Kjerfve, B. 1990. Manual for investigation of hydrological processes in mangrove ecosystems. UNESCO/UNDP Regional Project report. 79 p.

16. Crewz, DW, and RR Lewis. 1991. Evaluation of historical attempts to establish emergent vegetation in marine wetlands in Florida. Florida Sea Grant Technical Paper No.60. Florida Sea Grant College, Gainesville. 79 p + append.

17. Lewis, RR. 1992. Coastal habitat restoration as a fishery management tool. Pp. 169-173 in RH Stroud (ed.), Stemming the Tide of Coastal Fish Habitat Loss. Proceedings of a Symposium on Conservation of Coastal Fish Habitat, Baltimore, Md., March 7-9, 1991. National Coalition for Marine Conservation, Inc., Savannah, GA.

18. Snedaker, SC. 1993. Impact on mangroves. Pages 282-305 in GA Maul (ed.), Climatic change in the Intra-American Seas: implications of future climate change on the ecosystems and socio-economic structure of the marine and coastal regimes of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and N.E. Coast of S. America. Edward Arnold, London.

19. Turner, RE, and RR Lewis. 1997. Hydrologic restoration of coastal wetlands. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 4(2):65-72.

20. Brockmeyer, RE Jr., JR Rey, RW Virnstein, RG Gilmore and L Earnest. 1997. Rehabilitation of impounded estuarine wetlands by hydrologic reconnection to the Indian River Lagoon (USA). Wetlands Ecology and Management 4(2):93-109.

21. Lewis, RR. 1999. Key concepts in successful ecological restoration of mangrove forests. Pages 12-32inProceedings of the TCE-Workshop No. II, Coastal Environmental Improvement in Mangrove/Wetland Ecosystems, 18-23 August 1998, Ranong, Thailand. Danish-SE Asian Collaboration in Tropical Coastal Ecosystems (TCE) Research and Training. NACA, P.O. Box 1040, Bangkok, Thailand 10903

22. Stevenson, NJ, RR Lewis and PR Burbridge. 1999. Disused shrimp ponds and mangrove rehabilitation. Pages 277-297 in “An International Perspective on Wetland Rehabilitation”, W. J. Streever (Ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 338 pp.

23. Lewis, RR and W Streever. 2000. Restoration of mangrove habitat. Tech Note ERDC TN-WRP-VN-RS-3.2. U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 7 p.

24. West Lake Mangrove Restoration Project Profile. 2000.

25. Erftemeijer, PLA, and RR Lewis III. 2000. Planting mangroves on intertidal mudflats: habitat restoration or habitat conversion? Pages 156-165 in Proceedings of the ECOTONE VIII Seminar “Enhancing Coastal Ecosystems Restoration for the 21st Century”, Ranong, Thailand, 23-28 May 1999. Royal Forest Department of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.

26. Lewis, RR. 2000. Ecologically based goal setting in mangrove forest and tidal marsh restoration in Florida. Ecological Engineering 15(3-4): 191-198.

27. Kairo, JG, F Dahdouh-Guebas, J Bosire and N Koedam. 2001. Restoration and management of mangrove systems – a lesson for and from the East African region. South African Journal of Botany 67:383-389.

28. Lewis, RR. 2003. Natural and mechanical alterations of mangrove forests.

29. Lewis, RR, MJ Phillips, B Clough and DJ Macintosh. 2003. Thematic Review on Coastal Wetland Habitats and Shrimp Aquaculture. Report prepared under the World Bank, NACA, WWF and FAO Consortium Program on Shrimp Farming and the Environment. Published by the Consortium. 81 pp.

30. Lewis, RR. 2003. Mangrove restoration – costs and benefits of successful ecological restoration. Manuscript from presentation at the Mangrove Valuation Workshop, Univerisiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, April 4-8, 2001. Sponsored by the Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden. 18 p.

31. Predicting Future Mangrove Forest Migration in the Everglades Under Rising Sea Level. USGS Fact Sheet FS-030-03. March 2003. 2 p.

32. Effects of Hydrology on Red Mangrove Recruits. USGS Fact Sheet FS-029-03. March 2003. 2 p.

33. Lewis RR, AB Hodgson, and PL McNeese and CR Kruer. 2005. Rapid ecological assessment (REA) (Phase 1) for mangroves within the runway 07-25 clear zone, Boca Chica Field Naval Air Station Key West (NASKW), Monroe County, Florida. 51 p.

34. Lewis RR, AB Hodgson, and GS Mauseth. 2005. Project facilitates the natural reseeding of mangrove forests (Florida). Ecological Restoration 23(4):276-77.

35. Lewis, RR. 2005. Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of mangrove forests. Ecol. Eng. 24(4 SI): 403-418. (English)

36. Lewis, RR. 2005. Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of mangrove forests. Ecol. Eng. 24(4 SI): 403-418. (Espanol)

37. Sato, G, A Fisseha, S Gebrekiros, HA Karim, S Negassi, M Fisher, EYJ Teclemariam and R Riley. 2005. A novel approach to growing mangroves on the coastal mud flats of Eritrea with the potential for relieving regional poverty and hunger. Wetlands 25:776-779 and Lewis, RR, PLA Erftemeijer, and AB Hodgson. 2006. Comment: A novel approach to growing mangroves on the coastal mud flats of Eritrea with the potential for relieving regional poverty and hunger and G. Sato Reply. Wetlands 26:637-638.

38. Brown, B, andRR Lewis. 2006. Edited by R Lewis, A Quarto, J Enright, E Corets, J Primavera, T Ravishankar, OD Stanley and R Djamaluddin. Five Steps to Successful Ecological Restoration of Mangroves. Yayasan Akar Rumput Laut (YARL) and the Mangrove Action Project. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 64 p.

39. McLeod, E, and RV Salm. 2006. Managing mangroves for resilience to climate change. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 64 p.

40. IUCN, Mangrove Action Project and RR Lewis III. 2007. Ecological Mangrove Restoration. Poster.

41. Mangrove Rehabilitation Guidebook. Global Nature Fund. 2007. 68 p.

42. Lewis, RR and RG Gilmore. 2007. Important considerations to achieve successful mangrove forest restoration with optimum fish habitat. Bull. Mar. Sci. 80(3):823-837.

43. Samson, MS, and RN Rollon. 2008. Growth performance of planted red mangroves in the Philippines: revisiting forest management strategies. Ambio 37(4):234-240.

44. Giri, C, Z Zhu, LL Tieszen, A Sigh, S Gillette and JA Kelmelis. 2008. Mangrove forest distribution and dynamics (1975-2005) of the tsunami-affected region of Asia. J. Biogeogr. 3:519-528.

45. Bosire, JO, F Dahdough-Guebas, M Walton, BI Crona, RR Lewis III, C. Field, JG Kairo and N Koedam. Functionality of restored mangroves: A review. 2008. Aquatic Botany 89:251-259.

46. Chan, HT and S Baba. 2008. Manual on guidelines for rehabilitation of coastal forests damaged by natural hazards in the Asia-Pacific region. International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems and International Tropical Timber Organization, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan. 66 p.

47. Shafer, DJ and TH Roberts. 2008. Long-term development of tidal mitigation wetlands in Florida. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 16:23-31.

48. Primavera, JH, and JMA Esteban. 2008. A review of mangrove rehabilitation in the Philippines: successes and failures and future prospects. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 16(5):345-358.

49. Biswas, SR, AU Malik, JK Choudhury and A Nishat. 2009. A unified framework for the restoration of Southeast Asian mangroves – bridging ecology, society and economics. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 17:365-383.

50. Lewis, RR 2009. Methods and criteria for successful mangrove forest restoration. Chapter 28., pages 787-800 in GME Perillo, E Wolanski, DR Cahoon, and MM Brinson (eds.) Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach. Elsevier Press.

51.Alongi, DM. 2009. Paradigm shifts in mangrove biology. Chapter 22, pages 615-640 in GME Perillo, E Wolanski, DR Cahoon, and MM Brinson (eds.) Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach. Elsevier Press.

52. Lewis, RR. 2009. Ecological mangrove restoration. Intercol Bulletin 3(4):4.

53. Chen, L, W. Wang, Y Zhang and G. Lin. 2009. Recent progresses in mangrove conservation, restoration and research in China. J. Plant Ecology. 2(2):45-54.

54. Stanley, OD, and RR Lewis III. 2009. Strategies for mangrove rehabilitation in an eroded coastline of Selangor, peninsular Malaysia. J. Coastal Development 12(3):144-156.

55. Lewis, RR. 2009. Knowledge overload, wisdom underload. Ecological Engineering 35:341-342.

56. Lewis, RR. 2010. Mangrove field of dreams: if we build it, will they come? SWS research Brief No. 2009-005. 4 p. Wetland Science and Practice 27(1):15-18.

57. Powell, N, M Osbeck, SB Tan, and VC Toan. 2010. Mangrove restoration and rehabilitation for climate change adaption in Vietnam. World Resources Report Case Study. 22 p.

58. Matsui, N, J Suekuni, M Nogami, S Havanond, and P Salikui. 2010. Mangrove rehabilitation dynamics and soil organic carbon changes as a result of full hydraulic restoration and regrading of a previously intensively managed shrimp pond. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 18:233-242.

59. Zaldivar-Jimenez, MA, JA Herrera-Silveira, C Teutli-Hernandez, FA Comin, JL Andrade, CC Molina and R P Cecallos. 2010. Conceptual framework for mangrove restoration in the Yucatan Peninsula. Ecological Restoration 28(3):333-342.

60. Giri, C, E Ochieng, LL Tieszen, Z Zhu, A Singh, T Loveland, J Masek and N Duke. 2011. Status and distribution of mangrove forests of the world using earth observation satellite data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20(1):154-159.

61. Donato, DC, JB Kauffman, D Murdiyarso, S Kurnianto, M Stidham and M Kanninen. 2011. Mangroves among the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics. Nature Geoscience. 3 April 2011. DOI:10.1038/NGE01123

62. Lewis, RR. 2011. How successful mangrove forest restoration informs the process of successful general wetlands restoration. National Wetlands Newsletter 33(4):23-25.

63. Alexander, S, CR Nelson, J Aronson, D Lamb, a Cliquet, KL Erwin, CM Finlayson, RS de Groot, JA Harris, ES Higgs, RJ Hobbs, RR Lewis III, D Martinez, and C Murcia. 2011. Opportunities and challenges for ecological restoration within REDD+. Rest. Ecol. 19(6):683-689.

64. Ecological Mangrove Restoration Summary with examples. 2011 version.

65. IUCN. 2011. An appraisal of mangrove management in micro-tidal estuaries and lagoons in Sri Lanka. IUCN Sri Lanka Country Office, Colombo, Sri Lanka. viii + 116 p.

66. McCleod, E, GL Chmura, S Bouillon, R Salm, M Bjork, CM Duarte, CE Lovelock, WH Schlesinger and BR Sullivan. 2011. A blueprint for blue carbon: toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO2. Front. Ecol. Environ. 9(10): 552-560.

67. Ellison, JC. 2012. Climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning for mangrove systems. World Wildlife Fund. Washington, DC. 142 p.

68. Rovai, SR, EJ Soriano-Sierra, PR Pagliosa, G Cintron, Y Schaeffer-Novelli, RP Menghini, C Coelho Jr., PA Horta, RR Lewis III, JC Simonassi, JAA Alves, F Boscatto and SJ Dutra. 2012. Secondary succession impairment in restored mangroves. Wetl. Ecol. Manage. 20:447-449.

69. Lewis, RR., and MJ Marshall. 1998. Principles of successful restoration of shrimp

aquaculture ponds back to mangrove forests (abstract). Page 327 in the Book of Abstracts of the Aquaculture ’98 Meeting, February 15-19, 1998, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. World Aquaculture Society.

70. Rey, JR, DB Carlson and RE Brockmeyer Jr. 2012. Coastal wetland management in Florida: environmental concerns and human health. Wetl. Ecol. Manage. 20(3):197-211.

71. Carey, J. 2013. Architects of the swamp. Scientific American. December 2013. 74-79.

72. Primavera, JH, JD Savaris, B Bajoyo, JD Coching, DJ Curnick, R Golbeque, AT Guzman, JQ Henderin, RV Joven, RA Loma and HJ Koldewey. 2012. Manual on community-based mangrove rehabilitation – Mangrove Manual Series No. 1. Zoological Society of London, London, UK. viii +240 p.

73. Clough, B. 2013.Continuing the Journey Amongst Mangroves. ISME Mangrove Educational Book Series No. 1. International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME), Okinawa, Japan,and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Yokohama, Japan. xiv + 86 p.

74. Ong, JE and WK Gong. 2013.Structure, Function and Management of Mangrove Ecosystems.ISME Mangrove Educational Book Series No. 2. International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems(ISME), Okinawa, Japan, and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Yokohama,Japan.x + 71 p.

75. Baba, S, HT Chan and S Aksornkoae. 2013.Useful Products from Mangrove and other Coastal Plants. ISME Mangrove Educational Book Series No. 3. International Society for MangroveEcosystems (ISME), Okinawa, Japan, and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO),Yokohama, Japan. xii + 99 p.

76. UNEP. 2007. After the tsunami – coastal ecosystems restoration – lessons learnt. UNEP. Nairobi, Kenya. iii + 55 p.

77. UNEP. 2008. UNEP post-tsunami recovery activities 2004-2007. UNEP. Nairobi, Kenya. ii + 68 p.

78. Lewis, RR and LL Flynn. 2014. Mangrove zone ecology. Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology. Oxford University Press, New York. 10 p.

79. Brown, B. 2004. Do your own mangrove action project. Mangrove Action Project, Port Angeles, Washington, USA and Yayasan Akar Rumput Laut, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 36 p.

80. Lewis, RR and B Brown. 2014. Ecological mangrove rehabilitation – a field manual for practitioners. Version 3. Mangrove Action Project Indonesia, Blue Forests, Canadian International Development Agency, and OXFAM. 275 p. (ENGLISH)

81. Lewis, RR and B Brown. 2014. Ecological mangrove rehabilitation – a field manual for practitioners. Version 3. Mangrove Action Project Indonesia, Blue Forests, Canadian International Development Agency, and OXFAM. 275 p. (ESPANOL)

82. Dale, PE et al. 2014. Multiagency perspectives on managing mangrove wetlands and the mosquitoes they produce. J. Am Mosquito Control Assoc. 30(2):106-115.

83. Lewis RR. 2014. Mangrove forest restoration and the preservation of mangrove biodiversity.

Pages 195-200 inBozzano, M., Jalonen R., Evert, T., Boshier, D., Gallo, L., Cavers, S., Bordacs,

S., Smith, P., and Loo, J. (eds). Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree

species. A thematic study for the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. United Nations

Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy. I-xi + 271 p.

84. Primavera JH, RN Rollon, and MS Samson. 2011. The pressing challenges of mangrove

rehabilitation: pond reversion and coastal protection. Pages 217-244 in L Chicharo and M

Zalewski (eds),Chapter 10 in Volume 10: Ecohydrology and Restoration, in the Treatise on

Estuarine and Coastal Science (Series eds., E. Wolanski, and D. McLusky), Elsevier,


85. Brown B, Fadilla R, Nurdin Y, Soulsby I, Ahmad R. (2014) Community based ecological

mangrove rehabilitation (CBEMR) in Indonesia. SAPIENS 7(2): 53-64.

86. UNEP. 2014. The importance of mangroves to people: a call to action. J van Brochove, E

Sullivan and T Nakamura (eds). United Nations Environment Programme World

Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge. 128 p.

87. Primavera, JH, WG Yap, JP Savaris, RA Loma, ADE Moscoso, JD Coching, CL Montilijao,

RP Poignan and ID Tayo. 2014. Manual on Mangrove Reversion of Abandoned and

Illegal Brackishwater Fishponds – Mangrove Manual Series No. 2. Zoological Society of

London, London, UK. xii +108 p.

88. Spalding, M, A McIvor, FH Tonneijk, S Toi and P van Eijk. 2014. Mangroves for coastal

defence. Guidelines for coastal managers and policy makers. Wetlands International and

The Nature Conservancy. The Netherlands. 42 p.

89. Zoological Society of London. 2014. Program and Abstracts of the Conference: Turning

the Tide on Mangrove Loss. London, UK. November 6-7, 2014. 30 p.

90. Brown, B, W Yuniati, R Ahmad and I Soulsby. 2014. Observations of natural recruitment

and human attempts at mangrove rehabilitation after seismic (tsunami and earthquake)

events in Simulue Island and Singkil Lagoon, Acheh, Indonesia. Page 311-327 in V.

Santiago-Fandino, YA Kontar and Y Kaneda (eds), Post-Tsunami Hazard Reconstruction and Restoration, Springer.

91. Hutchinson, J, M Spalding and P zu Ermgassen. 2014. The role of mangroves in fisheries

enhancement. The Nature Conservancy and Wetlands International. The Netherlands. 52 p.

92. Guyana Mangrove Restoration Project. 2013. 1st Guyana Mangrove Forum. Program and

Abstracts. April 11-13, 2013. Georgetown, Guyana. 36 p.

93. Dale, PER, JM Knight and PG Dwyer. 2014. Mangrove rehabilitation: a review focusing

on ecological and institutional issues. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 22:587-604.

94. Kusler, JA and ME Kentula. 1989. Wetland Creation and Restoration: The Status of the Science. Volume I. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. xix + 473 p.

95. Kusler, JA and ME Kentula. 1989. Wetland Creation and Restoration: The Status of the Science. Volume II. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. iv + 172 p.

96. Friess, DA, KW Krauss, EM Horstman, T Balke, TJ Bouma, D Galli and EL Webb. 2012. Are all intertidal wetlands created equal? Bottlenecks, threshholds and knowledge gaps to mangrove and saltmarsh ecosystems. Biol. Rev. 87:346-366.

97. Stephen, MF. 1984. Mangrove restoration in Naples, Florida. Pages 201-216 in F. J. Webb (Ed.). Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Wetlands Restoration and Creation. Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida, USA.

98. Global Nature Fund. 2015. Mangrove restoration guide. Radolfzell, Germany. 58 p.

99. Robertson, LD., DJ King, and C Davies. 2015. Assessing land cover change and anthropogenic disturbance in wetlands using vegetation fractions derived from Landsat 5 TM imagery (1984-2010). Wetlands 35:1077-1091.

100. Lewis, RR., EC Milbrandt, B Brown, KW Krauss, AS Rovai, JW Beever III and LL Flynn. 2016. Stress in mangrove forests: early detection and preemptive rehabilitation are essential for future successful worldwide mangrove forest management. Mar. Poll. Bull. 109:764-771.

101. Asaeda, T, B Abner, K Sanjaya, MD Fortes, Y Kanesaka and E Wolanski. 2016. Mangrove plantation over a limestone reef – Good for the ecology? Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 173:57-64.

102. Donnelly, M, and L Walters. 2014. Trapping of Rhizophora mangle propagules by coexisting early successional species. Est. Coasts. 37:1562-1571.

103. Brown, B, and R Djamaluddin. 2016. A site history and field guide for Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation in Tiwoho Village, Bunaken National Marine Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 40 p.

104. Schmitt, K, and NC Duke. 2015. Mangrove management, assessment and monitoring. Tropical Forestry Handbook. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 29 p.