>£60k and <£65k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Legal & Democratic Services / Webb, Miss Natasha / Advocate / The post holder will provide expert research and advice on legal issues and policy to drive and influence the legal practice within the context of overarching Council priorities.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Children & Young People / Strategic Commissioning, Safeguarding & Integrated Early Hel / Rix, Ms. Vikki / Policy and Strategy Manager / Policy and strategy manager – I manage the overall CS strategy and performance agenda which covers:
Supporting the Children’s Trust and BDSCB and ensure high quality performance management, policy and data analysis is provided.
Produce high quality data analysis, performance management and to submit statistical returns in a timely manner.
Manage an effective troubled families data team and produce high quality data support to Troubled Families Phase 1 and Phase 2 programme.
Provide Inspection support to all areas of Children’s Services via production of SEFs, Inspection Project Planning and monitoring of Inspection Action Plans.
Manage an effective and timely complaints service (including FOI and SA requests) within CS.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Children & Young People / Strategic Commissioning, Safeguarding & Integrated Early Hel / Bush, Mr. Chris / Commission & Projects Mgr / N/A / The post holder is responsible for the management of the Commissioning Team and the delivery of the objectives set in the Commissioning Plan and is jointly responsible for the development, implementation and on-going monitoring of commissioning strategies in the department. The post holder is also responsible for programme / project management of a varied and flexible range of significant projects within the Children’s Services Department.
>£60k and <£65k / 35.00 / Adult & Community Services Dept / Environment / Fransener, Mr. Mark / Group Manager / N/A / Passenger Transport section.
Fleet and Workshop Operations
LBBD Vehicle Operators Licence holder.
LBBD Depots Health and Safety.
Strategic Parks including Health and Safety.
Strategic Highways ( including bridges and structures, street lighting, Highways improvement programme, Highways assets, flooding.)
Facilities management for all corporate buildings ( including building services officers, facilities officers, administration/receptionists )
LBBD Building cleaning section.
LBBD Print and post.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Children & Young People / Complex Needs & Social Care / Still, Mrs. Elaine / Programme Manager / N/A / My responsibilities as Programme Manager are to manage a specialist fostering programme designed to improved the outcomes for the most challenging children with the care system, we do this through placing children with our specially trained carer who are supported by the Multi-disciplinary team that I also manage.
>£50k and <£55k / 36.00 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / White, Mrs. Sharon / Team Mgr Inclus Officers / All the details were accurate. My job title is also the job responsibility in my opinion. I manage the Inclusion Officers within the LA and am the Senior Inclusion Officer. I (and the team) have a responsibility to ensure all pupils access education and monitor aspects such as compliance, safeguarding, exclusions and attendance.
>£50k and <£55k / 14.40 / Children & Young People / Complex Needs & Social Care / Greaves, Mr. Kennilworth / Speclst Snr Educ Psychlst / I am employed as a Senior Specialist Educational Psychologist.
I specialise in providing psychological support to children, young people and adults who have neurodiverse conditions including autism, ADHD, dyspraxia and dyslexia.
This role involves working in schools, with families and with individuals. My role also includes multidisciplinary working and I am involved in the LA Strategy on Autism in line with government initiative s. I have an active role in training and develop of staff and families.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Human Resources & OD / Fisher, Mr. Anthony / Business Partner / N/A / Development and delivery of People Strategy (including having a specific area on which to work alongside the HR Strategy Team)
Through workforce planning, address the people issues that each department races, thereby enabling them to deliver business priorities
Support managers in delivering significant change programmes within Departments
Formulate all major change and people issues into a project plan for the Department with identifiable milestones.
Manage the expectations of Departments in terms of the demands they place on HR, prioritise requests into HR, feedback to DMT’s on the progress of projects & cases processed through HR.
Assist in developing HR services and service standards that meet Departmental needs and monitor delivery against agreed standards, helping to resolve issues that may arise
Support Departmental Managers in dealing with high profile employee relations issues.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Human Resources & OD / Marshall, Mr. Iain / Business Partner / Work in partnership with Service Directors and their senior management teams to understand fully their key business drivers and be able to identify interventions that address their business needs.
Participate in development and delivery of the LBBD People Strategy.
Support the development of workforce planning strategies to develop organisational capabilities required to execute the departmental business plans.
Intervention, advice and guidance in complex Employee Relations casework.
Work in partnership with colleagues in Departments and HR to identify, prioritise, agree, develop and implement best practice HR solutions across Directorates as a whole to support
improvement in organisational effectiveness. Take forward specific initiatives to tackle key Departmental people issues (such as sickness management in particular services).
Undertake Management of reorganisation projects and change initiatives
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Housing & Environment / Repairs and Maintenance / Palmer, Mr. Matthew / Refurbishment Manager / My role is To lead the in-house void maintenance service, taking decisions within Council policy and advising the Group Manager for Operations on matters concerning the in house service including:
- All matters relating to the void maintenance of the housing stock .
- Core store items, impress van stock and standardisation of materials .
- Work force matters.
- Revenue investment issues.
- Repairs trends/ costs/ quality and responsiveness.
>£50k and <£55k / 30.00 / Chief Executive / Human Resources & OD / Cleary, Mrs. Jackie / Business Partner / Provide a service perspective that enables the development and delivery of an appropriate People Strategy for the Council (including having a specific area on which to work alongside the HR Strategy Team)
Through workforce planning, address the people issues that each department faces, thereby enabling them to deliver business priorities
Support managers in delivering significant change programmes within Departments
Formulate all major change and people issues into a project plan for the Department with identifiable milestones.
Manage the expectations of Departments in terms of the demands they place on HR, prioritise requests into HR, feedback to DMT’s on the progress of projects & cases processed through HR.
Assist in developing HR services and service standards that meet Departmental needs and monitor delivery against agreed standards, helping to resolve issues that may arise
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Housing & Environment / Repairs and Maintenance / Dougall, Mr. James / Group Manager / Group Manager delivering repairs and maintenance services including all areas including responsive repairs, void servicing, aids and adaptations, M&E and cyclical/planned work.
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Hyde, Miss Deana / Advisory Teacher / To support practitioners in early years settings, including mainstream schools , to effectively include children with additional needs.
And the only other allowance I receive is a casual user petrol allowance.
>£50k and <£55k / 21.00 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Twitchell, Ms. Jacqui / Inclusion Adviser / My role is to contribute to school improvement in the area of Special Educational Needs and Disability and Inclusion.
I provide Professional Development to schools and other educational settings; advice to senior school staff regarding SEND with a specialism in Autism Spectrum Conditions; I monitor the 6 specialist Additionally Resourced Provisions for ASC in schools across the borough, support the development of the LA Autism Strategy and work with all local agencies in supporting and developing the provision for children and young people and their families in the borough.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Legal & Democratic Services / Pickering, Mr. Christopher / Principal Lawyer / Council’s litigation team, including employment, prosecutions, licensing, education and adult social care.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Legal & Democratic Services / Lynch, Mr. Michael / Senior Lawyer / N/A / Prosecuting Solicitor responsible for prosecutions between Barking and Dagenham and Thurrock Councils
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Regeneration / Mansfield, Mr. David / Dev Management Manager / N/A / Delivery of planning application
>£50k and <£55k / 36.00 / Children & Young People / Complex Needs & Social Care / Majors, Ms. Karen / Snr Educ Psychologist / Position Description Senior Educational Psychologist with responsibilities for co-ordinating CPD, Supervision and Appraisal/ Assistant Programme Director, Doctorate in Professional Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology UCL Institute of Education.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Housing & Environment / Repairs and Maintenance / Rush, Mr. Gary / Group Manager / N/A / Operational management in the R&M service
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Legal & Democratic Services / Obasuyi, Mrs. Evonne / Senior Lawyer / N/A / Dealing with all property and regeneration transactions
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Housing & Environment / Housing and Neighbourhoods / Ozer, Mr. Erkan / Home Ownership Serv Mgr / The purpose of the job is to provide operational management to all teams within home ownership, and to design and implement improvement plans to enable the service to achieve excellence and high levels of resident satisfaction.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Legal & Democratic Services / Feild, Mr. Paul / Senior Lawyer / Lead legal advisor for Governance, Standards, Development Control and Pensions & Finance
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Regeneration / Coombs, Mrs. Jennifer / Regeneration Manager / N/A / To contribute to the work of the Sustainable Communities Group through leading a Team of up to six regeneration project officers designing, implementing and managing a wide range of major housing, and housing led mixed use, development projects and programmes including the Council’s Estate Renewal Programme. Ensure that the service is of the highest quality in terms of performance and effectiveness and to assist the Group Manager with the development of the strategic direction for the service ensuring that it complies with statutory and corporate obligations, regulations and performance indicators, achieves Best Value and delivers significant benefit to local people and businesses.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Assets and Commercial Services / Bere, Mr. Andrew / Asset Management (Finance) / N/A / Strategic property asset management of Council’s operational& commercial portfolio. Management & development ofproperty asset database. Management and development of theCouncil’s office accommodationstrategy, requirements and projects.
Project management of property asset related initiatives. Development of commercial investment
>£50k and <£55k / 18.00 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Drew, Mrs. Pauline / Inclusion Adviser / N/A / I am an Inclusion Adviser
>£50k and <£55k / 36.00 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Hunt, Mr. Digby / Deputy Head-Cms / Leadership and development of the Music Service
>£50k and <£55k / 36.00 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Adams, Mr. Mark / Strategic Data Manager / My statutory responsibilities include: Maintain 14-19 Integrated Youth Support System database (IYSS) and Lead officer for Child Poverty.
>£50k and <£55k / 35.00 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Brown, Mr. Alan / Hd Business Supp & Perfor / N/A / Quality assurance and improvement and most aspects of administration
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Milne, Miss Joanna / Advs Tea Music Asst Head / I spend about 15-20 hours of my time in schools teaching, mostly what is called WCET or whole class ensemble teaching. I also lead various after school ensembles. During the rest of my time I coordinate the WCET project which involves timetabling, managing the team and communicating with schools, evaluation and development. In my role as a Primary advisory music teacher I support schools with their music provision both curricular and extracurricular, through inset delivery, observations, meetings and project work.
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Bratley, Mrs. Gillian / Advisory Teacher / Advising schools on school improvement, including curriculum, teaching and learning and assessment
£40k and <£45K / 20.00 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Hodgson, Mrs. Susan / Advisory Teacher / Responsible for EYFS profile moderation plan an training
Quality support in schools
NQTs working in EYFS
School based and central based INSET training
Ofsted outcomes for schools
Delivery of Phonics
Development of training programme and production of training manual for schools
Lead EYFS coordinators in LA
Working links with School improvement colleagues
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Marie-Onder, Mrs. Rachel / Advisory Teacher / Ofsted outcome Writing and delivering training Production of training Programme
Quality educational provision
Line management
Equality and Diversit
Security and use of data
Health and Safety
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Lewis, Mr. Matthew / Advisory Teacher / N/A / Support and develop the quality of classroom teaching and the curriculum offer in schools
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Carter, Ms. Alison / Adv Tea Foundation Stage / Quality Early Years education
Ofsted outcomes across PVI settings (Writing and delivering training both central and setting based
Production of training programme and manual for settings and childminders
Quality provision
PVI Managers meetings
PSLA Development worker
EYFSP moderation
Equality and Diversity
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Lawrence, Mrs. Elizabeth / Advisory Teacher / Core purpose from job description is Primary Science and Design and Technology
>£50k and <£55k / 32.50 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Khan, Ms. Shaheena / Advisory Teacher / Advisory Teacher for English as an additional language. I provide support, advice and training to Head teachers, deputy head teachers, class teachers and teaching assistants on how to implement effective EAL provision in schools.
>£50k and <£55k / 21.60 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Robinson, Mr. Paul / Inclusion Adviser / N/A / To support schools in and monitor progress of deaf children.
>£55k and <60k / 12.60 / Children & Young People / Education, Youth & Childcare / Merrin, Mr. Colin / Inclusion Adviser / I advise schools on behaviour and management of pupils with the most extreme behaviours, as well as monitor those children and young people at risk of exclusion from school.
>£55k and <60k / 35.00 / Housing & Environment / Repairs and Maintenance / Lowe, Mr. Roger / Service Improvmnt Mgr / N/A / Development of policies, procedures, strategies and business plans associated with Customer and Community Services.
>£55k and <60k / 35.00 / Housing & Environment / Repairs and Maintenance / Searle, Mr. Graham / Group Manager / N/A / Contract & Compliance
>£55k and <60k / 35.00 / Chief Executive / Finance / Adediran, Mrs. Olufunke / Group Accountant / I get an £82 honorarium which ends on the 31st of March 2015 / To co-ordinate the core financial processes of the department to ensure effective financial management and use of resources and compliance with the Council's financial regulations and corporate financial framework
Business partner to a designated Head(s) of Service within the Department, and manage all financial aspects of the job or service for which you are responsible including:
- ensuring that agreed outcomes are delivered on time, within budget and to the expected standard,
- there is a process of planned, continuous improvement in the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of provision.
- to develop and maintain effective financial management systems, and financial control procedures and to ensure compliance with legislation. To ensure that managers are aware of, comply and are appropriately trained to use these systems
- ensuring accurate and timely reports are provided on relevant financial issues and performance to the department , to help facilitate efficient budget devolution to service managers
- Maximise use of information systems to support the work of the section and ensure there are robust practices and procedures in place to deliver the service plans.
- Support the management of the division’s performance with managers throughout the department and ensure that financial systems, processes and procedures operated by the department conform to best professional practice and provide good value for money.
- Undertake developmental work in support of the corporate financial policies and strategies of the Council.
>£55k and <60k / 35.00 / Housing & Environment / Housing Strat / Goddard, Mr. James / Grp Mgr Hsg Strategy / N/A / My job purpose is: Responsible for the development and implementation of the B&D Housing Strategy. Responsible for the development and implementation of related housing strategies, plans and policies, including the HRA Business Plan, Homelessness Strategy and Tackling Fuel Poverty strategies. Responsible for the commissioning and clienting of housing services including the Housing Capital Programme. Responsible for undertaking and commissioning research. Also responsible for development and enforcement of a programme to tackle empty properties. Finally staff and budget management (including a capital programme in excess of £100 million).
>£55k and <60k / 35.00 / Adult & Community Services Dept / Culture and Sport / Knight, Mr. Andy / Group Manager for Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyles / I currently receive an honorarium which is the bottom of PO10. / Responsible for the successful financial performance and operation of the boroughs leisure centres. In addition responsible for the Sports Development and Physical Activity team who are responsible for delivering projects for the prevention agenda as part of the Boroughs Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
>£55k and <60k / 35.00 / Adult & Community Services Dept / Culture and Sport / Foord, Mr. Christopher / Group Manager / The post is responsible for the preservation and interpretation of the borough’s historic collections, archives and sites