Syllabus: Español II y III
Professor Killingley
Early College High School — 2016-2017
Textbook: Realidades 2 (Spanish 2); Realidades 3 (Spanish 3); Pearson Prentice Hall.
Materials: textbook, pen/pencil, paper, binder (other material will be requested through the year for special activities/events.
While not required, it is suggested that students purchase a Spanish/English dictionary in order to assist them in their studies in and outside of the classroom.
Course Overview: During the next nine months, students will engage in activities that will assist them in reading, writing, hearing, and speaking the Spanish language. The course will cover the vocabulary and grammar used in basic and advanced conversations. Students are encouraged to use this knowledge to connect to the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Since learning a language is a continuous process, each chapter will build on information covered in previous chapters.
Requirements and Expectations: The grade earned in this class is directly linked to the efforts and actions of the students in the classroom. In order to succeed, it is vital that students not only attend class but also participate in daily activities. Since students have unique learning styles, learning activities will be varied from large-group discussions to partner conversations to individual projects.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Show respect to all people.
2. Talk at appropriate times using appropriate voice levels.
3. Bring all needed materials to class each day.
4. Be seated and ready to begin when the bell rings.
5. Obey all school rules.
Grading Policy: I will use the Tyler ISD grading policy. To review it, please see your student handbook.
Tests/ Quizzes 40%
Homework/classwork 60%
Make-up Work: In the event of an EXCUSED absence, students will be able to make up missed assignments, quizzes, and/or tests. It is the student’s responsibility to check and see what was covered on the day he/she missed class. Any extra handouts will be placed in the makeup work box and the student is to check the box upon returning to school. Then, if he/she has any questions, Professor Killingley will be available to discuss make-up work. In the event that a test or quiz is missed, the student must schedule a time to make it up. Students with unexcused absences will receive a zero on missed assignments.
Academic Misconduct: Students who are caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and their parents will be notified. Repeat offenders will be referred to administrator who will determine the appropriate course of action. Other actions that are not academic infractions but may result in disciplinary action of some type include but are not limited to foul language, and the use of cell phones.
Contact Information: If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is by email. My email address is . You may also reach me at 903-262-3053. I am available for conferences by appointment before or after school and during 3rd period (9:46 – 10:31 a.m.) or 7th period (1:28 - 2:09 p.m.).
- We have read and understand the information provided in the Spanish II & III syllabus______
- Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s Signature______
- Phone Number(s) ______
- Any other way in which I may contact you______
- Email Address______
- Student’s signature______
- Student’s full name (please print)______