Students returning to College for Creative Studies (CCS) after an absence of more than two
consecutive academic years or students who seek readmission after suspension, must complete the Application for Readmission. This application along with a $50 nonrefundable readmission fee must be submitted to the Academic Advising and Registration Office at least two months prior to the start of the semester the student wishes to attend. Official transcripts with final grades from other institutions attended during the absence from CCS must be included with the readmission application. Readmitted students must meet the program and graduation requirements in effect at the time of readmission. Studio courses older than seven years at the time of readmission cannot be used toward the degree, except with prior written approval from the department chair and Director of Academic Advising and Registration. The department chair must review and approve studio courses completed prior to the seven-year limit or taken at another college during the absence from CCS. This approval will be based the student’s ability to demonstrate current curriculum proficiency as evidenced by review of a current portfolio. The cumulative grade point average for all readmitted students includes all CCS grades, regardless of how much time elapsed between enrollments. Students, who have left for mandatory military service, are not required to apply for readmission to the college for up to three academic years from the time of their withdrawal.
Readmission for students in good standing:
Students, who left CCS in good academic standing with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher,
must complete the Application for Readmission and attach the $50 Readmission Fee. Students
will be notified via mail when their application has been processed.
Readmission after academic suspension:
Students applying for readmission after academic suspension, must complete the Application for Readmission, attach the $50 Readmission Fee, and address the problems that led to the
academic suspension and put forth the case for their success upon returning to CCS. This
information must be provided in the “Student Explanation” section of the Application for
Readmission. The Committee on Academic Performance will review appeals for readmission
after academic suspension. If approved, the student’s academic standing would carry the status
of “Continued Academic Warning.”
Readmission after suspension related to conduct:
Students applying for readmission after suspension related to conduct, must complete the
Application for Readmission, attach the $50 Readmission Fee, and include any relevant
information that will build a case for the student’s success upon returning to CCS. This
information must be provided in the “Student Explanation” section of the readmission application. The Dean of Students will review appeals for readmission after a conduct suspension.