Monday, March13th2017
Meeting Location: 1010M (Board room)
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Chair: ASG President
Call to Order3:16PM
The meeting was delayed since the previous meeting was scheduled longer.
Present Members:
- President –Winston Lee
- Vice President –ClarinFlorentyna
- Club Affairs Officer – EdDilimulati
- Sustainability Officer –Eberth Arias
- Governmental Affairs Officer – JuanChavez
- Budget and Finance Officer–KatyaMaslova
- Technological Affairs Officer –Adriana Flores
- Social Justice Officer – April Bui
- Policy & Procedures Officer –Nida Haque
Absent Members:
- Communications Officer – Felix Were
Approval of the Minutes:
- Sustainability OfficerEberthmotioned to approve the27rdofFebruaryminutes.
- Social Justice OfficerAprilseconded.
Motionpassedunanimously. (8approvals)
Approval of theAgenda:
- Vice PresidentClarinadd the approval of the election rule to the agenda.
- Club Affairs Officer Ed motioned to approve the March 13th minutes.
- Sustainability OfficerEberthseconded.
Motionpassedunanimously. (8approvals)
Standing business:
New Business:
- SCCANSMini-Grant request by Will Pierce
- The club is holding a quarterly graduation ceremonies for the nursingstudent.
- The mini-grantcovered the cost of the graduation ceremonies for the nursing students. The ceremonies will be held at PUBmain dining room.
- Therewas$281remain in the baseline budget.
- Club Affairs OfficerEdmotioned to approve the mini-grantof the amount $203.
- Policy & Procedures OfficerNidaseconded.
- Vice President –Approved
- Club Affairs Officer –Approved
- Sustainability Officer –Approved
- Governmental Affairs Officer –Approved
- Budget and Finance Officer–Approved
- Technological Affairs Officer –Approved
- Social Justice Officer –Approved
- Policy & Procedures Officer –Approved
Motionpassedunanimously. (8approvals)
- NWAC men’s basketball Championships Journey
- Student Life DirectorRezinaannounced that the mini-grant was canceled since the team did not advanceand their existing budget could cover the expense.
- DECA Student Mini-grant request by Jia Ji
- The DECA is supportingstudents to attend the DECA International Career DevelopmentConference.The cost of the mini-grant consists ofthe registration fee, lodging and round-trip flight tickets.
- Technological Officer Adriana askedforthe amount of the current baseline budget.
- President Winston clarifiedthatDECA was not under the same category with club and did not receive baseline budget.
- Sustainability OfficerEberth askedforthe clarification of budget source:should the budgetcome fromtheS&Abudgetor mini-grant?
- Student LifeDirectorRezinaclarifiedthatthedecisionmade last year in the S&A committee stated that the trip cost isno longer covered under the S&A.
- Sustainability OfficerEberth inquired onthe impact of thisconferenceon students and Jia Ji mentioned the event could possibly improve school reputation andstudents could do something to the world.
- Vice PresidentClarinmotioned to approve the mini-grant of the amount$9465.40.
- Policy & Procedures OfficerNidaseconded.
- Vice President –Approved
- Club Affairs Officer –Approved
- Sustainability Officer –Approved
- Governmental Affairs Officer –Approved
- Budget and Finance Officer–Approved
- Technological Affairs Officer –Approved
- Social Justice Officer –Approved
- Policy & Procedures Officer –Approved
Motionpassedunanimously. (8approvals)
4.Approval of the election rules presented byGovernmental Affairs OfficerJuan
- Sustainability OfficerEberth commentedon the grade pointqualification for the applicant.
- Policy & Procedure Officer Nida mentionedthatthe qualification was set to ensure the applicants haveproper time management.
- Technological Affairs Officer Adriana inquired about the abilityfor the ASG to push back theapplicants ifthey are not meeting the requirement.
- Vice PresidentClarinmotioned.
- Club Affairs OfficerEdseconded.
- Vice President –Approved
- Club Affairs Officer –Approved
- Sustainability Officer –Approved
- Governmental Affairs Officer –Approved
- Budget and Finance Officer–Approved
- Technological Affairs Officer –Approved
- Social Justice Officer –Approved
- Policy & Procedures Officer –Abstained
Motion passed with 7 approvals and 1 abstention.
For people graduating few year ago but having an excellent currently, how will the committee calculate the grade?
Policy & Procedures Officer Nida mentioned that the committee will consider the applicant based on the most recent 25 credits.
Sustainability OfficerEberthmotioned toadjournthe meeting.
Club Affair OfficerEdseconded.
Meeting Adjourned3:46PM
NextASG BoardMeeting:April10th, 2017
For more information, question, or critique,
or visitour website