Tuesday 27 July 2010 7pm – 8.30pm
The Grove Church Centre
2 Jews Walk, Sydenham
Minutes of meeting
Attendance: Cllr Chris Best, Andrea Chaney, Nigel Desborough, Neel Dhakal, Alona Sheridan, Christine Thompson, Pat Trembath and Sam Dias (Assembly Coordinator).
Apologies: Barry Milton, Cllr Liam Curran, Cllr Marion Nisbet.
Visitors: Simon Banks, Sydenham Community Radio
1. Introduction and apologies
Cllr Chris Best welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies.
2. Feedback from Sydenham assembly meeting Saturday 12 June
The group felt that the presentation from Sydenham School was very good, one of the young people who took part has now been given a regular spot on the Sydenham Community Radio. Cllr Best was very pleased with the turn out which was 75, bearing in mind this was Sydenham’s first ever Saturday meeting.
The crèche and the play bus were not used despite publishing this on posters and unless this is requested it will not be provided at the next meeting. The group agreed that the next Sydenham Assembly meeting will be held on Saturday 11 September.
Cllr Best thanked everyone who helped with the stalls, Valerie Kelly found the meeting very useful for receiving comments on the mosaic.
3. Sydenham Coordinators report
Sam Dias, Sydenham Assembly Coordinator, explained that the consultation review of the top five priorities was now completed and she is currently analysing the results that form the top five priorities. So far the priorities have not changed however what does seem to have changed is the issues relating to the priorities. Sam produced a draft graph which showed the current picture with 50% of results. The group agreed that this was the format they would like to be presented to the Assembly for ratification. Sam explained that she would complete the final 50% in the same format, and that this would be distributed to the group in time for the September Assembly meeting.
Sam also explained that a diverse range of people had taken part in this consultation, and she had particularly targeted people who do not attend assembly meetings.
4. Review of the Priority Plan
The group went through the priority plan to identify any updates. Cllr Best will send the plan around to the group for amendments, this will then be updated by Cllr Best. The final plan will be placed on the web page prior to the Assembly meeting on the 11 September.
5. Planning Assembly Meeting 11 September
An hour of the meeting will be allocated to discuss the “Our Lewisham Our Say” budget consultations. The presentation will be delivered by a head of service, followed by discussions by the assembly. In terms of reaching as many people and groups as possible to take part in this consultation an intensive piece of engagement work to target under-represented groups will be carried out to ensure that the meeting is as representative as possible.
The second half of the meeting will consist of
· high street update by Andy Frazer
· Sydenham Youth Centre update by one of the team
· Sydenham Mosaic update on design
· information regarding the agreed projects from the Sydenham Locality Fund and the launch of the Mayor’s Fund
The group agreed to leave time for questions from the floor and also have the information tables available.
The group decided to stop the normal offer of refreshments and replace it with an offer of biscuits and hot drinks for attendees.
The group discussed the publicity for the meeting, including printing the door to door leaflet in colour, and the content of it.
6. Suggestions for the £10,000 Locality Funding for 2010/11
Cllr Best explained that the Mayor’s Fund allocation is decided by the assembly and the Locality Fund is decided by the three ward councillors.
The group discussed the suggestions received so far for the 2010/11 Locality Fund:
· Sydenham Traders Association - £2,000 fencing Coop Alleyway
· Sydenham Arts Festival - £2,000 with £1,000 for the designer of the brochure and £1,000 to Kirkdale Bookshop to compensate for staff time
· Sydenham Music Festival
· Brasted Close Residents Association - £2,500 as match funding for a small play area
· Annual Assembly Newsletter March (£1,500) and printing colour leaflets for September and December (£1,000) - £2,500
· Contribution to Christmas lights?
Cllr Best said that the Councillors wanted to prioritise the spend based on the issues that need resolving in the ward. Regular complaints have been received regarding the flytipping along the alleyways either side of the high street – between Girton and Tannsfeld and Earlsthorpe Mews. There are also complaints regarding the rubbish left in Girton Road car park.
They also want to prioritise bids where there may be match funding and Brasted Close Residents Association want a small play area in front of the blocks along Peak Hill. Cllr Marion Nisbet has spoken to Lewisham Homes who may be able to match fund.
There were differing views on the Christmas lights given the level of cuts the Council is facing – some thought it would be good for the high street and others that money could be better spent elsewhere.
It was thought that both Sydenham Arts Festival and Sydenham Music Festival could bid for the Mayor’s Fund and there was also a request of £500 from Jonathan Kaufman to contribute to the Three Musketeers at the Dolphin. It was felt there should be some return on this commercial production with concessions. Sam advised the group that funding could not be retrospective. Cllr Best explained that this was one of timing because of the election and that the Locality Fund has to be submitted by the 31 December – but could be submitted now.
The printing of Newsletters may soon be devolved to the Coordinating Group so the cost of a colour leaflet could be covered.
7. Mayor’s Fund projects
Cllr Best discussed ideas for the process of allocating the Mayor’s Fund and whether the group wanted to consider two years funding for some larger projects. The consensus was to ask for bids for this year and that the bids should be in keeping with the top five top priorities. It was agreed to ask for bids now and then decide at the next Assembly meeting on the 2 December.
The closing date for receipt of Mayor’s Fund applications is noon on Monday 1 November. The Coordinating Group will meet on Thursday 4 November to go through the proposals. This will allow time for any amendments to the bids and prepare for the next Assembly meeting on the 2 December.
Coordinating group members gave updates on last year’s Mayor’s Fund projects. Christine Thompson updated on the small grants project. Simon Banks updated on the Sydenham Radio project. A Sydenham School pupils gave a presentation at the last assembly, and from that one pupil now has a regular spot on the radio show.
8. Next Assembly meeting Thursday 2 December
The next assembly meeting will take place on 2 December (7pm at the Grove Centre) which will be a paper voting meeting for this year’s Mayor’s Fund.
9. A.O.B
Cllr Best reminded the group that the meeting regarding the future of Sydenham library is to be held on Thursday 19 August at 7pm in the Grove Centre. The outcome can then be included in the Sydenham Assembly meeting on the 11 September.
Cllr Best spoke about the possibility of utilising other venues for a library offer. One option maybe using the Naborhood Centre and extend the use into the evening and weekends. This idea will be discussed further at another meeting.
Alona Sheridan has been working with Jean Beckford from Hazel Grove estate on developing a potential community garden on the estate.
Cllr Best thanked everyone for attending the meeting and the meeting closed.
10. Date of next Coordinating Group meeting
The date of the next Coordinating Group meeting was set for Thursday 4 November to consider the bids received for the Mayor’s Fund and plan the next Assembly agenda.