SWICDA Training Programme
April to July 2017
All courses will be held at:
Solihull Care Limited, 81-83 Warwick Rd, Olton,
Solihull, B92 7HP unless otherwise stated.
To book or for further details about any of the courses’ aims and objectives,
please contact Jo-Ann Webb on
or telephone: 0121 770 8915
Please note our cancellation policy:
The full cost of the course will apply for non attendance on the day unless seven days’ notice has been provided to SWICDA.
April 2017
27 April 2017
Roles and Responsibilities for Trustees and Directors
This half day workshop will help attendees:
Understand the scope of their duties and responsibilities from a Charity Commission perspective.
•Explore the expectations of strategic leaders and directors in regulated care services
•Identify the range of additional legislation and regulation that Trustees may need to be aware of
•Reflect upon the practical implications for them as individuals
Attendees will work collaboratively to identify relevant issues for their organisation and include them in action plans for change or improvement. Practical exercises will allow learners to develop their knowledge and confidence.
From 9.30 am - 1.30 pm
SWICDA member price £40.00 per person including lunch
Non member price £45.00 per person including lunch
11 May 2017
Train the Trainer SelfCare
It is a well-recognised fact that those individuals who have access to appropriate information and understand the range of options available to them make better informed decisions regarding self-care.
Effective communication enables individuals to identify their strength, assess their needs, develop and gain the confidence to self-care. Empowering people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing can help them remain independent for longer.
This workshop prepares the participants to train and develop other professional and informal carers to deliver care using digital innovation for service users with complex co-morbidities and for people in the wider population who experience the aging process.
It is anticipated that participants will become the self-care champions of their workplace and will be kept up to date with developments nationally and locally in the arena of self care.
From 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
SWICDA member price £22.00 per person
Non member price £27.00 per person
16 May 2017
Level 2 Emergency First Aid at Work PLUS (valid for 3 years)
The role of the first aider. Importance of preventing cross infection. The need for recording incidents and actions. Use of available equipment. Assessing the situation & act safely in an emergency. Administer Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. Administer first aid to a casualty who is: unconscious (including seizures)choking wounded or bleeding suffering from shock Provide appropriate first aid for Minor Injuries (small cuts, grazes, bruises, minor burns, scalds & small splinters)
Additional Subjects
Administer first aid to a casualty who is suffering: heart attack, stroke, head injury, fractures, burns & scalds
From 9.00 am – 5.00pm
SWICDA member price £51.00 per person includes Lunch
Non member price £56.00 per person includes Lunch
May 2017
18 May 2017
Safeguarding Adults Update
The aim of the session is to update Adult Care Providers on changes in Adult Social Care, the Safeguarding Adults Team and the process for making Safeguarding Alerts.
The session will include an update on:
•Using the new on line Safeguarding referral form from April 2017.
•Using the ‘harm descriptors’ tool to help determine if a referral is required.
•Making safeguarding personal for your service.
•Changes to SMBC Adult teams – the new model.
•Introduction to the new SSAB training portal.
•Top tips to share with your teams.
From 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
SWICDA member price £5.00 per person
Non member price £10.00 per person
25 May 2017
Infection Prevention and Control
By the end of the session the learner will:
Understand the definitions used: infection, colonisation, pathogen, fomite.
Be aware of notifiable diseases
Understand the difference between local and systemic infection
Be aware of organism resistance
Understand the Chain of Infection
Understand how to minimise infection, and maximise prevention using best practice
Understand good hand-washing technique and its importance
Be aware of definition of an outbreak, and response to same
Understand the differences between sterilisation, disinfection and decontamination
Be aware of legislative and regulatory requirements relating to prevention and control of infection
From 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
SWICDA member price £31.00 per person
Non member price £36.00 per person
June 2017
5 June 2017
Epilepsy Awareness
By the end of the session learners will:
Understand the definition of epilepsy
Be aware of some types of seizure, and how these may be observed
Be aware of some of the triggers for seizure onset
Be aware of some possible treatments for epilepsy
Be aware of when a person experiencing a seizure may need urgent help
From 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
SWICDA member price £31.00 per person
Non member price £36.00 per person
8 June 2017
Autism Awareness
what autism feels like-a different way of thinking and interacting with others
the historical background- what is autism? the triad of impairments making social communication social understanding imagination and play essentials of communication
problems with ‘empathising’-the false belief test
‘systemising’ and intelligence-the false photo test
workplace and links to individuals you support
intervention strategies & positive behavioural support-integration and understanding issues
managing different way of thinking and feeling on a day-to-day basis
‘cures’ and-causes and controversies-a brief history.
From 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
SWICDA member price £22.00 per person
Non member price £27.00 per person
13 June 2017
DoLS Update
The aim of this session is to update Adults Care Services on important changes to Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
This session will include:
•Guidance on when and how to apply for Dols.
•Changes to applying for a ‘renewal’
•Significant changes in the newly published guidance document.
•Practical tips on the amount of information required in completing a form one.
From 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
SWICDA member price £5.00 per person
Non member price £10.00 per person
20 June 2017
Reporting and Recording
Key skills for a care worker-observation, reporting and recording/Why we make records/ records we complete/ records we consult/ what records need to be/ Data Protection, Access to Health Records, Health and Social Care Act 2008/ Case tracking and the role of the regulator/ recording concerns, complaints, accidents and incidents/ scenarios/ agreed ways of working and service procedures/ reviews and audits/ key areas of recording –money and medication/ safeguarding links/ reasons records may be missing or incomplete.
Improving Communication and promoting engagement
From 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
SWICDA members price £22.00 per person
Non member price £27.00 per person
27 June 2017
Oral Care Plus Choking
Understand the healthy mouth
Understand how to undertake a basic oral observation
Recognise some common causes for concern in the mouth
Understand some reasons why a person may be risk of choking
Understand some safety strategies that can reduce risk of choking
Understand use of thickened fluids, Understand how to maintain basic oral hygiene, Understand the difference between mild and severe choking, Know how to respond to a choking person.
From 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
SWICDA members price £31.00 per person
Non member price £36.00 per person
July 2017
4 July 2017
The Care Certificate Framework & Your Induction.
A workshop for implementation
Integrating THE CARE CERTIFICATE to your induction of new members of your team.
Using the 12 standards as the basis of knowledge for quality and safety.
Supervising, mentoring and supporting new members of the team to develop skills and competence-developing Care Certificate support and management skills.
Observing and shadowing to support competent practice.
Records to keep.
Mapping The Care Certificate to other standards and links to further training specific to individual care needs.
From 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
SWICDA members price £22.00 per person
Non member price £27.00 per person
11 July 2017
Train the Trainer SelfCare
It is a well-recognised fact that those individuals who have access to appropriate information and understand the range of options available to them make better informed decisions regarding self-care.
Effective communication enables individuals to identify their strength, assess their needs, develop and gain the confidence to self-care. Empowering people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing can help them remain independent for longer.
This workshop prepares the participants to train and develop other professional and informal carers to deliver care using digital innovation for service users with complex co-morbidities and for people in the wider population who experience the aging process.
It is anticipated that participants will become the self-care champions of their workplace and will be kept up to date with developments nationally and locally in the arena of self care.
From 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
SWICDA member price £22.00 per person
Non member price £27.00 per person