HCHS Parent Council Meeting
Thursday, May 28/09
In attendance: Sonja Ames, Gord Mullan, Gary Watson, Shirley Caputo ( School Trustee) Fred Munn ( School Trustee), Judy Astalos, Cindy hall, Gail Fraser, Leah Gillard, Claire Levesque, Mary-Jean Newman, Janine Ellis, Cynthia Finch, Darlene LaBerge, Tracy Blakely, Donna Humphrey, Sally Willmott, Danielle Worbey, Lendy Mcleod, Jan Munn ( Teacher), Terry Bancroft, Cheryl Bauer, Joan Janeczko, Rich Stahl, Stacey Stahl, Trina McDonald, Dave Braa, Todd Schmeckel.
Dave called meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Chairperson Report (Dave Braa)Nothing to report
Vicechair Report:(Lendy McLeod) Went to a GYRD school council dinner and council information night. It was good.
Treasurer Report: (Judy Astalos) Just received treasurer information form past treasurer. Last statement August 2007 we had a balance of $525.71. After signing authority is changed we will have access to up to date information.
Trina made a motion to remove Harvey Hillers signature from signing authority for the HCHS parent council account. Lendy seconded this. All in favor.
Trina made a motion for Judy Astalos, Dave Braa and Lendy McLeod to have signing authority on the HCHS parent council account. Cindy seconds this. All in favor
Trina made a motion to buy new up to date cheques. Cynthia seconds this. All in favor.
Principal Report (Todd Schmekel) See attached report.. Still looking to see which parent/teacher computer program for HCHS will be implemented. HCHS signage on town property is still being discussed. Waiting to hear from Eva from the town. Possibility of 3 spots.
1)Survey Monkey will be tabled until next meeting to get treasurers report.
2)The mayor’ golf tournament went to another group.
The topic of graduation/prom was the topic of conversation. There is a possibility of changing Graduation to June. Input from parents and students would be greatly appreciated. The ultimate decision would be left with the school. The vote today was 12 for June and 12 for September.
Prom will be either separate or added to the days festivities. This will be the prom committee’s decision.
Cindy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. at 8:15 pm Judy seconds this. All in favor.
Next meeting Thursday June 11/09 at 7:00 pm in the Library. Everyone bring a snack.
Anything that needs to be put on the agenda please email Trina @ .
HCHS Parent Booster Committee
Thursday May 28/09
In attendance: Trina McDonald, Lendy McLeod, Judy Astalos, Cynthia Finch, Dave Braa, Todd Schmeckel, Sally Willmott and Danielle Worbey.
Lendy called meeting to order at 8:20 pm.
Treasurers report: We need a treasurer. Janine Ellis has been doing this job. We will need to have new people put on the bank account for signatures.
Fundraising Ideas:
-family pictures
-concession for the track meets
-tailgate garage sale
-milk carton recycle
-cans/bottles recycling at HCHS
-bottle drive
-battle of the bands
-rock band
-trip of the month
-car bashing
-bake sales
-adult comedians/ adult night
We are looking to have a battle of the bands September 12/09. We hopefully will tap into Jeff Baxters knowledge for this.
We would like to have input from the staff on any ideas and how they can help or how can we help them.
Next meeting Thursday June 11/09 after parent council meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm