Reiki with Howard Batie
Every Reiki Master Teacher has his or her own style of teaching Reiki to their students, and sometimes this even includes additional material, symbols, or references that are not associated with Reiki. An example would be a Reiki Master Teacher who includes non-Reiki symbols, smudging with sage, essential oils, or features from other healing traditions within their practice of Reiki. I believe it is very important to keep the symbols and practice of Reiki separate from non-Reiki techniques to preserve the original purity of the Reiki practice. For this reason, it is quite important that you ask a prospective Reiki teacher what features he or she will provide in their "version" of Reiki, and that you are comfortable with that. The following information and features are provided in the various levels of Reiki taught by Dr. Howard Batie at the EvergreenHealingArtsCenter in Chehalis, WA. You are invited to compare these features with those offered by others.
Usui Reiki I("Reiki Practitioner," $150 per person)
In your Reiki I initiation, you will receive "attunements" that will place the specific healing frequencies and vibrations of Reiki energy into your own energy field. This will provide a permanent resonance with the universal Reiki energies that will immediately give you the ability to heal yourself and others simply by placing your hands on self or others. Each of your seven primary chakras and your palm chakras will be opened to allow you to receive energy of the specific Reiki healing vibra-tions in through your crown chakra and to transmit this healing Reiki energy out through your palms to your client.
With the initial Reiki Level I attunements and instruction in the topics listed below, you will become a "Reiki Practitioner." The time spent as a Reiki Level I Practitioner is for developing a strong and certain understanding about the way you feel energy and the way it feels as it moves through you during your healing sessions. You will need to regularly practice giving and receiving Reiki for at least three weeks, and normally about two to three months to become accustomed to the way the Reiki energy feels as you connect with it for a healing session, and as it flows through you to your client.
In Reiki I you will learn about:
Reiki's Capabilities. You will learn how Reiki differs from other healing energies, and become familiar with its strengths and limitations, and its potential applications.
The Human Energy Field. The Human energy Field (aura) is described in terms of the acupuncture meridians, the chakra system, and the five energy bodies. Taken together, your Human Energy Field provides the energetic vehicle that your consciousness uses to explore this physical dimensionand interact with it.
The History of Reiki. You will learn the traditional history of Reiki as taught by Mrs. Takata and passed from Teacher to Student as an oral tradition. You will also learn the history of Reiki as it was practiced in Japan by Dr. Usui. The two histories are quite different.
The Five Principles of Reiki. During the reign of the Japanese Meiji Emperor (1868-1912), he was considered not only the political leader of his country, but also its spiritual leader. He left over 125 poems that he felt were important and inspirational to his people. Dr. Usui selected five of these as the guiding principles for the practice of Reiki.
How To Feel Energy Fields. Two separate exercises will be conducted to sensitize your hands and fingers so that you can feel the energy bodies and chakras that make up your being. You will need this ability to locate and address areas of energy congestion in your clients.
Aura Cleansing. This is an exercise used and taught by Dr. Usui to prepare your client's energy field for the deep healing work of Reiki.
Scanning With Your Hand. Once your hands and fingers have become sensitized to be able to feel energy chakras and energy bodies, you will be taught how to run your hand through the energy field of your client in a way that lets you detect and analyze their field and the disturbances that point to the possibility of disease.
Healer Preparation Techniques. Before beginning the healing sequence, you must bring up your own energies to the highest level possible. Dr. Usui's Gassho meditation is taught as one way to do this.
The Hara Meditation. A second method of preparing your own energy field and raising its intensity to very high levels is the Hara Meditation that is taught in Healing Touch. It is also very appropriate for use here in Reiki.
The Reiki Hand Positions. The Reiki hand position sequence taught by both Mrs. Takata and by Dr. Usui, and the differences between the two, are taught.
Meditation Practice. Meditation was an important part of Dr. Usui's practice of Reiki. You will learn the meditation techniques he used, and will be taught how to move into your inner strength, and to connect with the Reiki energies.
Self-Treatment With Reiki. Reiki is a very powerful and effective healing technique for yourself as well as for others. You will learn how to heal yourself as a part of the Level I instruction.
Payment For Reiki. Should you accept payment for energies that come from the Creator? The ethical and energetic principles of this issue are discussed to enable you to choose how you will offer Reiki to the public.
Starting Your Own Reiki Practice. Many tips and "lessons learned" are provided that will help you establish your own professional presence as a Reiki Practitioner.
The Cleansing Period. Your Human Energy Field goes through a "retuning" process for 21 days following each Reiki attunement. During this Cleansing Period may, you may experience several mild sensations within your own body. Knowing what to expect will prepare you during this time.
Experimenting With Reiki. As you become proficient as a Reiki Practitioner, there are many experiments you can conduct to reinforce to your conscious mind that Reiki really is working. We will discuss several of these.
Preparing for Level II. The requirements you must meet before you receive your Level II attunements are clearly identified and discussed. A minimum of three weeks, and an average of three months, is required to develop a certain, experiential knowledge of the way Reiki energy feels to you and the way it feels as it flows through you in several different circumstances.
During your Level I initiation, you will be given:
The Usui Reiki Level I Attunements. All attunements will be provided to permanently repattern your Human Energy Field to "resonate" with and accept the specific Reiki healing energies.
Your Personalized Reiki Manual. A 37-page manual, personalized with your name and date of initiation, will be presented to you during your Level I workshop. It contains a detailed discussion of all the above topics.
Your Usui Reiki Practitioner's Certificate. This is an attractive certificate that you will be proud to frame and display in your healing area. It will be dated, signed and sealed by Dr. Howard Batie, Usui Reiki Master Teacher.
Usui Reiki II ("Advanced Reiki Practitioner," $250 per person)
In Reiki I, you concentrated on learning how energy feels when you direct it to someone who is in your physical presence, such as on your healing table in front of you. In Level II, we learn how to direct healing energies to the higher energy levels of your client (their mental and emotional energy bodies), and how to overcome the limitations of space and time so you can help heal anyone anywhere, regardless of whether they are living now, have lived in the past, or will be living in the future.
In Reiki II you will learn about:
The Reiki Healing Symbols. You will learn about the Power Symbol that is used primarily for physical healing, the Mental/Emotional Symbol that is used to heal mental and emotional patterns that limit our ability to live life fully, and the Distant Healing Symbol that is used to transfer Reiki energies to any person who is not physically present with you.
Building The Healing Energies. Additional techniques from both the Japanese and the modern healing traditions are taught so you can connect on a much deeper level with the Reiki energies.
Directing The Healing Energies. Once you havelearned how to connect deeply and strongly with the Reiki energies, you will be taught techniques Dr. Usui used to transfer Reiki energy not only through the hands, but also through the fingertips, the eyes and the breath.
Using Symbols In Local (Hands-On) Healing. You will be taught how to use the two Usui Reiki Healing Symbols (Power Symbol and Mental/Emotional Healing Symbol) to direct these specific Reiki energies to your client on the table.
Using Symbols In Remote (Distant) Healing. You will also be taught how to use the Distant Healing Symbol to send physical, emotional and mental healing to someone who is not present with you.
Sending Healing Energies Into The Past. You will learn how to use the Distant Healing Symbol to send healing energies to a person who has already died, or to a situation that has occurred in the past.
Sending Healing Energies Into The Future. Likewise, you will learn how to use the Distant Healing Symbol to send healing energies to a person or to a situation in the future.
Specific Japanese Healing Techniques Used In Reiki. Dr. Usui taught several specific healing techniques that use the Reiki energy. You will also be taught the following techniques:
Jacki-Kiri Joka-Ho: Releasing Negative Energy of Objects.
Byogen Chiryo: Treatment of the Origin of a Disease
Hanshin Koketsu-Ho: How to ground your client after a healing session.
Tan-Tien Treatment: How to strengthen one's willpower or to increase overall energy.
Gedoku-Ho: How to detoxify your client after drug use, chemotherapy, smoking, etc.
Seiheki Chiryo: How to remove bad or limiting habits and patterns.
Preparing for Level III. Requirements and conditions for you to become a Reiki Master are presented and discussed. Normally at least one year's practice as an Advanced Reiki Practitioner (Level II) is required.
During your Level II initiation, you will be given:
The Usui Reiki Level II Attunements. All Level II attunements will be provided to further enhance your healing abilities and permit you to do Distant Healing..
Additional Reiki II Pages for your Reiki Manual. Bring your Level I manual with you to the Level II workshop; you will be given the additional pages that discuss your Level II abilities and exercises.
The Reiki I/II Manual from The International Center For Reiki Training. The ICRT provides an excellent manual for their Reiki I and Reiki II students. It provides additional material you will find very interesting and useful.
Your Usui Advanced Reiki Practitioner's Certificate. This is an attractive certificate that you will be proud to frame and display in your healing area. It will be dated, signed and sealed by Dr. Howard Batie, Usui Reiki Master Teacher.
Usui Reiki III ("Usui Reiki Master," $250 per person)
In Reiki I and II you learned many skills for the use of Reiki energies to help bring about healing on many levels and in many situations; in doing so, you developed your healing skills to a very high degree. Now in Level III, you begin to turn your attentions inward for your own spiritual development both as a healer and as an evolving spiritual being. The symbols, energies and techniques of a Reiki Master are aimed at these specific objectives.
In Reiki III you will learn about:
The Usui Reiki Master Symbol. You will be attuned into the energy of the Usui Reiki Master Symbol as a tool for very deep healing and enlightenment of your clients.
The Tibetan Master Healing Symbols. You will also be given the energies of the two Tibetan Master Healing Symbols that have been used in sacred Tibetan healing ceremonies for centuries. These energies are used in the Violet Breath.
The Violet Breath. You will be taught how to do the Violet Breath technique. This process transfers the energies of the Tibetan Master Healing Symbols to another person for very deep healing on all levels. The Violet Breath is a part of the Healing Attunement.
The Healing Attunement. The Healing Attunement may be provided to another person for the purpose of enhancing the potential for physical healing, for healing on the higher levels, to remove negative energies (blocks) from their field, and to empower the goals they would like to manifest. It can also be used in conjunction with Psychic Surgery to prepare the client for release of deep emotional issues, and release of attached negative spirits or entities from their field.
Psychic Surgery. This is a process to deeply remove and release negative energetic patterns or attached spirit entities from your client's energy field.
The Reiki Crystal Grid. The Reiki Crystal Grid is used to continuously send healing Reiki energy remotely for a period of 24 hours or more. You will be taught how to select the crystals for your grid, how to cleanse and charge them individually, and how to lay out and use the entire Crystal Grid. You will also be taught how to charge your Crystal Grid remotely.
The Hado Breathing Technique. The Hado Breathing Technique was taught by Dr. Usui as a method to help his advanced students achieve a state of higher consciousness more easily and more quickly. This technique is very effective and can be used with nearly any meditation technique.
The Hado Meditation Technique. The Hado Meditation Technique is a form of Kundalini Meditation and is used for accelerated spiritual development and enlightenment of the meditator. This is for your own use only, and then only if you are also properly prepared energetically.
The Hatsurei Technique. Dr. Usui also taught his students the Hatsurei Technique as an exercise to accelerate their spiritual development. It uses the Hado Breathing Technique and the directed force of energy from your breath to certain energy centers.
Preparing for Level IV. The preparation requirements for Usui Reiki Master Teacher (Level IV) are discussed. You will be required to become responsible for the development of your own Reiki students at all levels of their development.
During your Level III initiation, you will be given:
The Usui Reiki Level III Attunements. You will be attuned into the energies of the Usui Reiki Master Symbol. This will provide an even greater and deeper healing ability, and will provide an important element that can accelerate your own spiritual development.
Additional Reiki III Pages for your Reiki Manual. Bring your Level II manual with you to the Level III workshop; you will be given the additional pages that discuss your Level III abilities and exercises.
Your Usui Reiki Master's Certificate. This is an attractive certificate that you will be proud to frame and display in your healing area. It will be dated, signed and sealed by Dr. Howard Batie, Usui Reiki Master Teacher.
Usui Reiki IV ("Usui Reiki Master-Teacher," $500 per person)
As your healing practice continues to attract Reiki clients, and as your own confidence grows in both the Reiki energies and in yourself as a facilitator of healing for others, you may want to expand your own healing practice to include a teaching role and have students of your own.
In Reiki IV you will learn about:
Attunement Preparations. You will be taught how to prepare your attunement spaces, and how to prepare both yourself and your student for the initiation process.
Usui Reiki Attunement Procedures for Levels I-III. You will be taught step-by-step procedures for all attunements given in Usui Reiki Levels I-III,
Suggested Usui Reiki Workshop Sequence, Levels I-IV. You will be provided with a suggested workshop outline and sequence of events for all Usui Reiki Levels I-IV.
You will be provided with:
Additional Reiki IV Pages for your Reiki Manual. Bring your Level III manual with you to the Level IV workshop; you will be given the additional pages that discuss your Level IV abilities and exercises.
The Reiki Master Manual from The International Center For Reiki Training. The ICRT provides an excellent manual that provides material you will find very interesting and useful in addition to your own Reiki IV manual.
Your Usui Reiki Master-Teacher's Certificate. This is an attractive certificate that you will be proud to frame and display in your healing area. It will be dated, signed and sealed by Howard Batie, Usui Reiki Master-Teacher.