Bethany, Michael, and Malina start going into 200-level courses (talking about portfolio, ATC)
310 and substitutions:
- need a written policy
- use the same rubric
- cultural immersion in junior year
- will need to expand to 3 credit hrs.
SAGE implementation schedule was approved by Kay
- TWO systems
- Pre summer 08
- Post summer 08
Timeline planning documents for the SAGE implementation schedule will be made
RUBRICS for artifacts turned in without standards on them
- Culminating project/product/experience rubric needs to be developed (for grad level) – Malina and Michael
- Present this at a SWAT team this summer
- DO THIS BY AUG 18TH for the PEF mtg
- Present old vs new version
- Assessment of MAT students has not been discussed w/ Malina
- Standards MAT students must meet ADV and initial licensure
Tracking online courses/programs/students … EAZ, MKZ, etc. use our interpretation of NCATE standards
Make decisions for grad programs (since haven’t heard from them in the past year) for recommendations
Graduate student orientation handbook for the college of education… for licensure candidates
NCATE – Malina needs more information about Part C (will get with Michael to determine)
100/200 level courses teaching minimal expectations of technology: Bethany
Generate models about student teaching field experiences
Michael will send Meredith the statement on field experiences
GLOBALIZATION: Maymester international or immersion experience
Per Kay: Strongly ENCOURAGING STUDENTS to obtain a laptop
- Not a 6 wk method course then a 10 wk field experience
Integrity conversation from provost
Check on Letter about Accreditation ask Barbara P
Send thru Michael’s office
COLLABORATION parameter statement from Gerald
Technology from Bethany
Field Experience from Michael
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT needs to be discussed
COMBINE complaint data with appeals
- Through Anona?
- Data for Kay to take to CHASS
CLASSROOM Management and CONTENT go with each (Tech, Collab., field exp.)
Working on rubrics for graduate culminating project
Working on writing part
Inform 200-level courses that they need to meet with
With Malina
Accreditation letter
NCATE part C with Malina
Contact NCATE consultant
BOE training
Sending statement
Parameter statement on technology
Gathering info
Orientation for new faculty on website to talk with Gerald
GATEWAY steps for grad students
ELP 344
EDP 304
Options for Junior Level immersion and Maymester experience (310)