Dear member,

Please find below your application form for camp 2015

CampAge guideDate CostOrganiser Contact

Mini4 to 8 22 – 24July £60Barbara Milburn 07773273511

Midi 9 to 1027 to 29 July £125Leah Haven 07806 614588

Main 11 and over2 – 7 August £250Ali Allison 07976 165085

Or Jayne Hatton 07818 004537

The camp fee includes a camp T shirt and for main camp 2 barbeque tickets.

Please remember that to be eligible to attend camp, you and your horse/pony must have attended at least two rallies this year. IMPORTANT: For Midi and main camps your horse/pony must have up to date vaccinations (at least the first 2 of a course). Full details appear in the Summer Programme.

You may apply to go to more than one camp but acceptance will be on an individual basis and provided there is space. If you fall outside the above age ranges for the camp you wish to attend please speak to the relevant camp organiser before applying.

Application and Payment Information - byFriday 15th May

By BACS - preferable

Please send an email to Claire Birch clearly stating the childs name and the camp you wish to attend and confirming the amount and the date the BACS payment has been sent from your bank.

Please use the following branch details to make the BACS payment:

Bank:CAF Bank Ltd


Sort Code:40-52-40

Ref:CAMP plus Members surname

By Cheque

Please returnformat the bottom of this letter together with your chequetoClaire Birch, 15, Cotters Croft, Fenny Compton, Southam, CV47 2XS

Please make payable to NWPC. Please note that we will no longer accept payment in instalments by cheque, this facility can only be used if payment is via BACS

You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application in the first instance


The Camp Information Pack, which includes forms for completion giving you full details of what you need to bring and the details we need from you, will be available to download from the Parents Info page on the NWPC website from May 15th. It is important that these forms are returned by– Friday12th June to the person named in the Information Pack.

If you have any queries please contact the camp organiser shown at the top of the page, in the first instance please send your enquiry by email.

Please tick the appropriate box for the camp you wish to attend: Childs Name

I would like my child to attend Mini camp and enclose BACS Advice/Cheque for £60

I would like my child to attend Midi camp and enclose BACS Advice/Cheque for £125

I would like my child to attend Main camp and enclose BACS Advice/Cheque for £250

or I enclose – a current dated BACS advicefor a non refundabledeposit of £80

and will follow this up with:a BACS advice dated 1st June 2014 for £85

and:a BACS advice dated 1st July 2014 for £85

Parent/Guardian’s signature______Email address:______