Curriculum Vitae
Mark W. Flory
7281 S. Franklin Street
Centennial, Colorado80122
Ph.D.Joint Ph.D. Program, University of DenverDissertation Title: Preceptor:
and the IliffSchool of TheologyTransforming Practices:Dr. Richard
Concentration: Theology, Philosophy,Hesychastic Correctives toValantasis
and Cultural TheoryPostmodern Apophatic Theology
M.A.The IliffSchool of TheologyThesis Title: The HeartPreceptor:
Historical of Devotion: Devotion to the Dr. Richard
Theology Humanity of Christ in theValantasis
(with distinction)Spiritual Theologies of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Symeon the New Theologian
B.A.University of Colorado at DenverAdvisor: Dr. Honi Haber
PhilosophyMinors: Psychology, Anthropology
(Summa cum laude,
Honors in Humanities)
The history, theology, and practice of spiritual disciplines
-especially Christian patristics, Eastern Orthodox spirituality, and late medieval mysticism
-also incorporating cross-cultural and cross-religious study of spiritual disciplines, particularly in
Buddhist, Hindu, and Jewish traditions
-exploring the applications of systems of spiritual practice to contemporary issues in pedagogy,
postmodernism, and social criticism.
Religion, politics, and popular culture
-focusing on the development of Late Scholastic and Reformation theologies and their continuing influences
-examining the religious basis of legal and political systems, and the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary legal and political forms
-engaging in the ongoing debate over the nature and function of ideologies
Continental philosophy, especially phenomenology, existentialism, and postmodern thought
-including, but not limited to, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Husserl, Heidegger,
Sartre, Levinas, Derrida, Foucault, and Marion
-also researching areas of cross-disciplinary interest: e.g., Neophenomenology, Religionsgeschichte,
phenomenological and existential psychology, science and religion.
Neoplatonic philosophy and Christian Neoplatonism
-in particular, Dionysius the Areopagite (the Corpus Dionysiacum) and its heritage.
Ancient philosophy
-themes: the origins of Greek thought; philosophy as a spiritual disciplines (Pierre Hadot, Michel Foucault),
the development of mechanics (physical science of motion) in ancient and medieval thought;
Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics, and its influence in patristic and early medieval thought.
Medieval philosophy and theology
Cultural and critical theory
Reformation and Protestant thought.
Summer 2010InstructorMetropolitan State College,
Courses: Introduction to PhilosophyDepartment of Philosophy
Spring 2010InstructorMetropolitan State College,
Courses: Introduction to Philosophy, EthicsDepartment of Philosophy
Fall 2009InstructorColoradoChristianUniversity,
Courses: Philosophical InquiryDepartment of Theology
Fall 2009InstructorMetropolitan State College,
Courses: Introduction to Philosophy, EthicsDepartment of Philosophy
Spring 2009InstructorMetropolitan State College,
Courses: Introduction to Philosophy (3 sections)Department of Philosophy
Spring 2009InstructorColoradoChristianUniversity,
Courses: Philosophy of ReligionDepartment of Theology
Fall 2008InstructorColoradoChristianUniversity,
Courses: Philosophical Inquiry, Philosophy of Religion,Department of Theology
Continental Philosophy
Fall 2008InstructorUniversity of Colorado at
Courses: Religion and Politics in America (team-taught)Colorado Springs, Department
of Humanities
Spring 2008InstructorColoradoChristianUniversity,
Courses: Philosophical InquiryDepartment of Theology
Spring 2008InstructorUniversity of Colorado at
Courses: Philosophy and Religion, World ReligionsColorado Springs, Department
Religion and Politics in America (team-taught)of Philosophy
Fall 2007InstructorColoradoChristianUniversity,
Courses: Philosophical Inquiry, MetaphysicsDepartment of Theology
Fall 2007InstructorUniversity of Colorado at
Courses: Philosophy and Religion, World Religions,Colorado Springs, Department
Religion and Politics in America (team-taught)of Philosophy
Summer 2007Full-time InstructorUniversity of Colorado at Course: Religion and Popular Culture (team-taught) Colorado Springs, Department
of Philosophy
Spring 2007Full-time InstructorUniversity of Colorado at
Courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophy and Religion,Colorado Springs, Department
Comparative Religions, of Philosophy
Religion and Popular Culture (team-taught)
Fall 2006Full-time InstructorUniversity of Colorado at
Courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophy and Religion,Colorado Springs, Department
Comparative Religions (2 sections), of Philosophy
Religion and Popular Culture (team-taught)
Spring 2006Part-time InstructorUniversity of Colorado at
Courses: Philosophy and Religion, Comparative Religions,Colorado Springs, Department
Religion and Popular Culture (team-taught)of Philosophy
Spring 2006Adjunct ProfessorUniversity of Denver,
Course: ExistentialismDepartment of Philosophy
Spring 2004Adjunct ProfessorUniversity of Denver,
Course: MysticismDepartment of Religious Studies
Fall 2003Adjunct Professor University of Denver,
Course: Medieval PhilosophyDepartment of Philosophy
Winter 2003Adjunct ProfessorUniversity of Denver,
Course: ExistentialismDepartment of Philosophy
Spring 2003Graduate Student AssistantUniversity of Denver,
Course: The History of Jazz (Dr. Ray Kereilis, Music)Core Program
Spring 2003Graduate Student AssistantThe IliffSchool of Theology
Course: Theological Imagination and Construction, II
(Dr. William Dean)
Spring 2002Graduate Student AssistantThe IliffSchool of Theology
Course: Theological Imagination and Construction, II
(Dr. William Dean)
Spring 2002Graduate Student AssistantUniversity of Denver,
Course: The History of Rock ‘n’ RollCore Program
(Dr. Ray Kereilis, Music)
Winter 2001Graduate Student AssistantUniversity of Denver,
Course: The History of Jazz (Dr. Ray Kereilis, Music)Core Program
Fall 2001Graduate Student Assistant University of Denver,
Course: Ancient Cultures (Dr. Dean Saitta, Anthropology)Core Program
SeptemberAssistant ArchivistThe Iliff School of Theology
August 2003
SeptemberGeneral Music Education, Grades K-8ExcelAcademyCharterSchool,
1997-May 1999Jefferson County Public Schools
Spring 1997 Faculty Assistant (Dr. William Dean)The Iliff School of Theology
Winter 1996Faculty Assistant (Dr. William Dean)The Iliff School of Theology
Fall 1996Faculty Assistant (Dr. William Dean) The Iliff School of Theology
Summer 1995Faculty Assistant (Dr. William Dean)The Iliff School of Theology
Spring 1995Faculty Assistant (Dr. William Dean)The Iliff School of Theology
The Elizabeth Iliff Warren Fellowship, 2004.
University of DenverColorado Fellowship, 2001-2002.
University of DenverColorado Fellowship, 2000-2001.
Edward C. Herbrand Memorial Award, 1996-1997.
“Supernatural Naturalism: The Practice(s) of Ancient and Contemporary Physics,” Metropolitan State College Conference on Environmental Ethics, April 2, 2010.
“The Theology and Practices of Cataphasis,” Annual Meeting of the NationalAmericanAcademy of Religion, November 2009,
“On the Three Functions of the Practice of the Virtues,” University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Philosophy Club, February 21, 2007.
“The Joy of Fasting,” Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, April 8, 2006.
“A Primer in Hesychasm,” Rocky Mountains-Great Plains Regional Meeting of the AmericanAcademy of Religion, March 24, 2006.
“Negative Theology and Postmodernism,” University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Philosophy Club, March 21, 2006.
Member, AmericanAcademy of Religion
“Bob Dylan: Postmodern Prophet,” to be published in Religion and Popular Culture, edited by Dan Clanton and Terry Clark, by Routledge, Summer 2010.
“Living the Word of God: Why Theology Matters.” The Augustinian. (March-April, 1996): 4-9.
“The One: Rational Conundrum, Mystical Apogee.” Philosophical Expressions. (May 1993): 1-12.
Dr. Richard Valantasis
CandlerSchool of Theology
500 S. Kilgo Circle
Atlanta, Georgia, 30322
(404) 727-4188
Dr. Frank Seeburger
Department of Philosophy
The University of Denver
Sturm Hall, Room 263
2000 E. Asbury Ave.
(303) 871-2766
“The Practices of Prayer,” Adult Education course, St. Augustine Orthodox Church, beginning January 2008.
“Introduction to Eastern Orthodox Christianity,” Adult Education Class, WashingtonPark United Church of Christ, December 9, 2007.
Faculty Advisor for the University of Colorado at Denver Claim Jumpers Dixieland Jazz Band at the SunValley Jazz
Jamboree, October 18-22, 2006.
Director of Christian Education, St. Augustine Orthodox Church, Denver, CO, 1999-2004.
“The Unseen Warfare,” Adult Education course, St. Augustine Orthodox Church, 2003-2004.
“The Path of Prayer,” Adult Education course, St. Augustine Orthodox Church, 2002-2003.
Married, with adult and school age children.
Professional musician: pianist, songwriter, and performer for 25+ years.
Private piano teacher, all ages.