
MEETINGOpen Space and Amenities Committee

Including Charity Matters for Swanmore Recreation Ground

VENUE Parish Council Office, New Road, Swanmore

DATE Tuesday 28June 2016

TIME 7 pm


Councillors: A Rankine (Chairman), C Newhouse (Vice Chairman),J Woodman, S Lowe.

Assistant Clerk:Y Wheadon

16/26osApologies for absence

RESOLVED to accept the following absence:

Cllr Wilkins - unwell.

16/27os Declarations of Interest

None were declared

16/28os Requests for dispensations

None were required

16/29osPublic Session – No members of public in attendance

16/30os Meeting resumed

16/31osMinutes of the meeting held 31 May 2016

Proposed: CllrRankine; Seconded: Cllr Newhouse

RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting having been circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman

16/32osUpdates on Committee decisions – noted

15/157r Footpaths Strategy – Complete

15/183r Purchase 1st Batch of gravel

15/186r New Road Field Fence to be replaced

16/33osWorking Party Terms of Reference

Proposed Cllr Rankine

Seconded Cllr Woodman

RESOLVED that membership of working parties should be a minimum of 2 members of committee and 1 other Councillor

16/34osCommittee Terms of Reference

Proposed Cllr Rankine

Seconded Cllr Newhouse

RESOLVED that the following addition to the Committee Terms of Reference be recommended to Full Council that the Footpath Section should include: d) To appoint a Voluntary Rights of Way Warden

16/35osTerms of Reference for Voluntary Rights of Way Warden

Proposed Cllr Rankine

Seconded Cllr Newhouse

RESOLVED: that the Terms of Reference be adopted subject to the inclusion of a check list confirming agreed works that may be carried out

16/36osAppointment of Voluntary Rights of Way Warden

Proposed Cllr Rankine

Seconded Cllr Newhouse

RESOLVED: that Mr David Street be appointed as the Voluntary Rights of Way Warden

16/37osAnnual Health & Safety Reports

Annual inspection reportsto be actioned under the Clerk’s delegated authority. An alternative quotation will be sought for the inspection of the balancing pond at Medlicott Way.

16/38osVillage Centre Car Park

The updated report was circulated and main points being

  • Permission has to be sought from Hampshire County Council as Landlord
  • Permission of Executive memberfor legislative purpose
  • No budget for this year, it was intended to investigate feasibility and if it is agreed to proceed, then budget for 2017/18

16/39osSwanmore Conservation Group

(ii) Work Party Risk Assessment dated June 2016 - received and noted

(ii) Working Party Report June 2016; noted

(iii) Request for additional shears

Proposed Cllr Newhouse

Seconded Cllr Rankine

RESOLVED that Bahco Shears be purchased at a cost of £47.50 plus VAT

16/40osNew Road Playing Field – Working Party Report

The next Working Party will be held on 13 July 2016 to consider tenders received.


Report of storm damage at Medlicott Way

Action: Assistant Clerk to write to householder and obtain quotation for tree work at the site.


(i) Payments – April 2016

Proposed: Cllr Wilkins Seconded: Cllr Rankine

RESOLVED:that payments totalling £2435.60 net; for the month of May 2016 for OS&A be ratified

(ii)Comparison report to 31 May 2016; this was taken as read and noted.

16/43osNew Agenda Items

Monitoring of Maintenance Plan

Meeting closed at 9.30pm


16/44osAction Sheet Update – noted

15/011SRG Additional Play equipment – remove as this is within 4 year plan

16/45osHealth & Safety Reports

Annual inspection reports to be actioned under the Clerk’s delegated authority.


(i) Payments May 2016

Proposed: Cllr Wilkins Seconded: Cllr Rankine

RESOLVED:that payments made during May totalling £3,174.58 net for Swanmore Recreation Ground, Broad Lane be ratified

(ii) Comparison report to 31 May 2016

This was taken as read and noted

16/47osFuture Agenda Items – none

16/48osDate of next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 26 July2016 to be held at 7 pm in the Swanmore Parish Council office, Hollythorns House, New Road, Swanmore

Councillors are reminded that any resolutions for the agenda are to be with the clerk 8 working days prior to the meeting as per Standing Order 9b.

The meeting closed at9.45 pm

Signed Date
