September 2017
Dear Friend
Diary dates for this term
Showcasing Best Practice
This term the focus is on pupils leading collective worship.
On 18 October in the middle of ‘Thank your Vicar Week’, pupils from Knightlow Primary will be leading worship and thanking their vicar.
Schools for whom this was an area for developmentin their recent SIAMS report have been invited.
Each term we will focus on a different aspect to showcase.
RE Development Network meetings
This term’s meeting will be on Wednesday 15 November at Alveston Primary School.
Once again, Jane Butcher will be with us, leading a session on Christianity as a worldwide faith, an area for development identified in a number of SIAMS reports.
The morning runs from 9.15 am.
Please bring along some examples that have worked well for you in school on this important aspect so we can share good practice together.
Please book with Joanne in the usual way.
Coming up next term…
31 January-Annual SIAMS update- a must for those looking forward to their next SIAMS inspection!
7 February- RECO Development Network Meeting which will focus on Assessment.
12 March- RE Day Conference with a focus on world faiths other than Christianity.
Faith experts in their own fields will be running workshops on this day designed to update your knowledge about major world faiths.
Save the date in your diaries!
Book of The Term
Title: Hear My Cry- Words for when there are no words
Author:Bible Society
Publisher:Bible Society
ISBN: 978 0 564 049233
As we approach the final year of commemoration to mark the centenary of the Great War 1914-1918, here is a most valuable compilation of personal stories, letters, poems, prayers, hymns and psalms. This collection is beautifully illustrated by Bruegel and Nash, with commentary provided by Sister Wendy Beckett.
Poems include those written by John McCrae [In Flanders Field] as well as those penned by WB Yates, Wilfrid Owen, Siegfried Sassoon and Eleanor Farjeon.
For free downloadable primary and secondary school resources for use with Hear My Cry, visit where you will also find a link to the Bible Society World War One microsite. Explore the importance of faith in times of war and reflect on what it was like at the Front, read aboutbrothers meeting on the road to war and ask questions, such as, ’Where might you find hope in otherwise hopeless circumstances?’
The Foreward to this small volume of resources has been written by General the Lord Dannatt, Chief of the General Staff 2006-9.
All proceeds go to The Royal British Legion.
RE Quality Mark Grants
Thanks to REC members Keswick Hall Trust, Culham St Gabriel's Trust and Westhill Endowment trust, there are a number of grants available for small schools (fewer than 150 pupils) and schools requiring improvement which would like to apply for the RE Quality Mark. The grants are managed by the RE Council and schools can indicate on their application forms if they would like to be considered for a grant.
For more information about the RE Quality Mark and to download the application form, please visit the REQM website or email Sylwia at
Hope to see you soon!
With all good wishes, thoughts and prayers,
Mrs Lizzie McWhirter
RE, Spirituality and Schools Officer