Act Now! A Conference Opportunity on May 9, 2012!
Is Anyone Really Typical?
Finding Strengths in Children Dealing with Behavioral and Developmental Issues
Sponsored by NAMI Ohio with a grant from the Ohio Department of Mental Health
Quest Conference Center • 8405 Pulsar Place • Columbus, OH 43240 • (Near Polaris Mall off of I-71)
$50 fee includes registration, course materials, continental breakfast and lunch. Limited scholarships are available.8:30a.m. – 9:15a.m.
9:15a.m.– 9:30am
9:30a.m. – 10:45a.m.
10:45a.m. –11:00a.m.
11:00am – 12:00pm
12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.
1:00p.m. – 2:30p.m.
4:00p.m.-4:15p.m. / Registration and Continental Breakfast
Welcome, Housekeeping & Introductions
Don’t Doubt the Dream
Hang onto your chair...and your heart! Join teacher, songwriter and motivational trainer Jerry Mills for a unique and unforgettable journey into the heart of the education experience. This dynamic presentation will inspire you and lead you to look deeper, to find understanding and awareness, and to rethink what you see when faced with the many challenges of life. Focusing on practical insights and approaches to the challenges faced daily by educators, parents and students, Jerry’s programs sparkle with a mixture of research, media, heartfelt stories and music that communicate in a way no "speech" ever could.
Presenter: Jerry Mills Trainer, Singer & Songwriter, Marquette, MI
Don’t Doubt the Dream (continued)
Lunch Buffet & Networking
Strategies to Support Children with Sensory Processing Disorders
Sensory processing difficulties frequently challenge a child's ability to function in many environments. Learn to identify behaviors that indicate sensory processing disorders and to distinguish different types. Interventions to promote sensory processing will be described as will strategies to help children understand their own sensory processing needs and assist them to select appropriate ways to meet their sensory needs.
Presenters: Jane Case-Smith, Ed.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, Professor, Director of Occupational Therapy at The Ohio State University
Lindy Tomawis, MOT, OTR/L, Graduate Research Associate & Ph.D. student, School of Health & Rehabilitation Services at OSU
Taking Care of Children and Adolescents: A Mental Health and Wellness Perspective
The wellness needs of youth are different from those of adults. This presentation will explain biopsychosocial strategies that can be used by family, providers as well as significant others who take care of children and adolescents.
Presenter: Barbara Jones Warren, Ph.D., PhD, RN, CNS-BC, PMH, The Ohio State University, College of Nursing
Evaluations, CEU Certificates & Farewell
/ Jerry Mills is an internationally acclaimed educator, keynote speaker, singer/songwriter and motivational storyteller who travels worldwide sharing what the Chicago Tribune describes as “an intensely personal look at the challenges and choices we all face.” Following early careers in youth work and emergency medical services, Jerry became a classroom educator. After years of success, he requested and was granted the opportunity to share a very personal concert style presentation with hundreds of his professional peers. Since that day, hundreds of thousands of professionals from all walks of life, from Sydney to Melbourne, Liverpool to London, Singapore to Hong Kong and all across North America have experienced the impact of his keynote presentations. Jerry’s presentation combines his blend of authenticity, experience and gifted songwriting with his poignant personal story, heart-warming insight, penetrating lyrics and visual media.
Dr. Jane Case-Smith has 30 years of experience in working with children, primarily in early intervention and preschool settings. In the past 22 years, she has been part of a diagnostic team at the Nisonger Center that frequently evaluates children with sensory processing and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). She also supports and trains an interdisciplinary team of graduate students that provides services to preschool children. Dr. Case-Smith has had a long standing interest in children with ASD and completed an AOTA sponsored evidence based review of autism interventions used by occupational therapists. With Scott Tomchek, she co-authored the Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Children and Adolescents with Autism. She is the co-editor of Occupational Therapy for Children, a widely used text, now in its 6th edition. She is the director of Occupational Therapy at OSU and teaches courses in pediatrics in the Masters of Occupational Therapy program.
Lindy Tomawis is a Graduate Research Associate and a PhD student in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at OSU. She has a bachelor's degree in Special Education and a Master's degree in Occupational Therapy. Lindy spent three years as an occupational therapist for the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, specializing in care for children with social, emotional, and behavioral disorders. She has delivered presentations in academic and professional settings on occupational therapy in psychiatry, therapeutic activities, sensory-based strategies, and behavior management for children. Her current research interests are focused in child and adolescent mental health.
Dr. Barbara Jones Warren is Professor at the College of Nursing, Specialty Director of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Program, and Affiliate Faculty at the Kirwin Institute for Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University. She has extensive experience in leadership positions within nursing and has published numerous articles and book chapters on practice, theoretical, and research issues regarding mood disorders and healthcare inequities/disparities for persons from culturally and linguistically diverse populations, she is considered a national expert and consultant in the area of cultural competence and its’ effects within nursing education, practice and research settings. Dr. Warren was the initial Central Area Links Coordinator and Educator for the National Institutes Heart, Lung, Blood Institute Heart Truth Program for Women of Color. She is a National Institutes of Mental Health Racial/Ethnic Minority Fellow and Postdoctoral Fellow.
Questions? Please contact NAMI Ohio at (800) 686-2646, (614) 224-2700 or
Is Anyone Really Typical?
Finding Strengths in Children Dealing with Behavioral and Developmental Issues
May 9, 2012 ● Quest Conference Center ● Columbus, Ohio
This conference is designed for parents, caregivers, advocates, school mentors, teachers, social workers, counselors, case managers, psychologists and others who work with children.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
· Understand the benefits of using a multimodal approach when dealing with children who have behavioral issues through Jerry Mill’s songs and storytelling.
· Define and apply strategies to help children understand their own sensory needs and assist them to appropriately meet those sensory needs.
· Describe the integral part that cultural competence plays in the care of children and adolescents.
· Discuss the implication of the role of the family and/or significant others in caring for children and adolescents within a holistic wellness context.
General Certificates of Attendance will be available at the registration desk at the close of the conference upon submission of a completed evaluation. Attendance Certificates cannot be mailed after the event and only those attending the entire event will be offered a certificate.
ODMH is an approved provider of continuing education for the indicated professional disciplines and awards the following credits: RN/LPN (5.25 CE contact hours), Social Workers (5.25 CPEs), Counselors (5.25 CPEs) and Psychologists (5.25 MCEs). CE Certificates will be available at the registration desk at the close of the conference upon submission of a completed evaluation. CE certificates cannot be mailed and partial CEs are not available.
Meals: Continental breakfast, buffet lunch and break beverages will be provided. Please indicate on your registration form if you have any dietary restrictions or need other accommodations.
Interpreters and Disability Information: The Quest Conference Center is wheelchair accessible. Sign Language interpreters are available upon request. Please submit a request on the registration form no later than April 25th. An interpreter will not be present unless requested. Call (800) 686-2646 or (614) 224-2700 if you require any additional assistance for a disability.
Scholarships: Limited scholarships may be available for persons living with a mental illness, family members of persons with a mental illness or advocates serving with the Parent Advocacy Connection Program. Please indicate your interest in applying for a scholarship on the registration form.
Refunds: NO REFUNDS will be given after May 1, 2012 but you may request a receipt for a tax-deductible donation if you cannot attend. Refunds prior to May 1st, will be assessed a $10 processing fee. You may designate a substitute attendee.
Questions? Please contact NAMI Ohio at (800) 686-2646, (614) 224-2700 or
Please copy this form as needed
Is Anyone Really Typical?
Finding Strengths in Children Dealing with Behavioral and Developmental Issues
May 9, 2012 ● Quest Conference Center ● Columbus, Ohio
City: State: Zip Code:
County: Telephone:
Special Dietary Needs (vegetarian, allergy, kosher, diabetic, etc.) or special accommodations needed:
Please check all that apply:r I live with a mental illness and wish to request a scholarship
r I wish to request a family member scholarship
r I am an advocate with the Parent Advocacy Connection Program and wish to request a scholarship
r Purchase Order Number:I am requesting Continuing Education Credits for:
r Social Work r Counselor r Psychology r RN/LPN
Conference Registration - $50 per person
Total Payment Enclosed for $ (make checks payable to: NAMI Ohio)
Please charge $ to my r Visa r MasterCard r Discover
Card Number: Expiration Date:
NO REFUNDS will be given after May 1, 2012, but you may request a receipt for a tax-deductible donation if you cannot attend. Refunds prior to May 1st, will be assessed a $10 processing fee. You may designate a substitute attendee.
Please mail or fax completed registration information to:
NAMI Ohio ● 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 125 ● Columbus, OH 43215 ● Fax: (614) 224-5400
Questions? Please contact NAMI Ohio at (800) 686-2646, (614) 224-2700 or
Directions to Quest Business Centers at Polaris
From Port Columbus Airport (East)
The Training and Conference Center at Polaris is located 12 miles north of downtown Columbus.
Follow Interstate 270 West to Interstate 71 North. The first exit on I-71 is Exit 121 or Polaris Parkway.
Turn right onto Polaris Parkway. On your right hand side you will see a sign that reads, “The Offices at
Polaris”. This is Pulsar Place. Turn right onto Pulsar Place and follow the signs to 8405.
From Downtown Columbus, Ohio (South)
The Training and Conference Center at Polaris is located 14 miles from downtown Columbus, Ohio.
Follow Interstate 71 North to Exit 121, which is Polaris Parkway. Turn right onto Polaris Parkway. On your
right hand side you will see a sign that reads, “The Offices at Polaris”. This is Pulsar Place. Turn right onto
Pulsar Place and follow the signs to 8405.
From Cleveland, Ohio (North)
Follow Interstate 71 South to Exit 121 or Polaris Parkway. Turn left onto Polaris Parkway. On the east side
of the overpass you will see a sign that reads, “The Offices at Polaris”. This is Pulsar Place. Turn right onto
Pulsar Place and follow the signs to 8405.
From Dayton, OH (West)
Follow Interstate 70 East to Interstate 270 North/Cleveland (This is a loop around Columbus). Exit onto the
270 loop and follow this to Interstate 71 North. Exit onto I-71 North. The first exit on I-71 is Exit 121 or
Polaris Parkway. Turn right onto Polaris Parkway. On your right hand side, you will see a sign that reads,
“The Offices at Polaris”. This is Pulsar Place. Turn right onto Pulsar Place and follow the signs to 8405.
From Toledo, OH (Northwest)
Follow Interstate 75 South to Route 15 East to Route 23 South. Turn left onto Powell Road. Follow
Powell Road as it becomes Polaris Parkway. Continue on Polaris Parkway past the Polaris Fashion Place
and over Interstate 71. Turn right on Pulsar Place (between Steak and Shake and BP Station) and follow
around to 8405 Pulsar Place.