January 21, 2015
Present: / Lisa Holscher, IASWCD / CCSIJudy Brown, Dubois SWCD
Don Donovan, NRCS Parke-Vermillion
Betsy Bower, Ceres Solutions
Dan Luczynski, NRCS Area Office
Kenny Eck, Purdue Extension - Dubois
Notes by: / Lisa Holscher
- VUJC Field Day
- Terminating Cover Crops
- Maybe late February, but probably March or April
- Advanced Conservation Cropping Systems
- March 11th
- SWPAC / VU John Deere Tech Center
- Regionalized Session(s) Suggestions
- Fewer topics / more time to ask questions.
- Poultry Litter + Cover Crops + NoTill
- Speeding up transition to healthier soils with litter.
- Taking advantage of microbes to speed process
- Denny Bell might be a good speaker. He does a lot of litter applications and works near subdivisions
- Where manure is being applied, need to make a plan
- Recognize that there are some great values to manure – speeding up biology, especially on degraded soils.
- Nutrient cycling and availability
- MAYBE IDEM re CAFO / CFO regulations, State Chemist Office on Category 14 regulations. – so staff and CCAs understand rules
- Reclaimed Minelands
- Might be too similar to Reclamation Field Day in June
- Probably want to focus more on litter + cover crops
- How to read soil tests – understanding soil tests. – How to use NRCS fertilizer calculator spreadsheet.
- Get Brad Joern to talk about updated nutrient recommendations
- Joe Nester could be good on gypsum + P / micronutrient cycling
- MANURE Workshop
- Groundhog Day
- Martin Co Fairgrounds
- Make sure to include discussion of Category 14 regulations. Been done a lot, but still good to repeat.
- Kenny E. will take care of PARP credits, CEU sign-in sheets
- Pioneer Grower Meeting
- Dan Emmert, Pioneer Agronomist, requested CCSI for a short presentation at a pair of grower meetings.
- Feb 18 – near Terre Haute and at McCormick’s Creek
- Lisa H. requested SHT as part of presentation
- Will have 20-30 minutes, so need to do very high-level presentation.
- SW Soil Health Team will meet 1/22 and will discuss who will cover the events.
- “Ray Weil Days”
- August 18, 19, 20
- Three independent workshops
- West Central = 18
- NE = 19
- Southern = 20.
- NOTE- Ray needs to fly out on afternoon of 20th
- Need location with easy commute to Indy airport
- Columbus?
- Perhaps Fairgrounds at Columbus? Lisa H or Don D follow up with Clint Harrison (NRCS) and Kris Medic (Extension Educator)
- Next Teleconference: February 11th