Please use this form to provide your general and more specific comments as indicated below, for the proposed 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems draft concept note.
NB** all contributions received will be taken into account as much as possible. Due to limited capacity, we will unfortunately not be in a position to inform respondents (individuals &/or organizations) on how their suggestions have or have not been included in the final programme that will be submitted to the 10YFP secretariat. Thank you for your understanding.
LAIRON Denis / Organization
Aix-Marseille Université/INSERM/INRA, Human nutrition (NORT)Joint Laboratory , Marseille France
Local authority
X University/ Scientific/Research
Business organization
NGO or not-for-profit
Financial Institution
Other (please specify): / Regional Organisation
National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC)
Primary Producers Organization (e.g. farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk)
Indigenous group or community based organization
Inter-governmental organization
United Nations agency or programme
/ Mailing address
Le Castelas, chemin du Plan, 84160 Cucuron, France.
Telephone33 6 70 10 36 79 / Fax / Country FRANCE
Instructions: Please provide your feedback for each of the proposed questions on the Sustainable Food Systems Programme by completing the following matrix. If you do not have any comments please check the “No comment” box.
General “Sustainable Food Systems” Programme Feedback
Feedback Question / Select One / Provide Your Additional CommentsHaving reviewed the draft Concept Note, does it adequately identify the main global challenges for sustainable food systems? / Yes
X No / Explicit reference to the 2010 FAO definition of sustainable diets must be pivotal in conceptual approach.
While an attitiude of continuous improvement is appreciated and constructive, there also needs to be sharper focus and explicit call-out on types of practices that are known to be environmentally destructive and potentially detrimental to human health.
Having reviewed the proposed Vision and Goal, do they adequately address the needs of the global programme? / X Yes
Having reviewed the proposed objectives, do they adequately address the needs of the global programme? / Yes
X No / The Objectives should definitively call for identification of specific practices (or categories of practices, including use of production material inputs and technologies), which are then prioritized as needing correction/improvement.
Programme Objectives / Provide Your Feedback
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(Please insert your text) / Additional Feedback
(Please insert your text)
Programme Objective 1: Raise awareness on the need to shift to sustainable food systems and applying a systems approach to addressing food security and nutrition. / Systems and holistic approach / Taking existing global and regional food systems as models and living laboratories
Programme Objective 2:Build capacity and enabling conditions for the uptake of sustainable practices across food systems and facilitate access to financial and technical assistance. / Build capacity and enabling conditions for the identification, prioritization, and uptake of sustainable practices / Take lessons learned from existing global and regional food systems
Programme Objective 3: Take stock of, categorize and disseminate – and if needed develop – accessible and actionable information tools and methodologies to support governments, the private sector, consumers and other relevant stakeholders to act towards more sustainable food systems. / Act towards more sustainable food systems through true cost accounting across a full spectrum of ecological, societal, cultural, and human health issues and corresponding internalization of externalities. / Bring together global principles and national/local recommendations
Programme Objective 4: Bring together initiatives and develop partnerships to build synergies and cooperation to leverage resources towards the mutual goal of promoting, enhancing and facilitating the shift towards more sustainable food systems / At regional, continent and international levels
Feedback Question / Select One / Provide Your Additional Comments
Are there additional fundamental objectives that the programme should respond to in your view? / X Yes
No / Focus on diet sustainability, indicators
Having reviewed the proposed work areas, do they adequately address the needs of the global programme? / Yes
Programme Work Areas / Provide Your Feedback
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(Please insert your text)
Programme Work Area 1: Increase the availability, accessibility and sharing of actionable knowledge, information and tools for SCP. / And identify technical pracices and innovations that have demonstrated positive impacts. / Take consideration of existing work for defining indicators for diet and food system sustainability,
Programme Work Area 2:Encourage, facilitate and support inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue to help inform interconnected policymaking towards sustainable food systems at local, national, regional and international levels. / X
Programme Work Area 3: Facilitate the use and enhance opportunities for market-based and/or voluntary approaches throughout supply chain towards sustainable food systems. / market-based approaches have failed to solve any hunger problem so far and are at the roots of unsustainability of present food systems : to DELETE
Feedback Question / Select One / Provide Your Additional Comments
Are there other work areas you think should have priority, if so, what? / Yes
No / New work area: Aggregate and make available knowledge on the drivers for sustainable food consumption, taking globally existing food systems with clear boundaries as living laboratories. The Organic Food System (OFS) as a pilot model in order to identify, develop and test of tools and indicators for sustainable food systems with focus on sustainable diets at global and regional levels.
Since the change in consumption patterns is a crucial issue in the transformation to sustainable food systems and the consumption patterns of regular organic consumers seem to be close to the sustainable diet concept of FAO, and furthermore, since diets play a central role in shaping food systems and food systems shape diets, it seems urgent to explore the organic food system more deeply. The organic food system, which emerged 100 years ago, has a definition, principles, standards and metrics. By now it has data from more than 160 countries, and regulations in force in more than 80 countries or regions. FQH and its partners have thus began to develop an organic food system programme (OFSP) to be proposed as a Work Area for the new 10 Year Framework Programme on Sustainable Food Systems, under development. The objective of the OFSP is to build upon lessons learnt in the OFS to better understand elements of sustainable diets and SFS in order to help countries with actionable recommendations.
Can you propose priority activities under the Work Areas, if so, what? / Yes
No / This work area could encompass a range of activities, including:
Identify major drivers for sustainable consumption and develop key tools and indicators promoting sustainable diets by:
a) elaborating on lessons learned from the living laboratories for sustainable food systems with focus on sustainable food consumption patterns, taking organic food consumption patterns as example;
b) identifying, developing and testing tools and indicators for sustainable diets, taking organic diets on global and national or regional levels as learning models;
c) building multi-stakeholder networks within the living laboratories in order to increase the efficacy of implementing tools and indicators of sustainable food production and consumption;
d) disseminating best practice examples of sustainable food production and consumption on global and national or regional level.
One of the underlying determinants of organic agriculture and food production is the link between sustainability and health. Various studies show a contribution of organic agriculture to global sustainability issues. The organic food market is growing rapidly worldwide. The dietary pattern of organic consumers seems to be close to healthy dietary patterns as well as close to the sustainable diet concept. As global diets link sustainability and health, the emerging organic diet may be defined as a global, healthy and sustainable diet, taking into account regional and cultural adaptations. The aim of this activity is to start the discussion about what would be needed to further develop such an organic diet so that central aspects can be transferred to sustainable diets and consumption. The project is placed within the Organic Food System Program (our proposed work area). The thus developed and verified organic diet may be taken as a pilot model for assessing sustainable diets within the sustainable food systems programme and to stimulate organic development.
Other Feedback on the document
Line Number Reference / Provide Your Feedback121 / Mention children along with indigenous people and women.