Rev. Donna Gatewood
November 7, 2010
When your life appears to be in turmoil and your thoughts and emotions are overcome with fear and anxiety and you are feeling lost and alone listen to the voice of Christ saying: “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” “Lo, I am with you always.”
Christ in the center of your being is your life. The Christ within you says: “I am with you, unchanging and eternal. I am the source of your peace, the anchor of your stability. I am that in you that is strong and steadfast; I am the overcoming power in you and I show you the way, the Truth and the life. With me you can meet any changing condition and circumstance. You can rise up with courage and faith. You can go forward in confidence and joy. In me you can do all things.”
Turn within to the loving Christ and hear the still small voice say, “Peace! Be still!” “Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God…”
Rev. Dr. Miriam Comer Johnson
November 14, 2010
Paul gave us the most beautiful definition for faith – The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Yet, we place our faith in people and things out here in the world. We define it as our faith in God. And when the people and things fail us, we question God.
But we forget. The substance of things hoped for are not the things we see, neither are the evidence of things not seen, the things we see. As Paul asked the Romans, “Why would a man hope for what he already sees?
Faith is the process through which that which is invisible is brought into visibility – is made available to us. Faith requires patience. Faith requires keeping the Commandments. And Faith requires knowing what Jesus knew – that with God, all things are possible. And So It Is.
Thanksgiving Service
Dr. Al G. Salazar, Minister Emeritus
November 21, 2010
No meditation since special Thanksgiving bulletin.
Prac. Pamela Johnson
November 28, 2010
In Psalm 91, we are told, “He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” This scripture holds the key to individual spiritual unfoldment; we are to dwell and abide in the consciousness of our Father. All of our questions are answered and our needs met by turning within on more than just a casual basis.
We must step outside of our human self and learn to be still. We must step into the “Secret Place,” to abide in the spiritual awareness of God. For those who consistently dwell within, God guides and inspires and directs all life for the benefit of expressing His nature. God’s nature is peace, love and happiness and these qualities are our true nature as well.
Abiding in the Secret Place of the Most High, we come directly to the God within each of us, the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Idea back of and within all manifestations.
O Wondrous Father, steadfastly dwelling in thee, Divine Love and Order flow throughout every aspect of our Being. For the blessings of this realization, we give you thanks. Amen.