Second Semester Project
Mechanical Interactions, Energy, Motion and Force Project
(Known as the Sports Energy Interaction Project)
8th grade, Mrs. Swartzlander May 11, 2009
This project will be officially assigned with a rubric May11, 2009, after the East Coast Trip students return.
However, students were told about this project and gave me there planned project sport topic on Friday, May 1, 2009.
.The completed project is due Friday, May 29, 2009. AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ! We will start presentations immediately after collecting the projects.
Presentations will begin Friday, May 29, and continue for the next couple of days until all projects have been presented to the class
This project will primarily be completed at home. One class time for the interaction energy charts will be given.
This project may be a Powerpoint, booklet form, standard report form, poster.
If using Powerpoint, you MUST have a printout of each page. This does not need to be in color. This must be printed out by the due date.
This may be an individual (solo) project, or done in pairs. Note that the number of pictures and energy diagrams is increased if done in pairs.
Mechanical Energy Project Rubric
Rubric :
This project consists of:
1) (25 pts) Information about the sport/activity you have chosen.
a. History
b. Rules/point system
c. How many players
d. Main purpose of the game
e. Is this competitive, or an Olympic event
f. Equipment/materials necessary
g. Countries played in
h. Why did you choose this activity? Do you participate, observe, or both?
i. Favorite player/team (if any)
2) (15 points) Pictures
3 pictures if you are doing this project solo
5 pictures if you are doing this project as a pair
You need to label the pictures as to what is happening at that moment
These may be Xeroxed, from magazines, books, internet, actual camera photographs, drawings, sketches, videos
3) (25 points) Energy diagrams
One per picture. Must include type of interaction, source, receiver, transfer, arrow, evidence – follow diagram chart sample. Must be in the correct box/circle/arrow format
3 diagrams if you are doing this project solo
5 diagrams if you are doing this project as a pair
4) (5 points) Presentation
3 minutes per person
You may tell us about your sport, and include one energy diagram
5) Turned in on time and complete – all points
Each day late – 15 % will be deducted from your score.
Total possible: 70 points