Sustain Southern Maine
Executive Committee Meeting
Friday, October 19, 2012
Williston West Congregational Church
Present: Neal Allen (GPCOG), Gordon Billington, Co-Chair (Standish), Anna Breinich (Brunswick), Tex Haeuser (South Portland), Alex Jaegerman (Portland), Jack Kartez (Muskie School), Gerry Mylroie, Co-Chair (Kittery), Paul Schumacher (SMRPC) , Aaron Shaprio (Cumberland County), and Bill Whitten(Cumberland County).
Staff/Guests: Carol Morris (Morris Communications), Daniel Goodman (GPCOG), and Rebeccah Schaffner (GPCOG)
- Welcome
Co-Chair Gerry Mylroie called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.
- Discussion of training session conducted by Smart Growth America.
Carol Morris andRebeccah Schaffner explained to the group how Grow Smart America was chosen to lead the messaging session and that it was a free training. The committeeagreed that it was a good turnout, and that it was an important topic.
The committee discussed how to frame the pilot projects and recommended that partners present the pilot projects as happening in places where people/citizens have identified where growth and development can happen, places like Millcreek, Steep Falls and Kittery Foreside, etc. Members reiterated that theme of Sustain Southern Maine is trend versus choice.
- Discussion on broadening support for partnership
The group brainstormed potential new partners and whom to contact for support. Some of the names included:MEREDA (Maine Real Estate Development), Chambers, business leaders, Secondary School i.e. Portland School District, Maine Street Communities, Downtown Associations, JHR, Biddeford/Saco Economic Development Organizations, environmental groups, recreation groups (snowmobile, trail, bicycle).
The need for for-profit organizations was expressed. Rebeccah is in contact with Maine Health. Need to look at school districts outside of Portland such as SAD 6. Need to cultivate, encourage, and educateparticipants for particular situations.
Westbrook’s membership request is officially in, andKennebunk and New Gloucester’s as well as several more are anticipated in the next couple of weeks. Members suggested a bylaws amendment so Executive Committee can vote on membership requests, versus the entire Partnership.
- Executive Committee Membership
Discussion ofcandidates for replacing Guy Gagnon . Agreed EC needs more diversity, no more government organizations, need more business organizations/individuals. Send names of potential candidates to Rebeccah. A letter will be sent to Guy Gagnon in formal acceptance of his resignation and gratitude for his service to the Executive Committee.
- Next Meeting:
- Executive Committee: Friday, November 16th, noon - 2 pm
- Full Partnership, Friday, December 21st, 9am - 11 am
The meeting was adjourned at 2:11