Optional Lesson Observation Format for NQT Induction
NQT: Learning Objective: Date:
Teacher Standard / Feature of the lesson / Mentor’s comments (not all features need to commented on in every lesson)1.1 / Children are treated with respect and respect for adults in return is evident.
1.2 / Gives a clear start to the lesson and makes the learning objective clear to the children.
1.3 / The teacher has a professional attitude and models appropriate behaviour to the children throughout.
2.1 / Intervention by the teacher, at various points in the lesson, has a notable impact on the learning.
2.2 / Makes links to previous learning or learning in other subjects and moves the learning on.
2.3 / Uses questioning well to challenge and extend learning.
2.3 / Uses children’s responses to make informal assessments and to provide frequent feedback.
2.3 / Provides opportunities for self/peer assessment against the success criteria.
2.4 / Uses a balance of visual, auditory and active learning as appropriate to the LO.
2.5 / Sets expectations for the amount of work to be completed and gives time warnings before children will need to stop.
2.5 / High expectations of children’s independence and work attitude are evident.
3.1 / Demonstrates excellent subject knowledge and uses correct terminology.
3.3 / Provides appropriate opportunities for developing oral skills.
3.3 / Correct spoken English is modelled throughout with children encouraged to do the same.
Teacher Standard / Feature of the lesson / Mentor’s comments (not all features need to commented on in every lesson)
4.1 / Maintains a brisk pace throughout.
4.1 / Makes excellent use of all the available time.
4.2 / Uses a range of visual stimuli and artefacts to engage the children.
5.1 / Uses differentiation appropriately to provide the correct level of challenge.
5.1 / The teacher adapts the lesson to meet the children’s needs, as necessary.
5.2 / The teacher generates enthusiasm- children’s attitudes to learning are positive and their participation levels are high.
5.3 / Uses modelling and whole class shared work effectively.
5.3 / Provides opportunities for children to rehearse the learning.
5.4 / Appropriate provision has been made for pupils with SEND and EAL.
6.2 / Uses mini plenaries /learning stops to anticipate, identify and correct any misunderstanding, misconceptions or forgotten ideas.
6.2 / Makes effective use of success criteria to support learning and assess progress.
6.3 / Takes the opportunity to review or extend the learning in readiness for the next lesson
6.4 / Draws together the learning, highlighting key points to be remembered.
Teacher Standard / Feature of the lesson / Mentor’s comments (not all features need to commented on in every lesson)
7.1 / Settles children to their tasks quickly, avoiding unnecessary disruption.
7.1 / Clear routines and high expectations ensure that children are on task.
7.2 / Praise and rewards are used effectively.
7.3 / Provides a positive and purposeful learning environment.
7.4 / The school behaviour policy is applied consistently and the teachers acts quickly to address any inappropriate behaviour.
8.3 / TAs have been briefed on their role in the lesson and are actively involved in supporting children in all parts of the lesson.
Areas of strength / Areas for Development (up to 3)
Observed by: