{Note: to avoid inadvertent cost sharing, discussion of any effort or resources for which funds are not requested should be discussed (without a firm dollar or time commitment) elsewhere, such as in a Facilities and Resources form}
Budget Justification for NIH
{Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype, or Georgia typeface, a black font color, and a font size of 11 points or larger}
A. Senior/Key Personnel:
Prof. X will …..Support is requested for X summer months
Salaries are inflated at an annual rate of 3% per published UNH guidelines.
B. Other personnel
Postdoctoral Associate: # months, will be responsible for….
Graduate assistant(s): (3 months (100%) summer, 3 months (50%) academic year). Will be supervised by the PI and will share in the responsibility of ……
Undergraduates (#) # hours/week, # weeks- the undergraduate(s) will assist in
Fringe Benefits: Fringe benefits will be charged according to UNH’s current federally-approved benefits rates for the project period, at the “partial fringe benefits” rate for faculty and graduate student summer salary, and at the “full fringe benefits” rate for other full-time staff. The fiscal year rates are composited for the overlap between fiscal and project years, resulting in project year rates of ___% in Year 1, ____% in Year 2 and ____% in Year 3. Actual rates are 45.0% through 6/30/13, 46.3% through 6/30/14 and 44.5% thereafter for full benefits, and 8.9% through 6/30/13, 7.9% through 6/30/14 and 8.3% thereafter for partial benefits.
C. Equipment:
D. Travel :
1. Domestic:
2. Foreign:
E. Participant Support:
1. Tuition/fees/health insurance
2. Stipends
3. Travel
4. Subsistence
5. other
F. Other Direct Costs [add categories as needed]
1. Materials and supplies:
2. (Publication costs):
3. (Consultant services):
4. (Computer Services):
5. (Subawards/Consortiums):
6. (Equipment rental):
G. Total Direct Costs:
H. Indirect Costs:
I. Facilities & Administrative (indirect) costs are calculated according to UNH’s current negotiated rate agreement with the Federal government. For the proposed budget, an "on campus/off campus/instruction/other" rate with a Modified Total Direct Costs base is applied. The applicable fiscal year rates, as shown on our Federal agreement, are __% (7/1/201_-6/30/201_) and ___% (7/1/201_ until amended); however, because project years overlap fiscal years, a composited rate is used, as shown on the detailed budget pages. The US Department of Health and Human Services is UNH’s cognizant federal agency.
(alt) Facilities & Administrative (indirect) costs are calculated according to UNH’s current negotiated rate agreement with the Federal government. For the proposed budget, an "on campus/off campus/instruction/other" rate with a Modified Total Direct Costs base is applied. The applicable rate, as shown on our Federal agreement is 47.5%. The US Department of Health and Human Services is UNH’s cognizant federal agency.