United States Symbols

Word Processing – Microsoft Word


Students will research United States symbols and create trading cards complete with photo, and important information.

Technology Skills:(1A, 1B, 2D, 7C, 10A, 10B)

  • Demonstrate the ability to save, name and print a document
  • Demonstrate the ability to save graphic from the Internet appropriately
  • Demonstrate the ability to insert a graphic into a Word document and make layout tight
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate font attributes
  • Demonstrate the appropriate use of Backspace, Arrow keys, Shift key, Delete key, Enter key, and Space Bar


  • 2.14 Citizenship: The student understands important customs, symbols, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles and contribute to our national identity.
  • 2.14 (A) identify selected patriotic songs such as America the Beautiful.
  • 2.14 (B) identify selected symbols such as state and national birds and flowers and patriotic symbols such as the U.S. and Texas flags and Uncle Sam.
  • 2.14 (C) explains how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations reflect an American love of individualism, inventiveness, and freedom.
  • 2.18 (E) use available technology for aspects of writing such as word processing, spell
    checking, and printing

Duration of Lesson:approximately 2-3 lessons

Before the Computer:Teacher will instruct students that certain symbols, landmarks, celebrations and people represent American beliefs and principles and contribute to our

state and national identity as well as reflect an American love of freedom. Discuss United State Symbols and what they represent.Remind students that symbols are one item that helps define us as a nation. The people of the United States of America use and recognize the

symbols throughout the country that we live in.

Day One:

  1. Students go to the Internet and do research on two assigned US Symbols. They will collect information to complete each trading card about their symbols. Notes can be taken on notebook paper or note cards.

Complete the following information for each US symbol on the trading card using provided websites.

The ______was adopted as a national symbol in ______. One thing you should know about it is ______. One thing that is interesting about this symbol is that ______.

  1. On the websites, students will save a graphic for each symbol.
  • Right click on the image > Choose Save Picture As
  • Navigate to H:drive, type file name for each graphic that matches the symbol
  • Click Save

Day Two:

  1. Direct students to click on Required TechnologyLessonslink on Student Technology Resources. Then, direct them to open the appropriate lesson template.
  2. Choose File> Save As
  3. Name and save document as USSymbols to Home Directory (H: drive)
  4. Insert graphic on left side of trading card.
  • Go to Insert>Picture>From File, navigate to h:drive and open the graphic.
  • After graphic inserts into document, Right-click on the graphic and choose Format the Picture.
  • In the next window, Click on the Layout tab and choose the picture for TIGHT layout, click OK. This layout will allow the picture to be moved and resized easily.
  • Resize the picture to fit in the box on the left side of the trading card by clicking on the graphic to get the handles for resizing. Remember: click and drag a handle from the corner to resize the graphic.
  1. Type a title for your card by highlighting the information and typing the corrected information.
  2. Fill in the missing information about your symbol on the right side of the trading card by double clicking on the line and typing the correct information.
  3. Highlight and begin typing Your Name, Your School and Your Grade on the right side of the trading card.
  4. Proofread your trading card.
  5. Resave document in h:drive
  6. Print, if desired.


Skill / Possible Points / Score
Accuracy of Information / 50 points
Correct US Symbol Picture / 20 points
Correct Spelling / 20 points
Complete Cards / 10 points

Developed by LISD Elementary ITS