Susan Wolcott, Ph.D.

Dept. of Economics2208 Hemlock Lane

Library Tower, 1017Vestal, NY 13850

Binghamton University(607)754-6228

Binghamton, NY 13850



Ph.D. 1988, Economics, StanfordUniversity

dissertation: "Keynes vs. Churchill: British Unemployment in the Twenties"

Date of Completion: September 1988

Principal Advisors: Gavin Wright and Greg Clark

Areas of Specialization: history, international trade, labor

B.A. 1983, magna cum laude from the Honors Program, Economics, University of Houston


Associate Professor of Economics, BinghamtonUniversity (2003 to present)

Associate Professor of Economics, University of Mississippi (1999 to 2002)

Visiting Professor of Economics, AmericanUniversity (1997 to 1999)

Associate Professor of Economics, TempleUniversity (on leave, 1997 to 1999)

Assistant Professor of Economics, TempleUniversity (1990 to 1997)

Assistant Professor of Economics and International Business, St. LouisUniversity (1988-90)


"Strikes In Colonial India, 1921-38," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 2009.

“Why Nations Fail: Profits and Managerial Decisions in Indian Cotton Textiles, 1890-38,” with Greg Clark, Journal of Economic History, vol. 59, (June 1999), pp. 397-423.

“Did Imperial Policies Doom the Indian Textile Industry,” Research in Economic History, vol. 17 (1997), pp. 135-183.

"The Perils of Lifetime Employment: A Comparison of the Indian and Japanese Textile Industries," Journal of Economic History, vol. 54, (June 1994), pp. 307-324.

"Keynes vs. Churchill: Sterling Overvaluation and British Unemployment in the Twenties," Journal of Economic History, vol. 53 (Sept. 1993), pp. 601-28.

"British Myopia and the Collapse of Indian Textile Demand," Journal of Economic History, vol. 51 (June 1991), pp. 367-384.

"Keynes vs. Churchill: Sterling Overvaluation and British Unemployment in the Twenties," Journal of Economic History (a dissertation summary), vol. 50 (June 1990), p.442-444.


“Industrial Labour in Late Colonial India,” New Indian Economic History, Tirthankar Roy, et al. (ed.), Routledge (forthcoming).

“Rural Credit and Mobility in India,” in Economic Evolution and Revolution in Historical Time, Paul W. Rhode, Joshua L. Rosenbloom and David F. Weiman (ed.), Stanford University Press (2011).

"An Examination of the Supply of Financial Credit to Entrepreneurs in Colonial India," in The Invention of Enterprise,David S. Landes, Joel Mokyr andWilliam Baumol (ed.), The Kauffman Foundation, Princeton Press (2010).

"Caste" and "Swadeshi," entries in the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Stephen Durlauf and Lawrence Blume (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan (2008).

“One Polity, Many Countries: Economic Growth in India, 1873-2000,” with Greg Clark, in In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth, Dani Rodrik (ed.), PrincetonUniversity Press. (2003).

"The Impact on Spanish Industry of the Accession to the EC," in The Political Economy of Global Restructuring, ed. Ingrid Rima (Brookfield, Vermont, 1993).


“Explorations Contribution to the Asian Century”, Explorations in Economic History, July 2010. (Served as referee for this volume.)


Co-PI, Cliometrics Conference, 2017-2020

Office of Naval Research, Grant to Support High School Workshop in Experimental Economics at the University of Mississippi, 2001.

Hearin Center Grant in Aid of Research, 2001.

Lilly Teaching Fellowship, 1997-1998.

American Institute of Indian Studies, travel grant, 1995.

Economic History Association, Arthur H. Cole Grant in Aid of Research, 1992.

US Dept. of Labor, Contract no. J-9-K-9-0076, to study the impact on factor markets of Spain's accession to the EEC, 1989-1991.

Saint LouisUniversity Summer Research Grant, 1989.


International Trade at the undergraduate and MBA level

International Monetary Economics at the undergraduate and MBA level

Macroeconomics at the undergraduate and MBA level

Economic History at the undergraduate and graduate level

Principles of Economics, Micro and Macro

Statistics. Characteristics of Probability Distributions; Univariate Analysis.


Academic Director, Masters in Liberal Arts, 2015-

Department Chair, 2009-2013

Undergraduate Director, 2007-2008.

Assistant Undergraduate Director, 2004 to 2007.

Member Honors Council, University of Mississippi, 2002 to 2003.

Director, GatlinCenter for Economic Education at the University of Mississippi (endowment over $250,000), 2001 to 2002.

Undergraduate Advisor for Economics, 2001 to 2003.

Chair, TempleEconomics Seminar Committee, 1992 to 1997

Chair, School of Business and Management Research and Study Leaves Committee, 1996 to 1997.

Chair, Economics Funded Speaker Series Committee, 1997.


National Science Foundation Economics Panel member, 2012-2014

Co-Editor, Research in Economic History, 2010- .

Host, Cliometrics Conference, 2006.

Member, Program Committee for Cliometrics Conference, 2005 to 2007.

Chair, Research Committee, Economic History Association, 2006; member 2004 to 2005.

Editorial Board, Journal of Economic History, 2003 to 2007.

Member, Program Committee for Economic History Association Meetings, 2002

Trustee, Cliometrics Society, 1999 to 2003

Chair, Economic History Association Membership Committee, 1997 to 1999


American Economics Association

Economic History Association

Cliometrics Society


The Contraction of Indian Rural Credit Markets 1951-1971: A cautionary tale of financial formalization

A Macro-view of Remittances and Education in Developing Countries (joint with Sophia Terrelonge)

Gendered Effects on Education of Family Types in the US and South Africa (joint with Mikhail-Ann Urquart)