Blackbelt leaders – Level 1 C.I.T Programme
Martial Arts Success Systems. (M.A.S.S.)
©2007 Martial arts success systems (m.a.s.s)
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Congratulations and Welcome!
Congratulations and welcome to the Certified Instructor Training Programme (C.I.T). It has taken me over 25 years of study with some of the most talented martial artists, business and personal development coaches on the planet to devise a programme which will enable you to be able to grasp the key fundamentals to become a world class instructor.
Black Belt Leadership is about providing your students with a Blue Ribbon Service that is second to none. You will learn the most important techniques of influencing and motivating your students to help them achieve even higher goals then they believed were possible for themselves.
The beauty of the martial arts can only be seen by those who participate in it. It is our goal to ensure that we are reaching as many people humanly possible with this incredible gift. Whether your intention is to become a full-time professional dedicating your whole life to serving others or you wish to give a little something back for the many gifts you have already received. This programme will provide you with the tools to help many individuals along this wonderful thing that we call life.
It was once said that knowledge is power but it is my belief that only applied knowledge is true power. Take this opportunity, grasp it with both hands and share these skills with all those you encounter, for the only purpose of living is giving! Let’s Get Started...
With Pride and Respect,
Your Name
Founder, Your School
Success Coach
P.S Please ensure you read the following two pages and fully understand your obligations and responsibilities in receiving this manual and as a C.I.T student and or member of staff.
Blackbelt leaders Martial arts success training
The C.I.T Success Seminar – Level 1
This manual contains many of the unique classroom systems, and processes we use at TheBlackbelt
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2007 Your school
The C.I.T Success Seminar
Week One:
- Theme:Winners make it happen.
- RO3:3 Areas of our martial arts business
- Discussion Topic:What is a black belt leadership school?
- Communication: First Impressions
- Teaching Technique:Rapport - student
- Script:VIP person to person
- Bonus:Vocabulary
Week Two:
- Theme:Self Image = Attitude = Success
- RO3:3 levels of responsibility
- Discussion Topic:Top characteristics of a successful instructor
- Communication: Congruent communication
- Teaching Technique:P.I.P
- Script:VIP town centre
- Bonus:30 ways to praise
Congruent communication
Week Three:
- Theme:Life deals, you play
- RO3:3 areas of staff training…
- Discussion Topic:Six human needs
- Communication: 3 modes of communication
- Teaching Technique:Class structure
- Script:Elevator speech - Child
- Bonus:Process words & Process phrases
Week Four:
- Theme:I expect more from myself…
- RO3:3 employees per academy & one floor
- Discussion Topic:Instructors creed
- Communication: Loss of rapport detection alarm
- Teaching Technique:D.E.C.R
- Script:Elevator speech - Adult
- Bonus:Instructor code of ethics
Week Five:
- Theme:Problems are normal
- RO3:3 ways to pay employees
- Discussion Topic:Morning and evening questions
- Communication: Posture matching
- Teaching Technique:Rapport - parent
- Script:Info call flow
- Bonus:Who do you allow to influence you
Week Six:
- Theme:You can judge a persons character…
- RO3:3 products we produce
- Discussion Topic:The levels
- Communication: Rhythm of movement matching
- Teaching Technique:K.I.S.S
- Script:Info call flow, objections, confirm, missed…
- Bonus:Teamwork
Week Seven:
- Theme:Take care of the days…
- RO3:3 sources of new students
- Discussion Topic:The student creed
- Communication: Alignment
- Teaching Technique:Instructor points
- Script:Set responses and re-frames
- Bonus:Alignment
Our deepest fear
Week Eight:
- Theme:Winners reinforce past success
- RO3:3 reasons to teach an intro from a student’s…
- Discussion Topic:F.I.T.Y.M.I
- Communication: Pacing and Leading
- Teaching Technique:Cadence
- Script:The greeting
- Bonus:F.I.T.Y.M.I
The 4 C’s
Week Nine:
- Theme:Stop talking and start listening
- RO3:3 reasons to teach an intro from an instructor’s.
- Discussion Topic:9 success axioms
- Communication: The art of listening
- Teaching Technique:Rapport - student
- Script:VIP person to person
- Bonus:My attitude
Week Ten:
- Theme:Life is a do it to yourself programme
- RO3:3 ways to pay tuition
- Discussion Topic:Parents, 6 things you should look for…
- Communication: Listening with rapport
- Teaching Technique:P.I.P
- Script:VIP town centre
- Bonus:Process words
Process phrases
Week Eleven:
- Theme:Goals we set are goals we get
- RO3:3 reasons to upgrade from a student’s…
- Discussion Topic:The value of setting goals
- Communication: Our six friends
- Teaching Technique:Class structure
- Script:Elevator speech - Child
- Bonus:Our six friends
Life is just an employer
Week Twelve:
- Theme:The strangest secret
- RO3:3 reasons to upgrade from the instructor’s…
- Discussion Topic:The goals of basic training
- Communication: Voice matching
- Teaching Technique:D.E.C.R
- Script:Elevator speech - Adult
- Bonus:The winners creed
Week Thirteen:
- Theme:Luck is the meeting point…
- RO3:3 steps to promote 100% academy…
- Discussion Topic:The value of good habits
- Communication: Reflecting
- Teaching Technique:Rapport - parent
- Script:Info call flow
- Bonus:3 types of people
Week Fourteen:
- Theme:Everything happens for a reason
- RO3:3 reasons to expand
- Discussion Topic:The 12 secrets of black belt leadership parents
- Communication: Paraphrasing
- Teaching Technique:K.I.S.S
- Script:Info call flow, objections, confirm, missed…
- Bonus:Be Proactive
Week Fifteen:
- Theme:See everything; overlook a lot…
- RO3:3 steps to academy partnership
- Discussion Topic:The four stages of learning
- Communication: The feedback sandwich
- Teaching Technique:Instructor points
- Script:Set responses and re-frames
- Bonus:Success
Week Sixteen:
- Theme:Now is our best hour
- RO3:3 reasons for academy activities and seminars
- Discussion Topic:Are you using your time effectively
- Communication:Objections – Feel, felt, found
- Teaching Technique:Cadence
- Script:The greeting
- Bonus:The bank of time
©2007 MARTIAL ART success SYSTEMS (M.A.S.S.)
Week One
- Theme:Winners make it happen.
- RO3:3 Areas of our martial arts business
- Discussion Topic:What is a black belt leadership school?
- Communication: First Impressions
- Teaching Technique:Rapport - student
- Script:VIP Person to person
- Bonus:Vocabulary
Week One
- Quickly review the last class.
- As a group discuss the previous assignment(s).
- Ask a few students to briefly share their experiences with the rest of the class.
Week One
“Winners make it happen, losers let it happen”
The winning human being realises that every thing in life is volition – even being alive. Everything is something I decide to do, and there is nothing I have to do.
You don’t have to go to work, pay taxes, have babies, or even get up in the morning. You could go on welfare, try to beat the Inland Revenue, go to prison, stay single, or stay in bed.
You decide to do things because they are profitable to you and the best choice among the alternatives available to help you reach your goals.
People who “have to” do things are irresponsible. They are dishonest and are not in control of their lives. They are puppets caught in the habit of letting life happen to them. Losers let it happen; winners make it happen.
In his book, Self-Renewal, John Gardner sates “Winning individuals do not leave the development of their potential to chance. They pursue it honestly, systematically, and look forward to an endless dialogue between their potentials and the claims of life – not only the claims they encounter, but the claims they invent”.
Daily, thousands of individuals are finding that there is a bright new world out there to be discovered and are demonstrating Gardner’s statements that “We don’t know we’ve been imprisoned until we’ve broken out.”
- As a group, have your IC’s give their feedback as to the value of this theme, and what this theme means to them.
- This week you should pay attention to your self talk. “Are you demonstrating a ‘Winners’ or ‘Losers mentality’. If necessary change your focus. Just out of curiosity, look around. How do those around you act and talk? (Remember this is not to judge anyone, it’s just simply to be aware).
Week One
3 Areas of Our Martial Arts Business
- Martial Arts.
-Content = What we teach (Most people spend their time on this)
-Context = How we teach what we teach. Successful instructors spend more time on this)
- Marketing & Sales of Martial Arts Lessons, Programmes & Products.
- Operating Procedures
-All the systems that run the business
-We have orchestrated systems for everything
-Answering the phone, greeting students, confirming appointments, dealing with missed appointments, standard letters etc.
Week One
What is a Black Belt Leadership School
Being a Black Belt Leadership School means that every aspect of our school is committed to getting each and every one of our students to the rank of Black Belt and beyond!
To help each student strive for Black Belt Leadership Excellence in their training as well as in other aspects of their life. We are not a ‘Purple Belt School’ or a ‘Yellow Belt School’; we are a ‘Black Belt Leadership School!’
It doesn’t mean that we will lower our standards of Black Belt and give the rank away. It does mean that we will go above and beyond in terms of extra effort, classes, encouragement, coaching and dedication to help students rise to the standard.
Additionally, being a Black Belt Leadership School represents the schools commitment to Black Belt Leadership Excellence in every aspect of business operations.
Once again, being a Black Belt Leadership School and striving for Black Belt Leadership Excellence is more than wearing a Black Belt. It describes the attitudesthat Martial Arts training develops.
The benefits of these attitudes carry over into every aspect of our daily lives. Following are five traits of Black Belt Leadership Excellence.
- Divide your IC’s into groups of three to four.
- Have them discuss “What is a Black Belt Leadership School and what is Black Belt Leadership Excellence”? Do this by giving them 2 minutes to discuss each of the “5 Traits of Black Belt Leadership Excellence”.
- After each trait (2 minutes), stop the class and have each group share their findings with the whole class.
The Five Traits of Black Belt Leadership Excellence
- Happy But Not Satisfied:
There is an old Zen proverb that says “Before enlightenment – chop wood and carry water, after enlightenment – chop wood and carry water.” This can be interpreted to mean that one should have a goal, to be constantly striving toward, but don’t concentrate so much on the goal that you forget the path.
- Compare Yourself, Not To Others, But To Your Own Potential:
Comparison of self to others can make one feel either incompetent or overconfident. Not every Black Belt is equal in skill. In fact, all students are dissimilar in skill level. Although there is a certain level of skill required to progress to a new rank, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and progress should be based on personal victory.
Comparing yourself to your potential helps you to set realistic goals and not expect too much or demand too little from your training. Therefore, comparison to our own potential is the only comparison that generates reliable feedback
3. Keeping Emotions In Balance:
As the saying goes, “Lose control of your emotions in a fight and your opponent has an ally!” Every emotion has an appropriate time and place. There is a time to be stern and a time to be compassionate. If we become overly emotional, or if we mix these times and places up, we lose our ability to act appropriately.
If, however, we are able to respond with the appropriate emotion, at the appropriate time, with the appropriate intensity, then we will have the best possible experience.
4. Developing Self Discipline:
A disciplined person is a person who knows what to do and then does it. Someone without self discipline knows what they should do, but just doesn’t get around to doing it. Discipline, like a muscle, is developed with use. By training in the martial arts, students are encouraged to work through difficult movements.
As the students gradually progress up the belt ranks, they develop the ability to push themselves, while maintaining their focus and concentration, knowing that this is what it takes to become proficient.
5. When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade:
The philosophies taught in martial arts require that students look for the good in a situation, and make the most out of it. While training in the martial arts, everyone experiences occasional setbacks, i.e. busy schedules, difficult maneuvers, sore muscles, etc. Instead of saying “Why is this happening to me?” they say “What is good about this, and how can it benefit me?”
With this attitude everything becomes a learning experience, and we are able to cope with the day-to-day challenges that are life’s rewards.
Week One
“First Impressions”
Your First Impression On Others
We interact with many people throughout the day. Have you ever thought of the first impression that you leave other people with?
Within the first ten seconds of meeting you, they will form an opinion about you. The opinion may change with time, but they will always remember that ever important first impression. First impressions can be both verbal and nonverbal.
Nonverbal First Impressions
The way people carry themselves, the clothes they wear, and their personal hygiene are all nonverbal traits that contribute to forming a positive impression. Does the person keep their hair, fingernails, and toe nails groomed? Does this person dress well and smell good? Remember that when you look good, you feel good.
Say for instance you are interviewing prospective employees for your business. The first applicant arrives in suit and tie, well groomed, and smiling. The second applicant arrives looking casual, a bit disheveled, and without emotion. Which person would you initially want to work for you? It’s an easy choice isn’t it?
Always represent yourself well by maintaining yourself and your appearance. There are many books available in your local library or bookstore that address both personal hygiene and dressing for success.
Verbal First Impressions
Verbal impressions occur when you speak with individuals or groups. Are you friendly, positive, and sincerely interested in the conversation or are you cold and uninterested? Your voice sometimes speaks louder than your words. The words you use also influence other’s first impression of you. Pay attention to your vocabulary and always attempt to improve it.
Level 1:
Rate you using both the verbal and nonverbal components of the ‘Appearance Check List’ for a period of one week.
- Rate yourself, with five being the highest and one being the lowest.
- How did you rate out of 105?
- Where can you improve?
Level 2:
A partner is needed for this exercise. Choose a partner to rate you using both the verbal and nonverbal components of the ‘Appearance Check List’ for a period of one week.
1. How did you rate yourself?
2. How did your partner rate?
3. What did you learn about the way that you view yourself?
3. What was different than the way others view you?
Level 3:
A partner is needed for this exercise. Your instructor will choose a partner for you but you may not be told who your partner is. Rate your assigned partner, using both the verbal and nonverbal components of the ‘Appearance Check List’ for a period of one week each. After two weeks give your list to your instructor.
Answer the same questions asked in level 2.