Rocky Fork Middle School Girls Soccer
Player/Parent Contract
Player’s Pledge: I understand that it is a privilege to play for Rocky Fork Middle School, one that I earned. I understand that I now represent RFMS, the faculty, my coaches, and the Storm Soccer Team. I will present myself in such a way accordingly.

Code of Conduct: As a player, I understand that I must follow these rules to stay in good standing on the RFMS Girls Soccer Team:

  1. I will respect the game, play fairly, and follow its’ rules and regulations.
  2. I will show respect for authority (coaches and officials) whether you agree or not
  3. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after practices and games
  4. I will be punctual, have all gear on, and ready to warm up
  5. I will be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players and coaches with respect
  6. I will be modest when successful and gracious in defeat
  7. I will respect the privilege of being on the team, using the field, and school equipment
  8. I will refrain from the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and abusive language
  9. I will maintain a good academic standing with my grades (F = temporary suspension until grade(s) are passing)
  10. I understand playing time is determined by the coach and is not required to be equal
  11. I understand that RFMS is largely self-funded and requires participation in raising funds by working events and selling items
  12. I will respectfully and promptly communicate with the coach about absences, conflicts with teammates, or any other pertinent information

Player’s signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s Pledge: I recognize that parents are one of the most important role models for their children. I encourage my child to play by the rules and respect the right of others. I understand it is important to enforce rules by play and set conduct standards as necessary components in athletics and life. I will at all times encourage my child to play by the rules, respect the game officials’ decision and not criticize a game official’s ruling or a coach during or after a game.

Code of Conduct: As a parent, I agree to abide by the following:

  1. Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, fans and officials at games, practices and any other time I represent RFMS
  2. Place the well being of my child before a personal desire to win
  3. Advocate a sports environment for my child that is free of abusive language
  4. Encourage my child to play by the rules and respect the rights of other players, coaches, fans, and officials
  5. Allow the coaches their duties of coaching
  6. Encourage my child to respect the coach’s decisions. * If there is an issue, I will go directly to the coach privately, instead of other parents
  7. Have my child at events on time and pick up on time. Understand there will be consequences including removal from the team if tardiness/ late pick ups occur.
  8. Support and participate in raising funds for the RFMS girls soccer team

Parent’s signature: ______Date: ______