Survey of Holm Cultram 31 Elizabeth I (1589)

PRO Ref. LR3 15/5

Being a parchment scroll in two pieces, written on both sides. Transcription from scanned copy. The upper border of the front piece is badly stained and very hard to read. The word Coltram can be defined in the top left hand corner. Several lines of preamble are obscured, but on the last of these the name Barwys can be clearly seen. Below this are three columns of names as follows:

Tho Chambers / Tho Ostell / Robert Hewson
Tho Osmotherley / Robert Sawle / Tho Cleane
Tho Shary / Tho Draipe / Tho Kirkbryde
Tho Stevenson / Tho Watson / Tho Langcaike
Robert Smithe / **** Bowddell / Tho Laithes
Steph Barwis / Tho Peale / Tho Haton
Hogo Huggon / Hew Askew

Each column of names is bracketted together and followed by what appear to be the lettes Jur. Which may be an abbreviation for Juror.

There follows two paragraphs of text, 6½ lines then 3 lines. Several names can be recognised in these – Elizabeth (presumably ERI), Robert Atkinson, Peter Allenbye, and Thomas Barne all in the first paragraph.

Then a brief heading, followed by the title, to the left, Holmcoltram. To the right og this a three line heading. Under this, 6 blocks each of 4, 5 or 6 names, grouped by a bracket with the letters Jur. next to them, as follows:

Thomas Challenor / Steph Barwis / Tho Wyndor
Cuthbert Musgrave / Tho Haton / Tho Henderson
Antho Challenor / Tho Brewhouse / Jo Smithe
Cuthbre Langcaike / Tho Sibson / Tho Langcaike
Robetro Auston / William Sym / Symkin
George Porter
Thome Sloane / William Anderson / Robetro Chamber
Georgius *iwrnia / Tho / Robert Hodggson
Tho Petite / Hugo Askew / Tho B
****** Kens / Tho Mutson / Matthew Ayken
Tho Seally / Antho Penrise

Following this are two blocks of text, each with a heading in a column at the left. The first comprises four lines, which include the names William Musgrave, Symonom Skelton, John Thomas Hawle, Robert Duksman and Antho Smithe. The second comprises three paragraphs each of three lines. Within these can be read the names Thomas Purbes, Antho Watson, ****** Storkdell and Tho Musgrave.

A short line of text to the left of the page may be a date. After this a heading to the left clearly reads Holmcoltram, followed by four lines of text to the right. After this the names of tenants followed by their rent, listed in three columns, under place name headings, occupying more than half the total document, as follows (the names, latinised in the text, have been anglicised):

Villae de Swinestie: / Atwith (?) Villae: / Stephen Barwis
Edward Allenbie / William Langcaike / *** Huton
*** Spigeson (?) / Thom Martindell
Janeta Bowadell / Tho Blaicklock / Cuddihile Villae:
Cuthbert Musgrave / Tho Ullocke / Tho Whinfeld
Jac Symkyn / Tho Farlaike / Tho ****
Magdalena Barwis / Tho Hawse / Tho Tordoffe
Cuthbert Backhouse / Tho Stamp / William Watson
Tho Langcake / William Tordiffe / William Austen
** Anis Mufson / William Stamp / Robert S*ott
Hugo Atkynson / Tho Doughty (?)

Tarnes Vill.:

Sowterfyeld: / Newcowbyr Villae: / Tho Laithes
Robert Barwys / Thom Mylner / Symon Messenger
Robert Benson / Robert Ritson / Richard Wyse
Ric Sten (?) / Tho Tuilwe (?) / Tho Paipe
Thom Barne / Tho Ritson / Robert Barwisse (?)
Tho Harrison / Robert Barwis / Tho Tiffyn
George Tyndell / Tho Ritson Jnr / Antho Rey
Antho Osmotherleye / Antho Lowson
Tho Bowche (?) / Eddersied Villae:
*** Waite / Thom Symsen / Brockhills Vill:
William Tyndell / Tho Sym Jnr / Richard Chambers
Thom Challoner / William Austen / Tho Wyse Senior
Antho *ooke / Richard Langcake
Tho Wylye / **** Ritson
Peter Allenby
Robert Tailor

This is the end of the first page. The second page is wholly composed of three columns of tenants’ names, by place. The top few centimetres are badly stained and difficult to read. This is worst in the right column, still bad in the left column, but mild in the centre column.

Tho Chambers / Newtowne: / William Haton Jun (?)
Antho Fea*** / Jac Bull / ******* ******
Anne Osburne / Tho Haton (?)
Vill. Pellethowe: / Thom Sanderson / William Hewet Snr (?)
David (?) Wise / Aubrius (?) Barne / Ric Sh*****
Tho Langcaike / Thom Haton / William Wilson
Robert Sibson / William Peathouse / Robt Dand
Roland Lubble (?) / Tho Austen / Tho Hewet
Tho Langcaike / Tho Tyndell / Robt Luyte
Janet Gibson / William Tyndell / ***h Tailor
Annas Peathouse / Tho (?) Akinson / Tho Ristoe (?)
Tho Drayson (?) / Robert Waite / Calvoe:
Thom Haton / Gerard Thomson


/ Tho Chamber
Tho Chambers / Beck: / Tho Draipe
William Downe / Robert Saule / **** Porter
William Amben (?) / Tho Howet / Tho Wyese
Tho Langcaike / Robt Henderson
Hielawes: / Robert Peathouse / Will Woole (?)
Janet Morrison / Tho Ricson / William Draipe
William Osburne / Antho Porter
Eliz Matson / Wolstye: / Antho Wayte
*all Dobman / Tho Chambre
Matth Enb**de*ys / Tho Scalby (?) / Sevell:
Tho Osburne / Isabell Ostell / William Wyse
William Haton / Robert Waite / Tho Atkinson
Tho Wilkinson / Robert Haton / Davyd Dorry (?)
Jac Biglandes / Robert Doughty / Tho Tyndell
Tho Biglands / William Sym / Tho Henderson
Tho Chamber / Tho Wyndor
Janet Haton / Lewes(?): / Tho Harding
Tho Wilkinson / Robert Auston / Tho Watson
Tho Wilkinson / Tho Osborne (?) / Amos Tyffyn
Robert Waite / Tho Haton
Abbeycow.: / William Wilson / Tho Watson
Edward Kendell / Thom Gibbhinson / Tho Spott
Tho Allenson / Janat Barwis / William Watson
William Tramell / Robert Alinson / Hugo Ostell
Robert Sanderson / Tho Paipe / Thom Watson
Thom Osmotherley / Tho Ritson
William Jack / Thom Swaell (?) / Auganton (?):
Tho Langcaike / Tho Wilson / Richard Skelton
Robert Barne / Robert Abhouse (?) / Tho Vicarrman
George Geoffrey / Tho Waite / Tho Shales
Tho Wilson / Tho Ostell / Tho Barne Snr
*** Siny (?) / Ric Swholt (?) / George (?) Vicarman
***** Bondcell (?) / Tho Sanderson / Tho Barn Jun
Robert Smythe / Tho Atkinson
Robert Simson / Newton Arloshe:
Sandenhouse: / Tho Atkinson / Stephen Chamber
Tho Peat / Roland Skelton
Robert Peate / Dryholme & Hairigg: / Jo Langcake
Tho Huyton / Thom Barwis / Leowe (?) Musgrave
Tho Chamber / Tho Osborne / Tho Peat
Robert Steall / Antho Haton / Cuthbert Man
Tho Hodgeson / *** Antho Haton / Ja Smith
Tho Stamp Snr / Tho Wylye
Tho Stamp Jnr / Myresyed: / Antho Langcake
Tho (?) Stockdell / Thom Akyn / Antho Watson
Tho Shaw / Tho Chambre / Stephen Skelton
Thom Niccollson / Antho Dand / Ric Marten
Robert Chamber / **** Waite / Tho Brewhouse
Tho Hinderson / Tho Skelton
Dubmylne: / Tho Kirkbryde / Tho Ricson
Janet Nellson / Tho Wilson / Ric Astor
Abram Osmotherley / Antho Haton / Ric Peate
Tho Barber / William Tyndell / Jo Mann
Tho Mollson / Wiliam Haton / Robert Hewson
Tho Sibson / Tho Marten
Tho Osburne / Skinburness: / Antho Brough
Thom Tailor / Tho Biglands
Oldmawbrey: / Robert Glaisters / Jo Watson
Tho Haton / Tho Hewet / William Anderson
Robert Doughty / Tho Tinlire (?) Jun / William Wain (?)
Tho Matson / Tho Pudipe (?) / Tho Penryse
Robert Haton / Tho Mylner / Tho Sharpe (?)
William Nellson / Jo Peate Jnr
Tho Cooke / Jo Peat Sen
Tho Sibson / Antho Penryse
William Brewhouse
Tho Sibson / Saltcost:
Robert Waite / Antho Langcake
Janet Bacchouse / George Auston
Tho Atkinson / Will Smith
William Sibson / Ric Austen
Tho Brewhouse
Slightholme et Mosside:
Antho Penryse
Ric Langcake
Roland Skelton
Tho Sealby
Ric Steall
Tho Austen
Robt Hodgeson
Tho Chamber
Hugo Aston

This is the end of the second page. The third page continues the three columns of Tenants’ names briefly, as follows. This section ends with a line across the page.

Leibry Willat (?) / Thom Cleane / Tho Wliet (?)
Tho Brigg / Matthew Aston / Ga* Rey
Tho Richardson / Robert Hodgeson / Tho Brigg
William Sta**t / Tho Chamber
Tho Richardson / Ric Chamber
Tho Peat

Below this line are three columns of names, each group bracketed together and followed by the letters Jur, as earlier. A heading on the left is not legible, although the word Eastward forms the third line:

Antho Watson / Jo Brigg / Tho Skelton
Robert Hewson / Tho Whiet / Tho Barne Sen
Tho Biglandes / Tho Auston / Gawaine Rey
Tho Watson / Ric Penrise / Robert Steall
William Smith / Tho Brewhouse

There follows a 17 line block of text. Within this, the following names can be recognised:

Thomas Ricson Barsenullus(?) HuddartWimigond(?) Brigg

Symon SkeltonAntho LangcakeRobert Askew(?)

Tho SalthouseRic PenriseMathew Robinson

Cuthbert LangcakeAntho PenryseAntho Langcake

Thom ChamberRobert Chamber (of Reibye)Stephen Chambers

Leo*** MusgraveWilliam AndersonThom Langcake

Robert SmithGeorge AustenRobert Hodgeson

Tho BrigThom MannRund(?) Penryse

Thomas SealbyeWilliam SmithRobert Auston

Tho Stevenson

After this a block of text headed Westward and comprising a 10 line paragraph, then a 3 line paragraph, each with a subheading on the left. The following names can be recognised:

William PaipeRobert BarneWilliam Wilson

Elizabeth GraysonWillm Ricson (of Pelletthow)

Michaell KirkbriedThom Hewet (of Silloth)Tho Haton (of Mawbray)

Tho Haton (of Newtowne)Tho Haton (of Brownrigg)

William SandersonThomas NiccollsonRobert Adamson

Ricd BacchouseSymon Messenger (of Tarnes)

Tho Messenger

There follows a heading on the left, followed by a central sentence which includes a September date. After this an 8 line paragraph of text beginning “Tenen de Sevell”, and containing the following recognisable names:

Thomas TindellDavid DorrnThom Robinson

Tho Haton (of Mawbray & Brigg)Thomas Barne (of Souterfield)

Tho BenensonRobert SandersonBeterno(?) Allenby

After this two half lines to the left including a September date and what looks like 1590

Next a title on the left “Holmcoltram”, with 3 lines of text to the right of this.

Finally, under a date which looks like 26th October 1589, there is a series of 4 two line paragraphs, each beginning with a name, then another date on the left, which may be 16th May 1590, then a further 4 two line paragraphs of the same format as before. These paragraphs read as follows translated from the latin:

26th October 1589

  1. Jacob Biglands son and heir John Biglands ----- (this may include Tenement and Appurtenances, abbreviated)--- Hielaws ----
  2. Thom Mann de bell – Tenement – Sevell ----
  3. William Gibbinson ------
  4. Gerard Thomson --- Sevell and Calvo ----

16th My 1590

  1. William Watson – Tenement & Appurtenances (?) – Hielawes --- Elizabeth Watson ---
  2. William Shippert --- Raby ---
  3. Thom Messenger son Symon Messenger
  4. Thomas Smithe --- Tenement & Appurtenances --- Old Mawbray

The end of the document appears to be signed by Tho. Harding