MONDAY – January 30, 2017

4:00 – 6:00 Registration (Atrium)

Reception in Stotts

(coffee service, cookies)

5:30 Sound Check for Lecturers (Chapel)

6:00 Class Reunion Dinner (McC 204)

Class of 57, 67, 77, 87, 97, and 07

Lecturers Dinner (Knox)

7:15 Chapel Bells call to Worship (Beadle)

7:30 Worship – Jill Duffield (Chapel)

(Overflow in McMillan 210)


9:00 Koinonia (tent: The Local)

Classes of 2007-2016

Hosted by ASA Board

TUESDAY – January 31, 2017

8:15 a.m. Coffee Fellowship (Atrium)

8:45 a.m. Gathering Music (Chapel)

9:00 First Currie Lecture- (Chapel)

Ted Smith

10:00 Coffee Fellowship (Atrium)

10:30 First Westervelt Lecture- (Chapel)

Donyelle McCray

12:00 p.m. Ministry & Practice Luncheon (Stotts)

Dr. Thomas Caven

Free – reservations required

1:30 First Jones Lecture- (Chapel)

Jerry Andrews

2:45 Second Currie Lecture- (Chapel)

Ted Smith

3:30 Coffee Fellowship sponsored by Monkey Nest (lawn b/t chapel & library)

4:00 Moderated Conversation (Library

Moderator: Daryl Horton (MDiv’15) Reading Rm)

5:00 We’re Austin! feat. Faculty Meeting


6:50 Chapel Bells call to Worship (Beadle)

7:00 Word and Sacrament-Jill Duffield (Chapel (Chapel)

WEDNESDAY – February 1, 2017

8:15 a.m. Gathering Music (Chapel)

8:30 Second Westervelt Lecture- (Chapel)

Donyelle McCray

9:30 Coffee Fellowship (Atrium)

10:00 Second Jones Lecture- (Chapel)

Jerry Andrews

11:15 Third Currie Lecture- (Chapel)

Ted Smith

12:30-2:00 ASA Banquet (Stotts)

Awardees: Sharon Risher (MDiv’07)

James Lee (MDiv’00)

CD Weaver

Continuous Hospitality Suite (Knox)

Overflow Room (McM210)

Revision 12/12/2016