EYFS Long Term Planning

Term 1
Ourselves / Term 2
Hot and Cold / Term 3
Stories / Term 4
On the Farm / Term 5
Change / Term 6
All Around Us
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / British Values
Getting to know each other and learning new things / British Values
Working together
Caring and co-operating with others / British Values
New starts; changing for P.E, Mathletics, joining whole school assembly and passports / British Values
Behaviour and consequences / British Values

Our feelings and those of others

/ British Values
Looking forward to Year One – concentration and motivation
Team work
Physical Development / Looking after ourselves – health and hygiene
Simple rhymes and games /

Drama and dance

Games / Movement and gymnastics / Movement and games
Introducing small and large equipment / Games, skills and using large equipment
Healthy Eating
Exercise and our bodies / Summer Fayre Dance
Games, skills and sports
Sports Day
Communication and Language /

Topic linked stories, rhymes and non-fiction, Show and Tell, Circle Time.


Topic linked stories, rhymes and non-fiction, Show and Tell, Circle Time.


Topic linked stories, rhymes and non-fiction, Show and Tell, Circle Time.


Topic linked stories, rhymes and non-fiction, Show and Tell, Circle Time.


Topic linked stories, rhymes and non-fiction, Show and Tell, Circle Time.


Topic linked stories, rhymes and non-fiction, Show and Tell, Circle Time.

Literacy /

Initial assessments

Read Write Inc Phonics Set 1 sounds

Individual reading
Writing letters and names /

Read Write Inc Phonics

Set 1 sounds

Individual reading

Writing letters, names and CVC words


Read Write Inc Phonics

Individual reading
Creating and telling stories /

Read Write Inc Phonics

Individual reading

Non Fiction books


Read Write Inc Phonics

Individual reading

Writing for different reasons


Read Write Inc Phonics

Individual reading

Writing for different reasons

Mathematics /

Initial assessments in Number and S.S.M.

Numbers and counting

Time - Days of the week and months of the year

/ Counting and numbers
1 more than/ calculation
Shape and pattern / Counting and numbers
1 more or less/ calculation
Position / Counting and numbers
Measures / Counting and numbers
Shape, pattern and symmetry
Distance and direction / Counting and numbers
Ordinal numbers
Understanding the World / Celebrations; Harvestand Diwali
My body and my senses
When I was a baby
ICT Mouse control / Celebrations; Halloween Bonfire night, Remembrance Day and Christmas
Change –hot/cold
Fire Station visit
ICT Mouse control, / Celebrations; Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day
Library visit
Seasons- Winter
RSPB Little Schools’ Bird Watch
Materials and construction
ICT Recording stories /

Celebrations; Pancake Day, Mothering Sunday and Easter

Animal Families

Farming now and then

Farm visit

Seasons- Spring
Using ICT to inform learning /

Celebrations;St George’s Day

Life cycles

Growth and change in seeds and butterflies
ICT Directions and Control /

Celebrations; Father’s Day,

Seasons- Summer

Exploring our school and local environment
Trip to Blenheim Palace
ICT Word processing
Expressive Art and Design / Role Play- Doctors’ Surgery
Colour and texture Handprints
Singing simple songs and playing instruments /

Role Play-Fire Station

Using different malleable materials
Christmas Production
Imitate and create movement in response to music / Role Play- Story world
Making 2D and 3D constructions using different materials
Music for storytelling / Role Play-Farm shop
Creating using different media
Playing instruments / Role Play-Garden Centre
Working with natural resources
Making instruments / Role Play – Ice cream shop
Colour in nature
Music, movement and dance