14th May 2018
Dear Parent/Carers
Afternoon Anatomy session at the Royal Veterinary College
I am contacting you about a fantastic opportunity for Year 9 students coming up on Wednesday 6th June 2018. The day is being held at Royal Veterinary College, Camden campus.
Pupils will:
• Develop skills of observation and identification using specimens from RVC’s anatomy museum
• Develop understanding of the role of veterinary surgeons, through using a stethoscope to listen to an animal’s heart
• Learn about careers in biological sciences
• Meet veterinary student ambassador role models
RVC’s Wellbeing aim
• Understand that animals need to be looked after responsibly
The day will run from 10:30am – 4:20pm.
We will meet students at students’ entrance at 10:30am and walk to Carshalton Station. We will return to Carshalton Station at approximately 4:20pm.
There is no cost to the students for the day but students will need to pay their own travel costs to and from the venue. Students must ensure they either have enough money (approx £9.00) on their Oyster card, or that they have purchased a paper travel card in advance of the trip departing from school.
Students will need to wear correct school uniform and bring a packed lunch and drinks with them.
There are only limited places, so this is on a first come, first served basis. The deadline for replies is Wednesday 23rd May. Students will be notified by tutors if they have been successful and names will be displayed on reprographics door.
Please also complete the attached consent form from RVC.
Your daughter’s place on this trip is subject to satisfactory behaviour, attendance and conduct within school and this will be constantly monitored before the trip. If your daughter’s attendance or behaviour is deemed to be unsatisfactory, she will not be allowed to participate. Whilst on the visit please emphasise to your daughter that she will be required to obey the instructions and advice of the Party Leader and other accompanying adults.
Yours faithfully
Mrs J Greenland
Careers & WRL Manager
Reply slip Please return to Mrs Greenland by Wednesday 23rd May 2018
Afternoon Anatomy Session at the Royal Veterinary College on
Wednesday 6th June 2018
Student’s Name: ...... Tutor Group: ......
Please tick () all appropriate boxes
I would like my daughter to participate in the above visit. I am aware of the travel details for the day. I am aware the visit is being offered on a first come first served basis.
I acknowledge that I have already signed and returned a Generic School Consent Form to allow my daughter to participate in the visit.
I am aware that my daughter will need enough money on her oyster card or will purchase a travel card on the day of travel. We recommend £9.00 to cover travel costs.
I confirm that I have the attached consent form from Royal Veterinary College.
I am aware that my daughter will need a packed lunch and drinks on the day and needs to wear correct school uniform for the visit.
I give permission for my daughter to be included in media and have included a completed media consent form from Accenture
Signed: ...... (Parent/Carer) Date: ......
Print Name: ......
Emergency contact number …………………………………......
Students Mobile Number…………………………………………………………
Student’s email address...... :
Medical Information: Please provide details of any conditions requiring medical treatment including any medication......
Please advise of any allergies or dietary requirements......