Unbalanced AVSD – A congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society Inception Cohort: Surgical Data Collection Form
Study Number: ______
Procedure Date (MM/DD/YY) ☐☐/☐☐/☐☐
Procedure Number ☐☐
If not first procedure, done within same admission as first?☐Yes ☐ No
Intended treatment strategy ______
AVSD Repair ☐Yes (Complete section 1)☐No (skip to next section)
PA band performed☐Yes☐No
Date of PA band: // (yyyy/mm/dd)
Univentricular repair performed☐Yes☐No
Norwood Procedure performed☐Yes☐No
Date of Norwood: // (yyyy/mm/dd)
Glenn procedure performed☐Yes☐No
Date of Glenn : // (yyyy/mm/dd)
Fontan procedure performed☐Yes☐No
Date of Fontan : // (yyyy/mm/dd)
Specify type: ☐ECC☐Lateral tunnel☐Transcatheter
One and a half ventricle repair performed☐Yes☐No
Date of 1 ½ V repair : // (yyyy/mm/dd)
Heart transplant performed☐Yes☐No
Date of Heart Transplant : // (yyyy/mm/dd)
AVSD Repair ☐Yes☐No
Date of BVR : // (yyyy/mm/dd)
☐Complete ☐Partial (residual VSD?)
Concomitant Procedures
☐RVOT procedure (including TOF repair)
☐Coarctation repair
☐Ligation PDA
☐PA plasty
☐LVOT procedure
☐ Other procedure (please specify)
Was there a 2nd bypass to repair residual lesions?☐Yes☐No
Indication?MIMSTITS VSDASDFenestration
Total Bypass Time ______
Total cross clamp Time ______
Total Ischemic Time ______
Circulatory Arrest Time ______
PREOPERATIVE FACTORS (select all that apply)
10 = No preoperative factors identified
200 = Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
210 = Preoperative complete AV block
220 = Preoperative/Preprocedural mechanical circulatory support (IABP, VAD, ECMO, or CPS)
230 = Shock, Persistent at time of surgery
240 = Shock, Resolved at time of surgery
250 = Diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent
260 = Diabetes mellitus, Non-insulin dependent
270 = Hypothyroidism
280 = Currently taking steroids as treatment for adrenal insufficiency
290 = Currently taking steroids for any reason other than treatment of adrenal insufficiency
295 = Colostomy present
300 = Enterostomy of small intestine present
305 = Esophagostomy present
307 = Gastrostomy present
310 = Hepatic dysfunction
320 = Necrotizing entero-colitis, Treated medically
330 = Necrotizing entero-colitis, Treated surgically
340 = Coagulation disorder, Hypercoagulable state
350 = Coagulation disorder, Hypocoagulable state not secondary to medication (intrinsic hypocoagulable state)
360 = Coagulation disorder, Hypocoagulable state secondary to medication
370 = Endocarditis
380 = Sepsis
390 = Sepsis with positive blood culture
400 = Preoperative neurological deficit
410 = Seizure during lifetime
420 = Seizure within 48 hours prior to surgery
430 = Stroke, CVA, or Intracranial hemorrhage > Grade 2 during lifetime
440 = Stroke, CVA, or Intracranial hemorrhage > Grade 2 within 48 hours prior to surgery
450 = Renal dysfunction
460 = Renal failure requiring dialysis
470 = Mechanical ventilation to treat cardiorespiratory failure
480 = Respiratory Syncytial Virus
490 = Single lung
500 = Tracheostomy present
777 = Other preoperative factors
Septal Defect Closure
AVSD Patch
☐Single☐Modified single patch☐2-Patch☐No-Patch (Nunn)
Single PatchASD Patch
☐Bovine pericardium☐Bovine pericardium
☐Autologous pericardium☐Autologous pericardium
☐Other ______☐Other ______
Suture ☐Continuous ☐InterruptedSuture ☐Continuous ☐Interrupted
VSD Patch
☐Bovine pericardium
☐Autologous pericardium
Suture ☐Continuous ☐Interrupted
Fenestration ☐Yes ☐ No
If Yes, Atrial☐Yes ☐ No
VSD ☐Yes ☐ No
AV Valve Procedure
☐Cleft Closure
☐Chordal Resuspension
☐Leaflet Repair
☐Valve Replacement
☐Single Valve☐Right ☐Left
☐Size: ______
☐Double ValveSize: ______
Valve 1☐Tissue☐Mechanical
Valve 2☐Tissue☐Mechanical
Comments: ______
Version Date: 15 August 2011 Page 1 of 3