9TH GRADE HEALTH Mrs. Scott 2013-2014

Planning – Block 1 Email address:

VRHS phone: 860.526.5328 ext. 2441 (voice mail)

Text: Lifetime Health: Holt, Rinehart, Winston

Website: corabi.net cdc.gov nih.gov

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Daily work, homework 30%

Class participation and preparation 20%

Quizzes, weekly vocab 20%

Tests and Projects 30%

****Final Exam20% of total grade

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First Introduction and Course OverviewChapter 1, 2

SecondSix Components of Health, Risk factors, Lifestyle vs.

communicable diseases. Health literacy, goal setting, decision making


Second &Mental and Emotional HealthChapter 3, 4, 5

Third Self-Esteem, Communication, Mental health disorders, Managing

Stress, Refusal skills

Fourth &Substance AbuseChapter 11, 12

FifthWhat’s happening to your brain? Drugs of Abuse, alcohol and OTC drugs, Impact on Family and Society

Addiction cycle and recovery process*****Guest speaker

Sixth Reproductive Health and Development Chapter 18, 19,20

Seventh Healthy relationships, Reproductive health, Benefits of abstinence, Risks of sexual activity, HIV/AIDS, and other STIs/STDs

Eighth &Nutrition and ExerciseChapter 6, 7

Ninth6 basic nutrients and choosing a healthy diet. What’s on a label, facts and myths of food /dieting. Eating disorders, Fitness for life

** Use of Nutrition Action magazine

Class Resources Used: Text, streaming videos, guest speakers, magazine articles, internet news and other resources.

Class Guidelines and Student Expectations

You will be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings

You will be prepared for class with the necessary materials (notebook, spiral notebook, pen/pencils).

You will be respectful of others and their property (that includes school property). Keep your hands and feet to yourself and don’t “mess with other peoples’ stuff.”

You will raise your hand before speaking and remain seated unless given permission to move.

You will be productive and give each task your best effort. You will encourage and evaluate a classmate’s work in a positive manner.

Demonstrate self control. Adjust voice level to the activity. Excessive talking or talking too loudly cannot be tolerated. Quick transitions between activities.

Get along with others. Do not aggravate, hit, invade personal space, or harass other people. Don’t throw anything or yell across the room.

Come to class on time and be ready to participate. Quietly enter the classroom. Class officially starts when the bell rings and if you are not in your seat, you are tardy (3 tardies result in a detention). Be prepared and start journaling when you enter.

No food is allowed in the classroom unless it is a planned class activity. Water is permitted and encouraged (school-wide policy).

Failure to follow the above will result in:

  • Warning and/or loss of daily participation points (20% of your grade)
  • Call home to parents to discuss behavior, 1 hour detention.
  • Call home to parents and referral to 3 hour detention.

Missed Assignments- Absences – Late Assignments

If you are excused and absent one school day, you have one day to make up the missed work. Please talk with another responsible student about missed work and/or the instructor before the bell rings, before or after school. If an activity done in class cannot be duplicated, you may be asked to write a report on a topic of the work. Any computer time missed is the sole responsibility of the student to make up.

If there is a major project such a presentation or research paper due and you are going to miss the day, you are still responsible to notify the instructor via email or by phone so that other arrangements can be made for the class period and your work.

If you have an unexcused absence or are suspended, any work assigned on that day will result in a 0 though you are welcomed to pick up the assignment.

Assignments are considered on time when turned in at the beginning of the class period. If it is turned in that day 5 points will be deducted and 10 points will be deducted for each day it is late. No late work will be accepted after one week has passed.

Class Procedures

  1. You have 4 restroom/water passes for these 9 weeks, but you must sign out each time placing the time in and time out directly beside your name. Remember to leave the class you must have a pass and permission.

No one is to be in the halls without a wooden or written hall pass!!!! Wooden passes are for restroom/water/locker, written passes are for phone use (when ill). Special pink passes are to see the nurse.

  1. If you forget your assignment or a pencil in your locker, you will need to use one of your 3 out of classroom passes.

If you are a person that works quickly and efficiently, please bring additional materials to keep you occupied so that others can continue working in a quiet environment. Extra credit is available for anyone who has all work turned in.