744 Riverbanks Road

Grants Pass, OR 97527


Telephonic Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2010

The telephonic meeting was called to order by president Toni Scholder at 6:03 PM Pacific time.

Those in attendance were Ray Gavin, Toni Scholder, Maria Rooney, Jean Kamenicky and Ace Vandenack.

There was a short discussion concerning ARBA's accusation that NARA is registering 7/8 cross-bred sheep. It was quickly decided that NARA will not get involved with such talk and will keep our standards high.

TREASURERS REPORT: Jean gave the treasurers report...... NARA now has $256.80 in the bank.

PROMOTIONAL BROCHURE: Toni had earlier sent out the options for the tri-fold brochure. There was limited discussion between Option 1 and Option 2...... but the consensus was to use option 1. Stephanie will be notified and go ahead with it.

FLEECE SHOW AT RENO: Previously Toni had sent to the board document samples for the fleece sale information and fleece entry form. This was briefly discussed as were "lamb", "yearling" and "hoggitt" fleeces. Jean volunteered to be certain an ad would be placed in the local Reno newspaper notifying the public of this upcoming show and sale.

NARA T SHIRTS: Toni informed the board of T shirts that can be purchased with the existing logo. The shirt will be a gray color. The logois still a work in progress but the T-shirts could be a good way to advertise at Reno. Those who want T-shirts contact Toni right away.

TELEPHONIC MEETING COSTS: The question was...... "shall NARA pay for the meeting?? The consensus was "yes".

OTHER BUSINESS: Banner Magazines' "breed notes" was discussed. It was agreed Breed Notes is a good way to keep NARA "up front" in the eyes of other breed owners. But we need to rotate "authors". For now Jean and Toni will assume the duty.

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY TRANSFERS: Although it is not a requirement, members may wish to dual register their currently registered sheep with NARA. It was discussed that, if they choose to do so, they would pay only a transfer fee. Ray so moved this to be a permanent policy for members. Ace 2nd and it was carried.

NARA WEBSITE: Toni brought to the attention of the board the possibility of Marie Voelker constructing/composing a NARA website. . “Fat Cow” is offering a reasonable price to host a website. Software to design is included as well as the cost for a domain name. "north american romney" was the domain name chosen. Ray moved we develop a website and put Toni in charge. Maria 2nd and the motion was carried.

RENO PROMOTION: Maria suggested promoting Romneys at Reno with a line ad in the Capital Press (2 week ad). Discussion / ideas followed regarding ways of advance promotion.

Ace moved to adjourn; Ray 2nd and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Kamenicky APPROVED